


1. 义 [yì]义 [yì]公正合宜的道理或举动:正~。~不容辞。~无反顾。仗~直言。合乎正义或公益的:~举。~务。~愤。~演。见~勇为。情谊:~气。恩~。~重如山。意思,人对事物认识到的内容:意~。含~。释~。微言大~。指认为亲属的:~……





汉语拼音:yì zhī






  1. 装在残废者身上的人造的上肢或下肢。



  1. Though veterinarians couldn't save his foot, they were able to fit him with a pachyderm-sized prosthetic.


  2. Because there was so little bone left, the prosthesis was hard to fit, and with her right leg also damaged, walking was intensely painful.


  3. The doctors fitted her with prosthetic limbs and they even put little wooden feet on the ends for her as they were so touched by her.


  4. The wood of the tree is light and flexible, so it is often used to make artificial limbs, wicker baskets and furniture.


  5. I was talking to one of them, and he was really liking this arm, it's way way way better than a plastic stick with a hook on it.


  6. But years later Ms Jaber finds him back in Baghdad, his exams unfinished and without the prosthetics which he found too heavy.


  7. With most prosthetic devices, including the Rheo Knee, much of the energy put into them by the body is lost, rather than being recovered.


  8. His prosthetics have no knee joints so he had to run with stiff upper legs - a much more physically taxing style.


  9. Better prosthetic devices have been a major Pentagon priority for years.


  1. 灵魂没有义肢!

    There is no prosthetic for that.

  2. 西雅图义肢

    Seattle Foot.

  3. 你是义肢矫形师

    You're the prosthetist?

  4. 骨内植入式义肢

    bone anchored amputation prostheses

  5. 截肢之後安装了义肢

    A prosthesis was fitted after the amputation

  6. 我是你的义肢矫形师

    I'm your prosthetist.

  7. 谁来给他做义肢啊?

    Who is going to make the legs for him?

  8. 所以,我决定我要做这个义肢。

    So, I decided we've got to do this.

  9. 要是减小载重,义肢又松弛。

    They take the load off, and it becomes, again, compliant.

  10. 这里就是我们制作义肢的地方

    This is the place where we make the legs.

  11. 我说我会给他们做一只义肢。

    And I told them I'd build them an arm.

  12. 我和托瑞斯在研究感控义肢

    Torres and I are working on thought control prosthetics.

  13. 义肢末端本来镶了试管塞子, 可是磨损了。

    The testtube stopper plugging its end has worn down.

  14. 常年以来 我们给他们的 只是义肢而已

    For many years, we were just providing them with artificial limbs.

  15. 在本报告所涉期间,366人获得义肢装置。

    During the reporting period,366 persons were provided with prosthetic devices.

  16. 当时,我展示的义肢是修复术的前沿技术

    At the time, the legs I presented were groundbreaking in prosthetics.

  17. 这样的技术也可使大脑直接控制义肢。

    Such technology could allow prosthetics to be controlled directly from the brain.

  18. 首先是有一天能够买得起最好得义肢。

    Above all, to be able to afford, sooner or later, the best artificial leg available.

  19. 我们开始了临床实验,安装了5个义肢在人身上。

    We're in clinical trials, we've got five of them on people.

  20. 义肢做好了 他开始了 真正的物理康复治疗

    The stump or cast prosthesis was made, and he was starting the real physical rehabilitation.

  21. 义肢的作用不再仅局限于代替身体缺失部分

    A prosthetic limb doesn't represent the need to replace loss anymore.

  22. 我们给他买了一个轻便得义肢, 非常适合他。

    We bought him a light prosthesis that fit well.

  23. 我们给他买了一个轻便的义肢,非常适合他。

    We bought him a light prosthesis that fit well.

  24. 首先是有一天能够买得起最好的义肢。

    Above all, to be able to afford, sooner or later, the best artificial leg available.

  25. 慢慢地 一周接着一周 他逐渐可以用义肢行走了

    And slowly, slowly week after week his legs were improving.

  26. 义肢应用中的一个挑战就是它们操纵起来很难。

    One challenge of prosthetic limbs is that they're difficult to monitor.

  27. 义肢外面手套上也有三维涂颜层,颜色很准确。

    exact mirror image of their other limb.

  28. 并将妻子的手引到自己拆掉义肢的大腿上。

    Leave the hand of the wife oneself to pull down on the ham of artificial limb.

  29. 需要招人来 把义肢的脚底粘合并组装起来

    We need to employ someone to glue and to screw the sole of the feet.

  30. 你们可能也见过一个孩子借助 碳纤维义肢奔跑。

    You might have seen a child running on carbon fiber prosthetic legs.


  1. 问:义肢拼音怎么拼?义肢的读音是什么?义肢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:义肢的读音是,义肢翻译成英文是 Prosthesis


