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金钱和物资:~产。~富。~经。~贸。~东。~政。~务。~会(kuài )。古同“才”(a.才能;才干。b.仅仅)。古同“裁”,裁决。……
1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……
汉语拼音:cái kuài
古华 《相思树女子客家》二:“﹝ 观音姐 ﹞又是本公社一个难得的财会人才。” 张周 《步履艰难的中国》第二章:“ 武汉 某公司财会室平素闲可罗雀,这次桌子联袂,出现了数十人埋头查帐的紧张场面。”
However, University accountants' image has not been widely attached importance as a key part of the university whole image.
但是,高校财会人员形象作为高校整体形象的重要组成部分,却并没有受到普遍重视。The SEC also found a range of accounting treatments for mergers, recapitalizations, reorganizations, and other transactions.
证券交易委员会也创建了一系列的应对合并、资本调整、重组以及其他交易形式的财会措施。The company has recently established screw manufacturing operations in the Yuyao district and requires a financial accountant.
该螺丝制造公司最近已在余姚地区设立,目前需要招聘财会职员。In the early 1990s Varon worked in finance at Xerox, and the department's VP was an old-style organization man.
在1990年,瓦伦进入施乐公司从事财会工作,而部门副经理是一个老派团体的职员。and also attract a large number of law firms experience with complex accounting personnel to make up for its accounting treatment capacity.
而律师行亦在吸纳大量具有财会经验的复合型人才,以弥补其帐务处理能力。It is absurd that people have to get college degrees to be considered for good jobs in hotel management or accounting--or journalism.
实属荒谬的一点是,大学学位的人,才能有机会酒店管理、财会——抑或新闻行业的好工作。During the summer vacation in an steel group railway transport equipment manufacturing company, accounting practice half a month.
暑假期间在鞍钢集团铁路运输设备制造公司财会科实习半个月。documents verifying the qualifications of the president or principal administrator, the teachers and financial staff.
校长或者主要行政负责人、教师、财会人员的资格证明文件。Although fair-value adjustments for the latter are already disclosed in banks' accounts, FASB now wants them to be reflected in income.