







汉语拼音:chǎn rù








产褥期 [chǎn rù qī]
  1. 产妇分娩后到生殖器官恢复常态所需的一段时间。



  1. Objective To investigate the effect of home follow-up to the quality of life of primiparas during puerperium.


  2. Postpartum depression is a common psychiatric disorder in the period of a woman during childbirth or thereafter.


  3. The traditional "confinement in childbirth" has a great deal of problems about health of mothers and infants.


  4. A 42-year-old woman became pregnant for the second and third times following insertion of an IUD in the puerperium of her first pregnancy.


  5. PROM; Dystocia; Preterm birth; rate of postpartum infections; neonatal asphyxia; pneumonia of newborn; Nursing.


  6. Objective: To explore the incidence of postpartum anxiety and its obstetrical contributing factors.


  7. Objective To investigate the effect of post-discharge home interview on the quality of life of primiparas at puerperium.


  8. Conclusion Late postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section may occur beyond puerperium and the main cause is rupture of incision.


  9. This must include colposcopy and take into account the physiological changes of the cervix during pregnancy and the puerperium.


  1. 产褥破伤风

    uterine tetanus.

  2. 产褥神经症

    Puerperal neurosis.

  3. 产褥股白肿

    Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens.

  4. 产褥败血腹膜炎

    peritonitis septica puerperalis

  5. 产褥血栓栓塞病

    puerperal thromboembolic disease

  6. 产褥子宫浆膜炎

    perimetritis paerperalis

  7. 支原体性产褥热

    Mycoplasmal postpartum fever

  8. 产褥败血性子宫肌内膜炎

    metroendometritis septica puerperalis

  9. 她已洗涤干净原来产褥的血迹

    Mine, as whom washed from spot of childbed taint

  10. 产褥处于分娩过程中的妇女的情况。

    The condition of a woman in the process of giving birth.

  11. 产褥感染居首位,其次为泌尿道感染。

    The puerperal infection rate was the highest, the second was urinary tract infection.

  12. 中西医结合治疗产褥热临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medical Treatment of Puerperal

  13. 蒲公英煎剂促进产褥恢复的对比研究

    The comparison research of dandelion decoction to promote the recovery of the puerperal body

  14. 头孢他啶治疗86例产褥感染的疗效观察

    Clinical Efficacy of Ceftazidime in Treating 86 Cases with Puerperal Infection

  15. 急诊剖宫产尤其应注意预防产褥感染的发生。

    The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, late postpartum hemorrh.

  16. 支原体感染及产褥感染与新生儿窒息关系的研究

    Relevance of mycoplasma infection, puerperal infection and asphyxia neonatorum

  17. 例急性肝功能衰竭合并产褥感染肝移植病人的护理

    Nursing care of an acute liver function failure patient complicated with puerperal infection undergoing liver transplantation

  18. 养血生乳口服液促进产褥复旧的临床和实验研究

    Clinical and Laboratory Study of Yangxue Shengru Oral Liquid in Promoting Uterine Involution During Puerperium

  19. 剖宫产围手术期应用抗生素预防产褥感染的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Perioperative Antibioctic Prophylaxis to Puerperal Infection in Cesarean Section

  20. 目得探讨围产期生殖道支原体感染与产褥感染得关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between genital mycoplasma infection and puerperal infection during perinatal period.

  21. 剖宫产术后口服抗菌药物预防产褥感染的疗效初步分析

    Curative effect analysis of prophylactic antibiotics in different ave for cesarean section

  22. 产褥中臀早期表现为心慌,胸闷,头吞眼花,四肢乏力。

    In the childs bed the buttocks early time performance to be flustered, the chest stuffily, to swallow vertigo, the four limbs asthenia.


  1. 问:产褥期拼音怎么拼?产褥期的读音是什么?产褥期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期的读音是chǎnrùqī,产褥期翻译成英文是 puerperium; stegmonth

  2. 问:产褥拼音怎么拼?产褥的读音是什么?产褥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥的读音是,产褥翻译成英文是 childbad

  3. 问:产褥病拼音怎么拼?产褥病的读音是什么?产褥病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥病的读音是chǎn rù bìng,产褥病翻译成英文是 puerperalism

  4. 问:产褥初乳拼音怎么拼?产褥初乳的读音是什么?产褥初乳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥初乳的读音是chǎn rù chū rǔ,产褥初乳翻译成英文是 colostrum puerperarum

  5. 问:产褥护士拼音怎么拼?产褥护士的读音是什么?产褥护士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥护士的读音是chǎn rù hù shì,产褥护士翻译成英文是 monthly nurse

  6. 问:产褥期的拼音怎么拼?产褥期的的读音是什么?产褥期的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期的的读音是chǎn rù qī de,产褥期的翻译成英文是 puerperal

  7. 问:产褥性偏瘫拼音怎么拼?产褥性偏瘫的读音是什么?产褥性偏瘫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥性偏瘫的读音是chǎn rù xìng piān tān,产褥性偏瘫翻译成英文是 puerperal hemiplegia

  8. 问:产褥性胨尿拼音怎么拼?产褥性胨尿的读音是什么?产褥性胨尿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥性胨尿的读音是chǎn rù xìng dòng niào,产褥性胨尿翻译成英文是 puerperal peptonuria

  9. 问:产褥性滑膜炎拼音怎么拼?产褥性滑膜炎的读音是什么?产褥性滑膜炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥性滑膜炎的读音是chǎn rù xìng huá mó yán,产褥性滑膜炎翻译成英文是 synovitis puerperalis

  10. 问:产褥性猩红热拼音怎么拼?产褥性猩红热的读音是什么?产褥性猩红热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥性猩红热的读音是chǎn rù xìng xīng hóng rè,产褥性猩红热翻译成英文是 puerperal scarlatina

  11. 问:产褥期乳腺炎拼音怎么拼?产褥期乳腺炎的读音是什么?产褥期乳腺炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期乳腺炎的读音是chǎn rù qī rǔ xiàn yán,产褥期乳腺炎翻译成英文是 puerperal mastitis

  12. 问:产褥期子宫炎拼音怎么拼?产褥期子宫炎的读音是什么?产褥期子宫炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期子宫炎的读音是chǎn rù qī zǐ gōng yán,产褥期子宫炎翻译成英文是 puerperal metritis

  13. 问:产褥期精神病拼音怎么拼?产褥期精神病的读音是什么?产褥期精神病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期精神病的读音是chǎn rù qī jīng shén bìng,产褥期精神病翻译成英文是 puerperal psychosis

  14. 问:产褥期股白肿拼音怎么拼?产褥期股白肿的读音是什么?产褥期股白肿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期股白肿的读音是chǎn rù qī gǔ bái zhǒng,产褥期股白肿翻译成英文是 phlegmasia alba dolens puerperarum

  15. 问:产褥期静脉炎拼音怎么拼?产褥期静脉炎的读音是什么?产褥期静脉炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期静脉炎的读音是chǎn rù qī jìng mài yán,产褥期静脉炎翻译成英文是 puerperal phlebitis

  16. 问:产褥期骨软化拼音怎么拼?产褥期骨软化的读音是什么?产褥期骨软化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期骨软化的读音是chǎn rù qī gǔ ruǎn huà,产褥期骨软化翻译成英文是 puerperal osteomalacia

  17. 问:产褥期外伤性神经炎拼音怎么拼?产褥期外伤性神经炎的读音是什么?产褥期外伤性神经炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产褥期外伤性神经炎的读音是chǎn rù qī wài shāng xìng shén jīng yán,产褥期外伤性神经炎翻译成英文是 neuritis puerperalis traumatica