




包含,盛(chéng):~器。~量(liàng )。~积。~纳。无地自~。对人度量大:~忍。宽~。让,允许:~让。不~人说话。相貌,仪表,景象,状态:~止。~颜。~光。~貌。仪~。军~。市~。阵~。姿~。或许,也许:~或。姓。……





汉语拼音:shōu róng suǒ







  1. 收留生活无着或处境困难者的机构。

    郭沫若 《洪波曲》第四章四:“这个剧团是在‘八·一三’以后 上海 的一个难民收容所里面的一部分小朋友们所组成的。” 叶圣陶 《潘先生在难中》:“﹝ 潘先生 ﹞又宣称自己的学校房屋还宽敞,愿意作为妇女收容所。”



  1. He said simple shelters for the homeless would be built on the department's compound which also housed some horses in the stables.


  2. I realized some of them slept in a nearby alley, while others had just stepped out of the shelter for an early-morning smoke.


  3. He has no plans for tougher immigration or asylum controls, and is proud that his government made it legal for asylum-seekers to work.


  4. Within a year, he was caught for mischief and fighting outside a bar and a two-year detention in the boy's home followed.


  5. It used to be an insane asylum, and before that it was an orphanage.


  6. When Snowball was given to a bird rescue shelter a few months ago, there was a CD and instructions to watch Snowball's reaction.


  7. Bylaws allow beggars to be sent to a special home for a year.


  8. Greene Park basketball court is a few blocks from the homeless shelter. On the court this day, nobody seems to care about history.


  9. We do not call it a battered womens shelter because 40% of the people who come to us are men and women that are physically abused by WOMEN.


  1. 临时收容所

    casual ward.

  2. 俘虏收容所

    internment camp.

  3. 酒徒收容所

    an asylum for inebriates

  4. 伤兵收容所

    collecting station for wounded soldiers.

  5. 麻疯病人收容所

    leper house

  6. 从收容所领养的。

    Stray from the pound.

  7. 我在一个收容所。

    I'm at the men's shelter.

  8. 于是他来到俘虏收容所。

    So he came to the internment camp.

  9. 动物收容所的棒球聚会

    for the Flintport Animal Shelter tomorrow?

  10. 独自在动物收容所里。

    Alone in the animal shelter.

  11. 独自在动物收容所里。

    alone in the animal shelter.

  12. 他们为收容所筹集善款。

    They collected charity for the asylum.

  13. 他们为收容所筹集善款。

    They collected charity for the asylum.

  14. 他死在酒徒收容所里。

    He had died in a home for inebriates.

  15. 这个人要被送到收容所?

    Uh, this ones being discharged to hospice

  16. 我们把它送到动物收容所

    Let's get her to the animal shelter

  17. 烟台有流浪狗收容所吗?

    There is stray dog collecting post in Yan Tai City

  18. 你们收容所里有些坏女人。

    There are bad girls in your slums.

  19. 他被带到遗失儿童收容所。

    He was taken to the refuge for lost children.

  20. 收容所内估计要开心死了。

    Everyone at the shelter's gonna be so excited.

  21. 收容所内估计要开心死了。

    Everyone at the shelter's gonna be so excited.

  22. 分布在整个美国的十个收容所。

    Into ten internment camps across the United states.

  23. 我想让你再到收容所一趟。

    I want you to go after him again, in the asylum.

  24. 八喜就在收容所里呆下去了。

    Bashi stayed on in the refuge.

  25. 我才把它从收容所里救出来。

    I just rescued him from the pound.

  26. 他们进了一家政府办的收容所。

    They go to a Government camp.

  27. 他们只得把他安置在收容所里。

    They had to put him in an asylum.

  28. 他们只得把他安置在收容所里。

    They had to put him in an asylum.

  29. 你妹妹被一家人收养你被送到收容所。

    Your sister was sent to a home and you to a foster family.

  30. 他的父亲疯了,被关进了收容所。

    His father went mad and was confined to an asylum.


  1. 问:收容所拼音怎么拼?收容所的读音是什么?收容所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:收容所的读音是shōuróngsuǒ,收容所翻译成英文是 collecting post; institution; shelter