







汉语拼音:táo tài








  1. 洗去杂质;去除杂质。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·仙药》:“虽水饵之,皆当先以茅屋霤水,若东流水露水,渍之百日,淘汰去其土石,乃可用耳。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·种桑柘》:“柘子熟时多收,以水淘汰令浄。” 清 周亮工 《北上留别冯伯宗》诗:“珠玉或当淘汰后,粃糠应在播扬初。”

  2. 甄别裁汰。

    唐 白居易 《赋赋》:“今吾君网罗六艺,淘汰九流。” 宋 陈渊 《与龟山先生杨谏议书》之二:“郡邑之官,絶少淘汰。顷者临轩遣使,俾察吏之廉汚勤惰,若务为姑息,纵舍太甚,则此行果何为耶?”淘,一本作“ 陶 ”。 明 方孝孺 《白鹿洞规赞》:“刮磨羣经,淘汰众説。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·并非闲话(二)》:“然而人是总是自以为是的,这也许正是逃避被淘汰的一条路。”



  1. When the Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987, governments did not originally envision the phase-out of any ozone-depleting substance.


  2. "If I'd have had 18 months like he had, then two bad games, I would not expect to get dropped for the next game, " Anderson said.


  3. Superior survival, the inefficient ones made it out of the ever-changing face of the loss of things is often psychological tension.


  4. In danger of elimination as the qualifying competition came to a close, they only booked their place in South Africa in their final game.


  5. The rebellious youth did not live up to Sagaro's strict disciplines and washed out of Senate Guard training.


  6. Zhang fell out with his provincial team coach and left the team after he was disqualified from the national team.


  7. The company insists that it has a strong record in recycling and has eliminated BFRs and PVC from the main plastic parts in its products.


  8. This must end, in one of two ways: the sector must be made subject to the market or become a heavily regulated ward of the state.


  9. I don't see your potential at all, and you even admitted that you wouldn't have been a good leader. So, you are fired!


  1. 遗传型淘汰

    genotypic selection

  2. 淘汰落后产品

    eliminating of outmoded products.

  3. 淘汰的纸堆

    reject pile.

  4. 淘汰奖惩制度

    system to culling out the incompetent and meting out rewards or disciplinary sanctions.

  5. 两败淘汰制

    double elimination.

  6. 比赛实行淘汰制。

    A selective competition was used in the match.

  7. 淘汰她,什么,为什么

    Let's dump her.What?Why?

  8. 淘汰她,什么,为什么?

    Let's dump her. What? Why?

  9. 锦标赛的淘汰赛阶段

    the knockout stages of the tournament

  10. 女子佩剑个人淘汰赛

    Women rs Individual Sabre Eliminations

  11. 这家公司淘汰庸才。

    The company abhors mediocrity.

  12. 是否有淘汰的计划?

    Whether to have the plan that fall into disuse.

  13. 竞争不免要有淘汰。

    In competitions there is inevitably elimination.

  14. 这种机器已经淘汰了。

    This kind of machine is already obsolete.

  15. 逐步淘汰单拖与双拖。

    Stern and pair trawlers phased out.

  16. 使变得过时或淘汰。

    To cause to become unfashionable or obsolete.

  17. 那个老办法已被淘汰。

    The old method has gone out of use.

  18. 这些武器已经被淘汰了。

    The weapons had gone out of use.

  19. 其它方法大都已被淘汰。

    Other processes largely died out.

  20. 淘汰阳性牛的全部后代

    Cull all off spring from positive cows.

  21. 这种衡量方法必须被淘汰。

    That has to stop.

  22. 两人将会被淘汰出局

    Two of you will be asked to leave.

  23. 很少有治疗价值, 最好淘汰

    Of little value and best to cull the cow

  24. 将军淘汰了无能的指挥官。

    The general weeded out poor commanders.

  25. 我们得淘汰一个男的。

    We've got to lose another guy.

  26. 男子佩剑个人淘汰赛第64轮

    Men rs Individual Sabre Eliminations Round of 64

  27. 男子佩剑个人淘汰赛第32轮

    Men rs Individual Sabre Eliminations Round of 32

  28. 男子佩剑个人淘汰赛第16轮

    Men rs Individual Sabre Eliminations Round of 16

  29. 在第一场预赛中被淘汰

    Be eliminated in the first heat

  30. 增加淘汰或低体重的猪

    Increased cull or lightweight pigs


  1. 问:淘汰拼音怎么拼?淘汰的读音是什么?淘汰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰的读音是táotài,淘汰翻译成英文是 eliminate

  2. 问:淘汰赛拼音怎么拼?淘汰赛的读音是什么?淘汰赛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰赛的读音是táotàisài,淘汰赛翻译成英文是 elimination match; knockout rounds

  3. 问:淘汰制拼音怎么拼?淘汰制的读音是什么?淘汰制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰制的读音是táo tài zhì,淘汰制翻译成英文是 knockout system

  4. 问:淘汰期拼音怎么拼?淘汰期的读音是什么?淘汰期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰期的读音是táo tài qī,淘汰期翻译成英文是 shakeout stage

  5. 问:淘汰法拼音怎么拼?淘汰法的读音是什么?淘汰法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰法的读音是táo tài fǎ,淘汰法翻译成英文是 method of elimination

  6. 问:淘汰盘拼音怎么拼?淘汰盘的读音是什么?淘汰盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰盘的读音是,淘汰盘翻译成英文是 buddle

  7. 问:淘汰产品拼音怎么拼?淘汰产品的读音是什么?淘汰产品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰产品的读音是táo tài chǎn pǐn,淘汰产品翻译成英文是 obsolete product

  8. 问:淘汰公牛拼音怎么拼?淘汰公牛的读音是什么?淘汰公牛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰公牛的读音是táotàigōngniú,淘汰公牛翻译成英文是 rejected bull

  9. 问:淘汰母羊拼音怎么拼?淘汰母羊的读音是什么?淘汰母羊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰母羊的读音是táotài mǔyáng,淘汰母羊翻译成英文是 cast ewe

  10. 问:淘汰策略拼音怎么拼?淘汰策略的读音是什么?淘汰策略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淘汰策略的读音是táo tài cè lüè,淘汰策略翻译成英文是 replacement policy



“淘汰”是个多义词,它可以指淘汰(汉语词语), 淘汰(游戏王卡片), 淘汰(周杰伦创作,陈奕迅演唱歌曲), 淘汰(陈奕迅演唱歌曲)。