







汉语拼音:zhuā ná







  1. 办法。

    沙汀 《在其香居茶馆里》:“这个坚实乐观的人,第一次遭到烦扰的袭击了,简直就同一个处在这种境况的平常人不差上下:一点抓拿没有!” 沙汀 《过渡集·控诉》:“这一来, 张二 他妈忽然感觉得没丝毫抓拿了,但也更加气愤。”



  1. PENN Well Well, your first tendency should be to reach something out to them. Reach your hand out. Or you may have a pole like this one.


  1. 可抓拿的拇指也不是为抓拿而存在。

    A prehensile thumb is not FOR grasping.

  2. 工业机器人新型终端抓拿机构的设计

    The design of a new end effector for industrial robot

  3. 铗用火钳抓,拿住或操纵。

    To seize, hold, or manipulate with tongs.

  4. 他们抓到我拿海洛因了。

    They busted me with some heroin.

  5. 但是我又被抓到没拿砖了

    Yeah, I got caught without the brick again.

  6. 一个戴着面罩的人抓着他拿枪指着他的头。

    A man in a ski mask grabbed him and pointed a gun at his head.

  7. 紧紧拿着/ 抓着/ 握着某人/ 某物

    to get/ grab/ take hold of somebody/ something

  8. 他们不知道抓他们的人打算拿他们怎么办。

    They did not know what their captors planned for them.

  9. 老太婆一手抓着拐杖,一手拿着两个银币蹒跚而去。

    The old woman hobbled off, clutching her stick in her hand and her two groats in the other.

  10. 抓高是什么意思,给,拿着枪。

    What's a high hand grasp? here, take the gun.

  11. 抓高是什么意思,给,拿着枪。

    What's a high hand grasp? Here, take the gun.

  12. 抓高是什么意思,给,拿着枪。

    What's a high hand grasp? here, take the gun.

  13. 抓, 捕捉拿走或抓住, 尤指运用武力俘获

    To take or seize, especially by force capture.

  14. 我抓着乔的一只手,他的另一只手拿着一个火把。

    I had hold of Joe's hand now, and Joe carried one of the torches.

  15. 你拿着方子到药剂师那里, 而后药剂师会为你抓药。

    You take the prescription to the chemist's, and the chemist will make up the medicine for you.

  16. 我爱洛阳花,中州富贵一把抓,花王地位坐地拿。

    I love peonies, for its central riches and honor, negligently held on king of flowers.

  17. 这槌得拿法是拿半月形得, 不能都整个抓握。

    Hold this mallet half moon shape, not hold tightly.

  18. 这槌的拿法是拿半月形的,不能都整个抓握。

    Hold this mallet half moon shape, not hold tightly.

  19. 我父亲在晚餐前抓到我吃糖果,就把糖果拿走。

    My dad caught me eating candy right before dinner and took it away from me.

  20. 那个抓着一名妇女挡在身前的人真拿着枪吗?

    Does the man holding a woman in front of him really have a gun or not

  21. 国王吩咐宰相要在三天之内抓到凶手,否则就拿他是问!

    The king told the minister to arrest the killer within three days, otherwise he would be executed!

  22. 柯瑟琳拿起一把手术刀,刀柄的重量和形状很适合抓握。

    Catherine reached for a scalpel. The weight of the handle, the contour of steel, felt comfortable in her grasp.