






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:zhì sǐ bù wù








  • 【解释】:至:到;悟:醒悟。到死也不醒悟。
  • 【出自】:唐·柳完元《临江之麋》:“麋出门,见外犬在道甚众,走欲与为戏。外犬见而喜且怒,共杀食之,狼藉道上。麋至死不悟。”
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. hold on to one'

  3. s wrong belief till death;incorrigibly stubborn;never to repent even at death'

  4. s door

  1. 至死无大事

    Nothing is dreadful to a man who is willing to die.

  2. 至死也不分离。

    'til death comes to take me.

  3. 奴隶们被奴役至死。

    The slaves were kept in bondage until their death.

  4. 他至死维持忠贞不渝。

    He remained constant till death.

  5. 她至死怀着希望。

    She was hopeful to the very end.

  6. 精益求精, 至死方息。

    For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave.

  7. 精益求精,至死方息。

    For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave.

  8. 文学也要娱乐至死吗

    Is Literature Necessary to Amuse to Death.

  9. 我爱你至死永不渝!

    And I have loved you in death as I did in life!

  10. 超越西方星斗得浴场, 至死。

    Of all the western stars, until I die.

  11. 超越西方星斗的浴场,至死。

    Of all the western stars, until I die.

  12. 至死不悔自堑壕升起。

    From their graves in the trenches ascending.

  13. 我至死都不会忘记此事。

    I will remember it to my dying day.

  14. 他至死都坚称自己无罪。

    He died protesting his innocence to the last.

  15. 他至死还保持著乐观态度。

    He was in good spirits even to his death.

  16. 这事我至死也不会忘记。

    I'll never forget that as long as I am living.

  17. 我至死不会忘记党的恩情。

    I'll never forget what I owe to the Party to my dying day.

  18. 让他们都在黑暗中冰冻至死!

    And let them all freeze to death in darkness!

  19. 这件事我至死也不会忘记。

    I will never forget that as long as I am living.

  20. 对一个人的教育, 至死方止。

    The education of a man never completed until he dies.

  21. 祷告我们可以持所信仰, 忠心至死。

    Pray that we keep our faith and be faithful to to the end.

  22. 如果我有了孩子 我会羞愧至死的。

    If I have baby, I will be shamed.

  23. 他对党的信念至死坚贞不渝。

    He remained faithful to the ideals of the party until his death.

  24. 有人至死身体强壮, 尽得平靖安逸。

    One dieth in his full strength, being wholly at ease and quiet.

  25. 可是人们至死都还在执著与追求。

    However, people pursue and persist until their last breath.

  26. 他伤心地认识到他至死将无儿无女。

    He sadly recognized he would die childless.

  27. 他至死都不知道自己的生母是谁。

    He died without knowing his natural mother.

  28. 他至死都不知道自己的生母是谁。

    He died without knowing his natural mother.

  29. 或者有什麽可以将我的口舌囚禁至死?

    Or put my tongue in durance for to die?

  30. 是的,她是在要挟要把我们折磨至死。

    Yes, she's threatening to make us miserable till we cave.


【成语】至死不悟【注音】zhì sǐ bù wù【解释】至:到;悟:醒悟。到死也不醒悟。【用法】作谓语、定语;指不醒悟