






1. 伴 [bàn]伴 [bàn]同在一起而能互助的人:伙~。~侣。陪同:~随。陪~。~和(hè)。~舞。~奏。~读(古代官名,中国宋代有南北院伴读,负责宗室子弟的教学,辽、金至明代,皆为亲王府官)。……



汉语拼音:xīn huǒ bàn



  1. She had been seeking for a new partner for her business for a long time before finally finding one.


  2. He wished he had gotten one of his new diving buddies to go outwith him, but when they all declined he decided to go anyway.


  3. After a few years, she may be ready to flirt with new partners.


  4. At a 34-country Summit of the Americas in Trinidad, Barack Obama called for a "new partnership" between the United States and Latin America.


  5. One of the most prominent of these emerging partners is, of course, China.


  6. The enemy of our enemy may be our new partner in stopping a global health crisis.


  7. Contributing is rewarding and fun, and as well as allowing "" you to meet new people it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.


  8. She warned me that I could not trust my new found associates, the left-wing trade unionists led by Lim Chin Siong.


  9. Back in Beaumont, a weary Cal Barton was watching the drill work on the second tract he and his new partner had purchased.


  1. 新伙伴关系

    New Partnership.

  2. 让我来介绍一下你们的新伙伴

    let me introduce you to your fellow virtuoso

  3. 大卫, 来见见王力, 你的新伙伴。

    David, meet Wang Li, your new colleague.

  4. 我提议为我们的新伙伴干一杯。

    Propose like our to a to Id partner new toast.

  5. 我们支持新伙伴关系的有效和早日执行。

    We support the effective and early implementation of NEPAD.

  6. 近几年, 又为它们添加了一些新伙伴。

    During the last couple of years I had found them some new companions.

  7. 新伙伴关系的潜力也反映出其脆弱性。

    The New Partnership's potential also reflects its fragility.

  8. 如果他的新伙伴去请求他 他或许会早点搬出去。

    Well, he might be ready a little sooner if his new best buddy asked him.

  9. 我想要你去见见我的新伙伴杰克柯尔特。

    I want you to meet my new partner Jack Colt.

  10. 多年之后, 她或许已准备好与新伙伴眉来眼去了。

    After a few years, she may be ready to flirt with new partners.

  11. 非洲发展新伙伴关系的同侪审查机制也将是有益的。

    The peer review mechanism of NEPAD would also be helpful.

  12. 它得到非洲发展新伙伴关系组织和非洲国家元首的支持。

    It is supported by NEPAD and endorsed by African Heads of State.

  13. 吉姆的父亲一直在寻找一个有些资本投资的新伙伴。

    Jim's father has been looking about for a new partner, one with some capital to put into the business.

  14. 最近还通过了非洲发展新伙伴关系的非洲同侪审查机制。

    The New Partnership for Africa's Development's African Peer Review Mechanism was also recently adopted.

  15. 与玛吉工作, 朱诺是随着她的新伙伴, 伊恩联系。

    Working with Maggie, Juno comes into contact with her new partner, Ian.

  16. 因此,我国加入呼吁增加对新伙伴关系的国际支助。

    We therefore join in urging increased international support for the New Partnership.

  17. 她的解决办法是什么呢?做运动。而且她有了个新伙伴。

    Her solution? Exercise. And she has a new workout buddy.

  18. 挪威就这一决定向非洲发展新伙伴关系的伙伴表示祝贺。

    Norway would like to congratulate the NEPAD partners on this decision.

  19. 我想借此机会就非洲发展新伙伴关系说几句话。

    I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words about the New Partnership for Africa's Development.

  20. 同样可取的是,联合国系统不应放松对新伙伴关系的支持。

    It is equally desirable that the United Nations system not relent in its support for NEPAD.

  21. 为新伙伴关系设计的同侪审查机制选择了后一种模式。

    The peer review mechanism designed for the New Partnership has adopted the latter model.

  22. 我们肯定国际支持对执行非洲发展新伙伴关系是必要的。

    We affirm that international support for the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa's Development is essential.

  23. 我要重申科特迪瓦对执行新伙伴关系的政治意志和承诺。

    I would like to reaffirm Cape Verde's political will and commitment in the implementation of NEPAD.

  24. 新的伙伴关系

    new partnership.

  25. 这种新的伙伴关系的基础是分担责任和取长补短。

    This new partnership would be based on shared responsibilities and complementarity of efforts.

  26. 我用这一年的更新了我们的盟国,建立了新的伙伴关系。

    I have spent this year renewing our alliances and forging new partnerships.

  27. 我想你会满意你新的工作伙伴的。

    I think you will be satisfied with your new associate.

  28. 建立新的发展伙伴关系的德黑兰宣言。

    Tehran declaration towards a new partnership for development.

  29. 我不想冒险再找一个新的商业伙伴。

    I don't want to risk it by finding a new business partner.

  30. 我不想冒险再找一个新的商业伙伴。

    I don't want to risk it by finding a new business partner.

