


用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。书法的作品:~画。~幅。字的音:~正腔圆。人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“号”;商店的……












  1. For thousands of years, no one can make a brilliant interpretation of the word! What is love? Who do not give a more complete answer.


  2. I find an ordinary "thank-you" entirely inadequate to tell you how much.


  3. Mother is, probably, one of those few words whose very mention inspires a flurry of emotions in the heart of even the cruelest person.


  4. The coach said he saw about 30 protesters outside Staples Center after the game, and they had a few choice words for him as he drove away.


  5. (Alice had not the slightest idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but she thought they were nice grand words to say).


  6. The words used in these declarations, he says, are often very similar and seem to support unarguable aspirations.


  7. For one word a man is often deemed to be foolish or wise.


  8. He used language (eg insulting language) that does not become a man of his education.


  9. All the time he was oppressed by the consciousness that this carefulness of diction was making a booby of him.


  1. 时髦的字眼

    a vogue word.

  2. 难以捉摸的字眼

    a slippery term

  3. 又不是什么坏字眼

    It's not a bad word.

  4. 爱情,多么讽刺的字眼!

    The love, satirizes phrase!

  5. 这是最适当的字眼。

    This is the word to be used.

  6. 这是他惯用的字眼。

    These are his customary words and expressions.

  7. 失败是他忌讳的字眼。

    Failure is a dirty word to him.

  8. 用来代替禁忌字眼的词。

    A substitute for a taboo word.

  9. 改过,只是个胡说的字眼。

    rehabilitate, Its just a bullshit word.

  10. 沉迷这个字眼总萦绕周围

    The word addiction is thrown around.

  11. 对白人一种贬损的字眼。

    a derogatory term for a white person.

  12. 和字眼中得到了印证

    and words you can't say.

  13. 她停下来, 仿佛在斟酌字眼。

    She paused, as if weighing her words.

  14. 这些字眼可能会让你丧命。

    These were words that could get you killed.

  15. 事实上, 这个字眼可以改一改。

    In fact, the word should be changed.

  16. 柔媚正是描写她眼神的字眼。

    Soft, is the very word for her eye.

  17. 他不愿用斗拳这个字眼。

    He was reluctant to use the word fight.

  18. 请仔细咬清字眼说吧。

    Speak your words carefully.

  19. 不要用那个字眼来形容我。

    Don't apply that adjective to me.

  20. 禁止使用粗俗的字眼或是脏话。

    Dirty words or vulgar words is not allowed.

  21. 崇高的字眼从来就是命运的人质。

    LOFTY words are always a hostage to fortune.

  22. 幸福是一个多么讽刺的字眼。

    Happiness is a satirizes phrase.

  23. 这是个典型的 难以捉摸的字眼。

    It was a good weasel word.

  24. 我讨厌你用这种下流的字眼。

    I hate you to use such vulgar words.

  25. 总的来说, 失业不是个漂亮的字眼。

    Unemployed is not generally a pretty word.

  26. 助人为乐,好熟悉又好陌生的字眼。

    Find in helping others, so familiar and unfamiliar word.

  27. 他使用了和解和容忍的字眼。

    He used the words reconciliation and tolerance.

  28. 是个负面的字眼,带有负面的含意。

    Tattling is a negative word with negative connotations.

  29. 是个负面得字眼,带有负面得含意。

    Tattling is a negative word with negative connotations.

  30. 咱们不要抠字眼,咱们看看事实吧。

    Let us not split hairs over words, let us look at the facts.


  1. 问:字眼拼音怎么拼?字眼的读音是什么?字眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:字眼的读音是zìyǎn,字眼翻译成英文是 wording

  2. 问:字眼儿拼音怎么拼?字眼儿的读音是什么?字眼儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:字眼儿的读音是zìyǎnr,字眼儿翻译成英文是 A word or a phrase used to express a particular me...