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《尉缭子·战威》:“乡里相劝,死丧相救,兵役相从,此之所励也。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·名实》:“凡遣兵役,握手送离。” 清 恽敬 《三代因革论七》:“后世兵出召募,而兵役废。”《中华人民共和国宪法》第二章:“依照法律服兵役和参加民兵组织是 中华人民共和国 公民的光荣义务。”
《后汉书·质帝纪》:“兵役连年,死亡流离。” 宋 叶适 《故大理正知袁州罗公墓志铭》:“其在 袁州 , 开禧 兵役猝起。”
He thought it was the best way to solve his military service problem and his future as a programer.
他认为这是解决他服兵役问题的最佳办法,他将来会成为一名程序员。Even worse, Colonel Eugene Holmes, who had agreed to let me join the program, now claimed that I had misled him to get out of the draft.
更糟糕的是,同意让我加入后备役军官训练计划的尤金.霍尔姆斯上校现在却说,我对他进行误导而逃避服兵役。Israel is unique in enlisting women at the age of 18 into two years of compulsory military service.
以色列是唯一一个要求全国年满18周岁女性义务服兵役的国家。I was always interested to see how others who took a pass and later got into public life dealt with military issues and political dissent.
我总是很注意了解那些规避了服兵役并在以后进入公共生活的人,看他们是如何处理军事问题和政治分歧的。Has the child, or any other person, included in this application or not, ever served in the armed forces?
申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否服过兵役?In the heroic cycles the Druids do not appear to have formed any corporation, nor do they seem to have been exempt from military service.
在各种英雄人物时期的故事中,德伊鲁教看上去似乎并未形成任何社团,也没有免除服兵役。If I hadn't gone to Georgetown and worked on the Foreign Relations Committee, I might have made different decisions about military service.
如果我没有去乔治敦上大学,如果我没有到外交委员会工作过,那么对于服兵役我可能会得出不同的结论。I did not try to go deep into it immediately, and only after my service did I again take up the question.
我当时并没有立即深入,直到服完兵役,我才重新拾起该问题。After two years of mandatory military service, he made the short films KATONG FUGUE (2007) and KELUAR BARIS (2008).