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1. 柔 [róu]柔 [róu]植物初生而嫩:~荑(初生嫩芽,喻女子白嫩的手)。软,不硬:~软。~韧。~嫩。~滑。软弱,与“刚”相对:~懦。~弱。刚~相济。温和:~顺。~和。~曼(柔和妩媚)。~情。……
汉语拼音:róu xìng
Two kinds of sample had been measured, For the flexible slim macromolecule sample, FEM had been used to validate the measurement results.
采用两类样品测试:一类是柔性高分子薄片,通过对薄片振动的有限元分析验证测试的正确性;Entire flexible restraint like horizontal distribution bar will reduce the wall's stress, and the wall is not so easy to split.
整体柔性约束如横向的分布筋则会使应力减少,降低墙体开裂的可能性。If the flexible cables have been untwisted automatically, the wind turbine can be restarted automatically without clearance.
若柔性电缆已被自动解开,风机就会无复位的自动重启。But when the rotary inertia of the hub is close to that of the beam, the zeroth-order approximation model may lead to wrong result.
但当中心刚体的转动惯量接近柔性悬臂梁的转动惯量时,零次近似模型将导致错误的结果。Compared to that of a flexible foundation, the slip surface of a rigid foundation is larger and deeper.
刚性基础地基的滑动面要比柔性基础更大、更深;The sensor assembly also includes a second sensor and a flexible structure to which the first and second sensor are attached.
传感器组件还包括第二传感器和柔性结构,第一传感器和第二传感器附接到该柔性结构。The bottom of a connecting rail is provided with a plurality of notches for increasing flexibility.
为了增加柔性,在连接轨底开有若干处切口。It is even prepared to be flexible over the contentious issue of the name the island uses.
台湾甚至准备柔性处理存在争议的名称。And the lift sensor output signal was as a standard to compare the performance differences of rigid disc and flexible disc.