


1. 刷 [shuā]2. 刷 [shuà]刷 [shuā]用成束的毛棕等制成的清除或涂抹的用具:~子。毛~。板~。擦拭,涂抹,清洗:~牙。~墙。~洗。印~。~耻(洗雪耻辱)。剔除,淘汰:~选(剔除)。~掉。刷 [shuà]〔~白〕色白而略……


1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:shuā de






  1. 见“ 刷地 ”。



  1. She says her hands were too small at the time for the usual cleaning brush, so she had her mother make her a miniature one.


  2. Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyed the result, as before.


  3. Specifies the origin for the next brush selected into a device context.


  4. There was an old, old house renewed with paint.


  5. "The new houses are so different, with tiles and bricks and new colors, " she said.


  6. Slotted-position in the role of steel wire brush it is important to be able to back the clean up the clear so that liquid water tank.


  7. The first day I had my hearing aids, I was startled by an odd series of sounds that seemed to follow me: step, scrape, step, scrape.


  8. Now, 20 years later, Isabelle must come to terms with the memories and unlock the power of her brush.


  9. In healthy gums, this type of brushing should cause no pain. If it hurts, brush more gently.


  1. 带刷的筛子

    brush sieve.

  2. 昨天刚刷的。

    It was just done yesterday.

  3. 带刷的平筛

    brush sifter.

  4. 该刷的碗堆成山。

    A pile of dishes

  5. 我认为刷的非常不错。

    I think it's painting perfectiy fine.

  6. 墙都是我自己刷的。

    I had painted the walls myself.

  7. 有间很老很老的房子, 新刷的油漆。

    There was an old, old house renewed with paint.

  8. 刷的正确的话,声音不会太大。

    If brush properly, the sound should be soft.

  9. 那还是爷爷经常用毛刷子刷的。

    It was Grandpa always use a hair brush brush.

  10. 刷乳胶漆用比较牵引式刷的试验方法

    Test Method for Comparison of the Brush Drag of Latex Paints

  11. 我和詹姆斯两人独自刷的房子。

    James and I painted the bedroom ourselves.

  12. 带电聚合物刷的分子动力学模拟和研究

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Researches for Polyelectrolyte Brush

  13. 我小时候住的那间房子是我自己刷的漆。

    The room in which I lived when I was a child is painted by myself.

  14. 我去过两次, 箱子刷的地方不太一样。

    I've been twice and brush box where not the same.

  15. 上面刷的绿漆很多年前就已剥落了。

    Most of the green paint had peeled off years before.

  16. 但居民们不买账他们讨厌极了我们刷的蓝色

    But they hated it. The people who lived there really hated it.

  17. 和其他声望相比爆破者声望可能是最容易刷的。

    The Boomers can be considered as the easiest faction to heighten your reputation with.

  18. 这幢楼刷的是浅灰色的灰泥,看上去有些陈旧。

    The building was of greyish plaster and looked old.

  19. 而你用牙刷刷的坚硬, 有光泽的一层, 叫做釉质。

    The hard, shiny layer that you brush is called the enamel.

  20. 他可以看到木构件上新刷的油漆泛着光。

    He could see the glimmer of fresh paint on the woodwork.

  21. 有他们的好处就是 他们来决定要刷的下一个房子。

    And the good thing about them is that they are deciding which houses go next.

  22. 他尖叫一声,刷的一下就从阳台上跳了下去。

    He shrieked, brushes just get jumped down from the balcony.

  23. 用蜜粉刷的时候,用画圈的方式带过全脸各部位。

    When whitewashing with honey, the means that encircles with the picture has taken whole face each place.

  24. 自己刷的墙, 做的葫芦灯, 制的手绘地图挂毯, 砌的吧台!

    One brush the wall, does the bottle gourd lamp, the system handpainted map tapestry, builds Taiwan!

  25. 然后用清洁刷的顶端从顶部开一小块狭长条。

    Then use the tip of the squeegee to clear a narrow strip at the top.

  26. 工业和商用带电动刷的湿式和干式真空吸尘器的特殊要求

    Particular requirements for wet and dry vacuum cleaners, including power brush, for industrial and commercial use

  27. 不要刷的太远太散,所有这些都取决于你最后想要的结果。

    The aim is to not brush it too far, but it all depends on the type of out come you want.

  28. 记得那一次我在你新刷的地毯上吐了满地的草莓饼?

    Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie all over your car rug?

  29. 她心不在焉的刷盘子。

    She is absentmindedly washing plate.

  30. 握把还是木的刷过清漆。

    The grip is wooden and painted with Qing lacquer.