


大众编的反映生活的歌:民~。歌~。童~。凭空捏造的不可信的话:~言。~传(chuán )。~诼(造谣诬蔑的话)。古代指不用乐器伴奏的歌唱:“我歌且~”。……


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……



汉语拼音:yáo chuán








  1. Lotito also cooled speculation that Luciano Zauri was on his way to Juventus on a free transfer at the end of the campaign.


  2. How much of this is bravado, how much rumour and how much fact is hard to say.


  3. There seems to be a rumor going around that I'll be looking for something better soon, but actually I'm pretty happy here.


  4. It was known, however, that this cadre was an elite special operations unit within the Emperor's Royal Guard.


  5. Although it had long been rumoured that he might defect, this will come as a big psychological blow to the remaining "government" forces.


  6. He wanted to leave the entire continent far behind, for Europe or America, where life was rumored to be better.


  7. Around headquarters, it was rumoured that she could not speak, for fear of lacerating her lips with her razor-sharp tongue.


  8. All the rumours would be blown away by publication of the clear-cut decisions to which we have come.


  9. Rumours that the president was critically ill and unable to return to the presidency have been swirling around Nigeria.


  1. 恶意的谣传

    an ugly rumor.

  2. 谣传被证实了。

    The rumor is confirmed.

  3. 毫无根据的谣传

    unfounded rumour

  4. 未经证实的谣传

    unconfirmed rumors

  5. 不相信所有谣传

    discredit all rumors

  6. 谣传他已垂危。

    It was put about that he was dying.

  7. 谣传他已辞职。

    Word got round that he had resigned.

  8. 不要轻信谣传。

    Don't believe rumours (UK)/ rumors (US) too readily.

  9. 谣传要进行大选。

    Theres talk of a general election.

  10. 到处谣传要裁员。

    There are widespread rumours of job losses.

  11. 那些谣传毫无根据。

    The rumours were completely baseless.

  12. 这是一种谣传。

    That is something of a canard.

  13. 谣传内阁将改组。

    Rumors have it that there will be a change in the Cabinet.

  14. 那仅是谣传罢了。

    It's merely hearsay.

  15. 那只是一个谣传。

    That's just a rumour.

  16. 但是谣传是假的。

    But the rumor was false.

  17. 谣传他是个间谍。

    It was rumored that he was a spy.

  18. 谣传是行了贿赂。

    Charges of corruption were in the air.

  19. 谣传他要辞职了。

    The rumour runs that he is going to resign.

  20. 谣传罗素破产了。

    Rumour has it that Russell has gone bankrupt.

  21. 谣传罗素破产了。

    Rumour has it that Russell has gone bankrupt.

  22. 我以为那只是谣传。

    I thought it was a mere on dit.

  23. 他们不信那些谣传。

    They have discounted the rumors.

  24. 谣传本是同性恋者。

    Ben is rumored to belong to the third sex.

  25. 面对地震谣传的思考

    Thinking on earthquake rumour

  26. 谣传传播谣言或议论

    To spread the rumor or report of.

  27. 据谣传, 简要结婚了。

    Rumour has it that Jane is getting married again.

  28. 据谣传,简要结婚了。

    Rumour has it that Jane is getting married again .

  29. 谣传他们要离婚了。

    The rumor is going about that they are getting divorced.

  30. 那谣传没有事实根据。

    That rumor has no foundation in fact.


  1. 问:谣传拼音怎么拼?谣传的读音是什么?谣传翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谣传的读音是yáochuán,谣传翻译成英文是 be rumoured {或} rumored; rumour



谣传 yáochuán [words bandied from mouth to mouth;common town talk;rumor]∶广为流传而无明确基础或来源的信息 纯属谣传 [rumour has it what;it is rumored that]∶谣言传播 据谣传