


看:~觉。~力。~野。鄙~。注~。近~。~而不见。熟~无睹。亲临某事:~事。~察。看待:藐~。重~。等闲~之。看望:探~。省(xǐng )~。比照:“天子之卿受地~侯”。古同“示”,表明。……





汉语拼音:shì yù








  1. From Global Visual Threshold to Understand the Important Thoughts of "THREE REPRESENTATIONS"


  2. Third, the author illustrates the domestic film within the boundary of consumer culture, and comment the film text, media and consumer.


  3. The innovation research in philosophy becomes a historical necessity, breaking through economics, politics and sociology.


  4. The national traditional sports culture from the perspective of university students' moral education practice mode.


  5. Pop Music in a Consumption Perspective--Exemplified by "Twelve Girls Band"


  6. "Horizon" is the range of vision that includes everything that can be seen from a particular vantage point.


  7. This discrepancy about horizon is the inner barrier of patient-doctor communication.


  8. This article divides into four partial elaboration about "the ink play" esthetics horizon.


  9. View on Political Legality of "Three Represents"


  1. 后殖民主义视阈

    the Postcolonial Perspective

  2. 制度伦理的研究视阈

    The Studying Visions of Absentee Ethics

  3. 契约视阈下农村公共产品缺位分析

    The analysis of rural public goods lack under contract relation

  4. 默会知识视阈下的大学教学改革

    University Teaching Reform under Tacit Knowledge

  5. 和谐社会视阈下人的生存状态的反思

    A Reflection of the Status of Human Life in the Sight of Harmonious Society.

  6. 传播学视阈中的知情权困境及突破

    The Dilemma and Outlet of the Right to Know from the Perspective of Communication Studies

  7. 默会知识视阈下的教师专业发展

    Teacher Professional Development from A Perspective of Tacit Knowledge

  8. 论科学发展观视阈中的生态文明建设

    On the Ecological Civilization with the View of the Scientific Concept of Development

  9. 信息社会视阈中的学校信息伦理教育研究

    A Study on the Information Ethics Education of Schools in the Perspective of Information Society

  10. 社会主义和谐社会视阈中的高等教育公平问题

    On the Problem of Higher Education Justice in the Socialist Harmonious Society

  11. 当代青年精神文化消费的意识形态视阈研究

    The Ideology Study on the Culture Consume of Modern Youth

  12. 近代大众传媒视阈下的晚清谴责小说

    Condemning Novels of Late Qing Under Modern Mass Media and Communication

  13. 分析哲学视阈下学生工作方法的新思维

    On the New Thinking of Student Working Methods under Visual Threshold of Analytical Philosophy

  14. 比较文学视阈下的四川民族文学教学与研究

    Comparative Literature's Perspective of Nationality Literature Teaching and Research in Sichuan

  15. 和谐社会视阈中思想政治教育的利益原则

    The Interest Principle in the Ideological Education from the Perspective of Harmonious Society

  16. 女性主义关怀伦理视阈下对人工流产的辩护

    Advocacy for Induced Abortion from the Point of View of Feminist Care Ethics

  17. 浑沌理论视阈下的第二语言习得研究初探

    A Tentative Research on SLA in the Visual Threshold of Chaos Theory.

  18. 科学实践观视阈下的人与自然和谐发展

    The Harmonious Development between Man and Nature in the View of scientific Practice

  19. 从交往理论视阈看道德教育的有效性问题

    On Effect of Moral Education from the View of Associational Theory

  20. 教学论视阈中学习哲学得本质与特征辨析

    Discrimination on Studying Philosophy Nature and Its Characteristic in Terms of Instructional Theories

  21. 教学论视阈中学习哲学的本质与特征辨析

    Discrimination on Studying Philosophy Nature and Its Characteristic in Terms of Instructional Theories

  22. 研究型教师的教育课题敏感性的心理学视阈

    Psychology visual threshold of educational task sensitivity of teachers who are good at making research

  23. 科学发展观视阈下的地方政府绩效评估研究

    Study on Local Government Performance Evaluation from the Perspective of the View of Scientific Development

  24. 文化视阈下的我国知识产权法律移植问题研究

    The Research of China's Intellectual Property Laws Transplantation as the Threshold of Culture

  25. 构建和谐社会视阈下的夫妻暴力问题探析

    Probe the Problem of Conjugal Violence before the Vision of Building a Harmonious Society

  26. 科学发展观视阈下的我国外语教育改革研究

    On the Reform of Foreign Language Education from the Scientific Outlook of Development in China

  27. 内部词汇模式与语境,认知,图式视阈下词的翻译

    Models of Internal Lexicon and Translation from the Angles of Context, Cognition and Schema

  28. 镜像神经元系统研究视阈下心脑复杂巨系统举要

    Points on Complex Giant System of Mind and Brain in a Perspective of Mirror Neuron System Research

  29. 皮亚杰认知发展理论视阈下的大学英语阅读策略研究

    A Study of College English Reading Strategies from the Perspective of Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

  30. 良好的视阈将会在工作举行时大好地有助于机械臂的操作。

    A good view of that operation will be a welcomed help to those at the controls of the arm.



能产生视觉的最高限度和最低限度的刺激强度。 单眼的视阈大约是166度,在两眼中间有124度的中心区域,双眼的视景在这个范围内重叠,形成有深度感觉的视景。在此范围内,有一个很窄的区域称为斑点区,是最精确的区域,出了中心区域,两侧单眼睛的视阈范围各为42度,称为周边区域。整体双眼的视觉范围是208度。 人眼睛的垂直视阈约120度,以视平线为准,向上59度,向下70度,一般视线位于向下10度的位置,在视平线至向下30度的范围为比较舒服的视阈。