


包含,盛(chéng):~器。~量(liàng )。~积。~纳。无地自~。对人度量大:~忍。宽~。让,允许:~让。不~人说话。相貌,仪表,景象,状态:~止。~颜。~光。~貌。仪~。军~。市~。阵~。姿~。或许,也许:~或。姓。……





汉语拼音:róng cuò







  1. 亦作“ 容厝 ”。亦作“ 容措 ”。犹措置;安放。

    汉 仲长统 《昌言》:“ 孝宣 之世,则以 弘恭 为中书令, 石显 为僕射。 中宗 严明,二竖不敢容错其奸心也。”《晋书·刘毅传》:“故天下之人退而修本,州党有德义,朝廷有公正,浮华邪佞,无所容厝。” 唐 韩愈 《上郑尚书相公启》:“伏蒙仁恩,猥赐示问,感戴战悚,若无所容措。”



  1. Once you are ready to take on more traffic or need fault tolerance, you can graduate your application to the main Heroku platform.


  2. DMDS adopts pair of system back-up and mirror-back-up memory technology. So the system has high reliability of metadata management.


  3. But everybody in the financial industry is desperately trying to figure out what the margin of error might be.


  4. On account of characteristic of every part, it designs suitable measure of fault tolerant control for them.


  5. It had to be fault-tolerant because it would be unacceptable for index tables to crash or disappear.


  6. The inherent simplicity and fault tolerance of Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) Drive (SRD) have made it a great potential drive system.


  7. A system can achieve high availability without being fault tolerant if it can be built in such a way that it never experiences any faults.


  8. An unrecoverable error occurred trying to synchronize fault tolerant set information .


  9. The system's Fault Tolerant state could not be recovered. Any disk mirroring, striping, or volume sets will have to be recreated manually.


  1. 容错机器人

    Fault tolerant robots.

  2. 容错粗糙集

    tolerance rough set.

  3. 容错相似性

    tolerance similarity.

  4. 容错控制器

    fault tolerant controller.

  5. 负载平衡和容错特征。

    Load balancing and fault tolerance features.

  6. 所以这里边没有容错的空间。

    So there really was no tolerable margin of error.

  7. 关键词三冗余软件容错控制器。

    Keyword TRM SIFT controller.

  8. 基于信息冗余的容错阀门管理。

    Faulttolerant Valve Management Based on Analytical Redundancy.

  9. 汉字输入编码的容错理论及其应用

    A New Tolerant Theory in The Input of Chinese.

  10. 基于容错粗集理论的知识约简

    Knowledge Reduction Based on Tolerance Rough Sets Theory

  11. 一种汉字识别的容错编码方法研究

    A Study of Chinese Characters Code of Bearable Mistakes Method

  12. 非精确任务集的容错单调比率调度

    FaultTolerant RateMonotonic Scheduling of Imprecise Computation Tasks.

  13. 每个级别使用不同的算法实现容错。

    Each level uses a different algorithm to implement fault tolerance.

  14. 论述了故障容错技术研究的一般方法。

    General methods of fault tolerance are reviewed in the paper.

  15. 且该结构自身具有一定的容错功能。

    And the architecture itself has a certain degree functionality of fault tolerance.

  16. 自动化配置使扩展和容错对客户透明。

    The automated configuration makes scalability and fault tolerance transparent.

  17. 系统中有多个设备时,有一个容错级别。

    With multiple devices in the system, there is a level of fault tolerance.

  18. 小卫星星务计算机的容错体系结构设计

    The Fault Tolerant System Design of Housekeeping Computer for Small Satellite

  19. 这个新开发的软件拥有非常强大的容错功能。

    The software newly developed has great tolerance for errors.

  20. 确定了某型涡轴发动机的容错控制规律。

    And, the faulttolerant rule of a turboshaft engine was determined.

  21. 容错通过对单点故障组件实现冗余来实现。

    Fault tolerance is achieved by implementing redundancy to single points of failure components.

  22. 四余度容错计算机系统结构及其可靠性分析

    QuadRedundant FaultTolerant Computer Architecture and Reliability Analysis.

  23. 一种用于机器识字的汉字容错编码方法研究

    A Study on Chinese Characters Coding of Mistake Bearable Method for Computer Cognition

  24. 将其比作原子,位元的容错都是不可原谅的。

    Compared to atoms, the failure tolerance of bits is unforgiving.

  25. 军用的数据系统甚至可能有更严格的容错要求。

    Data systems for the military might have even more stringent faulttolerance requirements.

  26. 容错飞控系统故障隔离与自适应重构设计

    Fault Isolation and Adaptive Reconfiguration Design for Fault Tolerance Flight Control System

  27. 提供此类基础设施中对异常条件的容错能力。

    Improve tolerance of exceptional conditions in such an infrastructure.

  28. 单片机系统非正常运行下的容错处理方法

    The Management Method of Fault Tolerance of Microchip Controller System in Abnormal Operation.

  29. 它专门设计用于改善服务器选择、负载优化和容错。

    It is designed to improve server selection, load optimization, and fault tolerance.

  30. 本发明公开了一种机群容错系统、装置及方法。

    The invention discloses a cluster fault tolerance system, device and method.


  1. 问:容错拼音怎么拼?容错的读音是什么?容错翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错的读音是róngcuò,容错翻译成英文是 To tolerate a mistake.; Fault toleration

  2. 问:容错技术拼音怎么拼?容错技术的读音是什么?容错技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错技术的读音是róng cuò jì shù,容错技术翻译成英文是 fault-tolerant technique

  3. 问:容错方法拼音怎么拼?容错方法的读音是什么?容错方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错方法的读音是róng cuò fāng fǎ,容错方法翻译成英文是 fault-tolerance approach

  4. 问:容错系统拼音怎么拼?容错系统的读音是什么?容错系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错系统的读音是róng cuò xì tǒng,容错系统翻译成英文是 fault-tolerance system

  5. 问:容错计算拼音怎么拼?容错计算的读音是什么?容错计算翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错计算的读音是róng cuò jì suàn,容错计算翻译成英文是 fault-tolerance computing

  6. 问:容错太空计算机拼音怎么拼?容错太空计算机的读音是什么?容错太空计算机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错太空计算机的读音是róng cuò tài kōngjì suàn jī,容错太空计算机翻译成英文是 Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computer

  7. 问:容错控制计算机拼音怎么拼?容错控制计算机的读音是什么?容错控制计算机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错控制计算机的读音是róng cuò kòng zhì jì suàn jī,容错控制计算机翻译成英文是 error adaptive control computer

  8. 问:容错计算机系统拼音怎么拼?容错计算机系统的读音是什么?容错计算机系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错计算机系统的读音是,容错计算机系统翻译成英文是 Fault tolerant computer system

  9. 问:容错多用户计算机操作系统拼音怎么拼?容错多用户计算机操作系统的读音是什么?容错多用户计算机操作系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容错多用户计算机操作系统的读音是róng cuò duō yòng hù jì suàn jī cāo zuò xì tǒng,容错多用户计算机操作系统翻译成英文是 Fault Tolerant UNIX