




1. 舍 [shè]舍 [shè]居住的房子:宿~。旅~。校~。居住,休息:~于山麓。谦辞,多指亲属中比自己年纪小或辈分低的:~弟。~侄。~亲。古代行军一宿或三十里为一舍:退避三~(喻对人让步)。姓。……



汉语拼音:máo shè








  1. 亦作“茆舍”。茅屋。

    《三国志·蜀志·秦宓传》:“ 宓 称疾,卧在茅舍。” 宋 辛弃疾 《念奴娇·西湖和人韵》词:“茆舍疎篱今在否?松竹已非畴昔。” 元 曹明善 《沉醉东风·村居》曲之二:“茆舍宽如钓舟,老夫闲似沙鸥。” 陈毅 《由北京到广州》诗:“清水池塘傍茅舍,鳶飞鱼跃竹万竿。”

  2. 用以谦称自己的住宅。




  1. Perhaps her air was the inevitable result of the social rise which had advanced her from a cottage to a large house and fields.


  2. One day, when he was travelling the country disguised as a beggar, he stopped at the cottage of a poor ploughman to ask for food.


  3. I had for my winter evening walk-- No one at all with whom to talk, But I had the cottages in a row Up to their shining eyes in snow.


  4. An old lute player falls ill in the wilds, and is saved by a fisher boy who accommodates him in his thatch cottage.


  5. She told me that the old man had been living in that small cottage for all his life.


  6. He had led her to the rendezvous in a hovel on the city's outskirts, leaving Onn just at dusk.


  7. A few weeks after the birth of Luther in a miner's cabin in Saxony, Ulric Zwingli was born in a herdsman's cottage among the Alps.


  8. Near the bridge was an old cottage.


  9. New suburbanites were building unauthorized homes much like the inner-city hovels from which the state had evicted them.


  1. 茅舍血厉螨

    Haemolaelaps casalis.

  2. 简陋的茅舍

    a rude hut.

  3. 森林使茅舍增辉。

    The cottage was dignified by the forrest.

  4. 一栋矮檐茅舍!

    Oh, give me my lowly thatchd cottage again!

  5. 一栋矮檐茅舍!

    Oh, give me my lowly thatchd cottage again!

  6. 他们住在茅舍里。

    They live in a thatched cottage.

  7. 她住在竹篱茅舍。

    She lives in a thatched cottage with bamboo fence.

  8. 这茅舍位于两丘之间。

    The cottage stands between the two hills.

  9. 穷人的茅舍就是他的宫殿。

    A hut is a palace to a poor man.

  10. 那个茅舍里可弄到水。

    There is water availableat the hut.

  11. 我们发现那间茅舍很脏。

    We found the hut in a dirty state.

  12. 四周的大树使茅舍增辉。

    The cottage was fied by the great trees around it.

  13. 茅舍顶已用竹子搭好。

    The roof of a grass hut was bambooed.

  14. 住在茅舍比住在皇宫来得快乐。

    Content lodges oftener in cottages than palaces.

  15. 这个村庄是由半圆形的茅舍组成的。

    The village was formed of semicircle huts.

  16. 这个村庄是由半圆形的茅舍构成的。

    The village was formed of semicircle huts.

  17. 这个村庄是由半圆形得茅舍组成得。

    The village was formed of semicircle huts.

  18. 这个村庄是由半圆形得茅舍构成得。

    The village was formed of semicircle huts.

  19. 那时,我正在我得茅舍里睡得很香。

    I was fast asleep in my butch at that time.

  20. 我们真盼望结婚,把茅舍变成安乐窝。

    We're really looking forward to getting married and turning the cottage into a cosy nest.

  21. 那时,我正在我的茅舍里睡得很香。

    I was fast asleep in my butch at that time.

  22. 在桥的四周有一幢古老的小茅舍。

    Near the bridge an old cottage.

  23. 我们是在山上一所茅舍里渡假得。

    We spent the holidays in a cottage in the mountains.

  24. 我们是在山上一所茅舍里渡假的。

    We spent the holidays in a cottage in the mountains.

  25. 乐善好施的天性、常常驱使他们走访贫苦村民的茅舍。

    Their benevolent disposition often made them enter the cottages of the poor.

  26. 雅加达实际不过是一大堆闷热的棚户和茅舍。

    Djakarta was a collection of sweltering huts and hovels.

  27. 链犬笼莺茅舍转, 幽园香径杖篱疏。

    Chain dog cage oriole turn cottage, The sweet diameter rod deep fences succoth.

  28. 我们在山中的一个茅舍里住了将近十天。

    We spent for about ten days at a hut in the mountain.

  29. 我们在山中得一个茅舍里住了将近十天。

    We spent for about ten days at a hut in the mountain.

  30. 那些茅舍逐渐变模糊, 融入了一片苍茫的原野中。

    The huts darkled away into the gloom of the field.


  1. 问:茅舍拼音怎么拼?茅舍的读音是什么?茅舍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茅舍的读音是máoshè,茅舍翻译成英文是 thatched cottage; hut; cottage

  2. 问:茅舍行动拼音怎么拼?茅舍行动的读音是什么?茅舍行动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茅舍行动的读音是,茅舍行动翻译成英文是 Operation Cottage



