






1. 识 [shí]2. 识 [zhì]识 [shí]知道,认得,能辨别:~辨。~破。~相(xiàng )。~途老马。所知道的道理:知~。常~。辨别是非的能力:见~。远见卓~。识 [zhì]记住:博闻强~。标志,记号。……



汉语拼音:qián yì shí







  1. 亦作“潜意识”。下意识。

    洪深 《电影戏剧表演术》第一章:“这些人谈说着,行动着,并且在谈说行动里,隐隐地、潜意识地告诉旁观者。”《花城》1981年第6期:“ 王嘉 对 心心 的爱不仅占领了意识,甚至占领了潜意识。”



  1. If I'm down on the basketball court with a bunch of male classmates, I subconsciously run through a checklist: I'm a guy, so are they.


  2. The energy signature for the month coaches all of you to look deeply into what may be unconscious or subconscious.


  3. A woman sitting with her legs crossed seems to man very seductive, he subconsciously wants to see more.


  4. Huang and her husband both trained in the United States, but a sense of opportunity and potential brought them back to China.


  5. Fish is often a symbol of the subconscious or human intuition.


  6. "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" , one of his songs, is still part of Britain's cultural subconscious.


  7. The miracle-working powers of your subconscious mind existed before you and I were born, before any church or world existed.


  8. If your dream lover is the boss, your unconscious might be telling you to take control at work or in some other area of your life.


  9. There is an unconscious sense that "if you are going to reproduce at all, you better start early, " he said.


  1. 我称之为个人潜意识。

    I call it the personal unconscious.

  2. 它运作在潜意识中

    It's way below your cognitive thinking process.

  3. 荣格称此为潜意识。

    Jung may have called it the subconscious.

  4. 心灵是诉说潜意识的嘴。

    Inner voice is the voice mouth of the subconscious mind.

  5. 解读汉民族潜意识的文本

    Deciphering the Subconsciousness of the Han Nation

  6. 潜意识是本能活动的源泉。

    The subconscious is the source of instinctive action.

  7. 这些就是潜意识渴望的经历。

    That is what the unconscious mind hungers for.

  8. 潜意识里 也许你是知道的

    Or maybe you know that, deep down.

  9. 你潜意识里觉得我是活该。

    You think I deserve this somehow.

  10. 你的潜意识不会与你争论。

    Your subconscious mind does not argue with you.

  11. 你可以同我的潜意识交谈。

    You can literally talk to my subconscious.

  12. 我要进入到我的潜意识里。

    I go to my subconsciousness. I have to go into that chaos.

  13. 她拒绝作伪证的潜意识愿望。

    A subconscious wish not to perjure herself.

  14. 我们做的大多数东西是潜意识的

    Most of what we do is subconscious.

  15. 所有的潜意识都在相互联络。

    All subconscious minds are in contact with one another.

  16. 你的潜意识能够解答所有问题。

    Your subconscious has the answer to all problems.

  17. 潜意识是一样得, 所以梦也是一样得。

    Subconscious it is same, so the dream also is same.

  18. 潜意识是一样的, 所以梦也是一样的。

    Subconscious it is same, so the dream also is same.

  19. 第十二宫统治我们的潜意识。

    The 12 th house rules our subconscious mind.

  20. 第十二宫统治我们得潜意识。

    The 12 th house rules our subconscious mind.

  21. 当这个应力增加,潜意识试图抑制。

    As this stress increases, the subconscious attempts to suppress it.

  22. 但在她潜意识中被锁住了。

    But it's locked in her subconscious.

  23. 潜意识里有种让他不安的东西。

    Something was nagging in the back of his mind.

  24. 像潜意识的投射追逐梦主一样?

    the way the projections persecute the dreamer.

  25. 或许,潜意识中我确实希望他失败。

    Maybe subconsciously I really wanted him to fail.

  26. 因为我想,潜意识里我们确实知道。

    because I think on some gut level we do know this.

  27. 你的潜意识也会知道下一步的动作。

    Your subconscious mind will know what to work on as well.

  28. 心理学家能够帮助人了解潜意识。

    A psychiatrist can help some people to understand their subconscious urges.

  29. 你潜意识的趋势总是与生活息息相关。

    The tendency of your subconscious is always lifeway.

  30. 选择是由我们的潜意识影响,由我们的社会影响。

    Choices are influenced by our unconscious, by our community.


  1. 问:潜意识拼音怎么拼?潜意识的读音是什么?潜意识翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识的读音是qiányìshí,潜意识翻译成英文是 the subconscious

  2. 问:潜意识的拼音怎么拼?潜意识的的读音是什么?潜意识的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识的的读音是,潜意识的翻译成英文是 subconscious

  3. 问:潜意识论拼音怎么拼?潜意识论的读音是什么?潜意识论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识论的读音是qián yì shí lùn,潜意识论翻译成英文是 unconsciousness theory

  4. 问:潜意识动机拼音怎么拼?潜意识动机的读音是什么?潜意识动机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识动机的读音是qián yì shí dòng jī,潜意识动机翻译成英文是 unconscious motivation

  5. 问:潜意识幻想拼音怎么拼?潜意识幻想的读音是什么?潜意识幻想翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识幻想的读音是qián yì shí huàn xiǎng,潜意识幻想翻译成英文是 unconscious phantasy

  6. 问:潜意识显露拼音怎么拼?潜意识显露的读音是什么?潜意识显露翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识显露的读音是qián yì shí xiǎn lù,潜意识显露翻译成英文是 subconscious exposure

  7. 问:潜意识抑制力拼音怎么拼?潜意识抑制力的读音是什么?潜意识抑制力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识抑制力的读音是qián yì shí yì zhì lì,潜意识抑制力翻译成英文是 censor

  8. 问:潜意识罪恶感拼音怎么拼?潜意识罪恶感的读音是什么?潜意识罪恶感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识罪恶感的读音是qián yì shí zuì è gǎn,潜意识罪恶感翻译成英文是 acts out guilt

  9. 问:潜意识抑制作用拼音怎么拼?潜意识抑制作用的读音是什么?潜意识抑制作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜意识抑制作用的读音是qián yì shí yì zhì zuò yòng,潜意识抑制作用翻译成英文是 censorship



“潜意识”是个多义词,它可以指潜意识(苏慧伦演唱的歌曲), 潜意识(心理学术语), 潜意识(美国同名电影), 潜意识(中国青年出版社图书《潜意识》)。