


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……





汉语拼音:jiě huò







  1. 解除疑惑。

    《素问·气穴论》:“世言真数开人意,今余所访问者真数,发蒙解惑,未足以论也。” 唐 韩愈 《师说》:“师者,所以传道、受业、解惑也。” 宋 曾巩 《祭宋龙图文》:“公在朝廷,羣公百司,解惑释疑,公为蓍龟。”



  1. O Krsna, this doubt of mine, I am requesting You to completely dispel; other than You, the remover of this doubt is not to be found.


  2. "Hey! " A Sigh started going with the uncertainty of her trip . . .


  3. The so-called "advance intervention" refers to the arrange window to forward proactively to service, in-depth company visits, on-site FAQ.


  4. Jens Lehmann is returning to Arsenal to pass on his eccentricity to the Gunners' next generation of stars.


  5. One day, a scholar asked him for advice : "Master, though I come often to learn Buddhism, I still cannot understand what is Buddha. "


  6. Publishers of commercial development finance, library resources, try to bepuzzlement in FAQ.


  7. It can be a good way to kill time, especially if you stick to the relatively simple questions, but some people do it for other reasons.


  8. The key to disabuse public and solve the reform' s dilemma is to rectify procedure deficiency.


  9. When people come to you with a problem and you have to figure out the right thing to do, you don't (usually) have to invent anything.


  1. 知识可以解惑。

    Knowledge is the antidote to fear.

  2. 为各位解惑答疑。

    To dispel some of those myths.

  3. 为各位解惑答疑。

    To dispel some of those myths.

  4. 师者,传道,授业,解惑也。

    Teacher, preach, teach, dispel doubt also.

  5. 我需要您的倾听,我需要您来解惑!

    I need you to listen, I need you to answer.

  6. 我非常乐意为他们答疑解惑。

    I'll be only too pleased to help them out with any queries.

  7. 师者,所以传道受业解惑也。

    A teacher is one who passes on the truth, imparts knowledge, and solves puzzles.

  8. 巨浪想去找一位禅师解惑。

    Onami felt he should go to a Zen master for help.

  9. 师者,所以传道授业解惑也!

    It takes a teacher to transmit wisdown impart knowledge and solve doubts!

  10. 师者,所以传道、授业、解惑也。

    A teacher is a person who teaches students knowledge, tells students the way to live, and answers students' questions.

  11. 他召集了一班专家来答疑解惑。

    He has assembled a team of experts to handle queries.

  12. 有时候甚至无神论者都靠祈祷解惑。

    Sometimes even atheists get their prayers answered.

  13. 以下沸点网络电视都将一一为大家解惑。

    Below boiling point network television Will be one by one for all doubts.

  14. 古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也。

    All ancient scholars must have had a teacher.

  15. 哎!大姐用一声叹息开始了她的解惑之旅

    Hey! A Sigh started going with the uncertainty of her trip

  16. 修行人则对俗家人施法 祝福,开导,解惑等等。

    In return, the man of practice offers pray, wish, enlighten and disabuse to the common people.

  17. 期待融资融券的细则能够为投资者释疑,解惑。

    Margin forward to the details of the investors to be able to clear up doubts, doubts.

  18. 语言,是教师给学生传道,授业,解惑的重要媒体。

    The language, is the teacher the important media which proselytizes to the student, instructs, dispels doubt.

  19. 总不能像古人一样,问天打卦来为自己解惑吧。

    Can not, like ancients to ask for God's mercy and your own doubts.

  20. 千百年来,教师皆以传道、授业、解惑为其工作职责。

    For centuries, teachers'job responsibilities have been supposed to teach, instruct, and explain.

  21. 莱曼将回归阿森纳为下一代的枪手们传道授业解惑。

    Jens Lehmann is returning to Arsenal to pass on his eccentricity to the Gunners next generation of stars.

  22. 艾黎平易近人, 尊重事实, 在娓娓而谈中为他们释疑解惑。

    Always unassuming and easily approachable, Rewi Alley spoke with fervour and assurance so that perplexities could be solved and lacunas filled.

  23. 在美国,还有一位被称作'解惑阿姨'的忠告专栏作家,与艾比同样受欢迎,同样成功。

    There is another ' agony aunt ' advice columnist in the United States who is equally popular and successful.


  1. 问:解惑拼音怎么拼?解惑的读音是什么?解惑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解惑的读音是jiěhuò,解惑翻译成英文是 to dispel doubts; to clear up doubts; to expl...




【拼音】 jiěhuò

【英译】[dispel(remove) doubts]
