




1. 王 [wáng]2. 王 [wàng]王 [wáng]古代一国君主的称号,现代有些国家仍用这种称号:~国。~法。公子~孙。~朝(cháo )。中国古代皇帝以下的最高爵位:~公。~侯。一族或一类中的首领:山大~。蜂~。~牌(桥牌中最大的……



汉语拼音:fēng wáng






  1. 蜜蜂中能产卵的雌蜂。体大,腹长,翅短小。它唯一任务是产卵繁殖后代。通常每个蜂群只有一只。也称母蜂、女王蜂。

    宋 杨万里 《蜂儿》诗:“蜜成万蜂不敢尝,要输蜜国供蜂王。” 明 宋应星 《天工开物·蜂蜜》:“凡蜂不论于家于野,皆有蜂王。” 清 张潮 《花鸟春秋》卷一:“二月,菊迁其苗于畦,桃李棠杏杨柳会于囿,蜂王使众蜂来侵入其郛。”

  2. 喻首要人物。

    唐 李邕 《嵩岳寺碑》:“作礼者便登狮子,围遶者更摄蜂王。”



  1. When a swarm pours itself out through the front slot of the hive, the queen bee can only follow.


  2. I checked some of the information was that bee pollen is a fine, public bee, queen bee their food.


  3. The larva inside has to be moved to what's known as a "peanut" cell so that worker bees can raise it to become a queen bee.


  4. In honeybee populations, males are a dime adozen. Thousands vie for a shot to be with a virgin queen, but only a lucky fewsucceed.


  5. There is only one queen, and she alone is responsible for laying all the eggs--up to two thousand a day!


  6. When he stopped at a village further on , he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees nearby .


  7. "Early in the year, when bumble bee queens are still hibernating, the fruiting rates are especially low, " he said.


  8. What appeared to be perfectly healthy adult bees would flee their queen, the young and their foodstores.


  9. after this , approximately a quarter of the hives weakened by disease , mites , or an ageing or dead queen , will have to be replaced.


  1. 蜂王浆口服液

    royal jelly liquid.

  2. 蜂王人工授精

    the queen of artificial insemination.

  3. 蜂王信息素

    queen pheromone.

  4. 蜂王交配次数

    queen mating frequency.

  5. 蜂王浆冻干粉

    Lyophilized royal jelly.

  6. 蜂王浆软胶囊

    Royal Jelly soft gelatin Capsule.

  7. 蜂王初生重

    queen original quality.

  8. 蜂王饲养用房

    receptacle for queen bee rearing.

  9. 蜂王台浆生产

    the production of the queen bee pedestal syrup.

  10. 蜂王牌电扇

    Queen Bee electric fan.

  11. 未受过精的蜂王

    virgin queen

  12. 蜂王肥仔汁

    royal jelly fatting babies juice.

  13. 蜂王从不离开蜂房。

    The queen bee never leaves the hive.

  14. 蜂房不可无蜂王。

    A hive can't exist without a queen.

  15. 复方蜂王胎口服液

    compound bee larva oral liquid

  16. 整个蜂群跟着蜂王飞舞。

    The whole hive flew after the queen bee.

  17. 黑蜂王台病毒病

    Black queen cell virus disease

  18. 蜂王幼虫胆固醇含量初探

    A preliminary Study of Cholesterol in Queen Brood

  19. 蜂王信息素的改进合成

    The Improved Synthesis of Queen Bee Pheromones

  20. 中文蜂房不可无蜂王。

    A hive cannot exist without queen.

  21. 蜜蜂蜂王信息素研究进展

    The recent advances in honeybee queen pheromone

  22. 蜂房里有一只蜂王。

    There is a queen bee in the cell.

  23. 蜂王幼虫蛋白质提取工艺研究

    Studies on the protein extraction technology from honey bee larva

  24. 一个蜂箱里只有一个蜂王。

    In a hive you've got one queen bee.

  25. 整个蜂群跟著蜂王飞舞。

    The whole hive flew after the queen bee.

  26. 盒装活性蜂王台浆生产技术

    The Production Technique of the Live Queen Bee Pedestal Syrup Packeted by Box

  27. 蜂王浆是蜂王的主要食物来源。

    Royal Jelly is the main source of food for the queen bee.

  28. 培育优质蜂王的实验模式及应用

    Experiment Mode and Application of Breeding the High Quality Queen Bee

  29. 工蜂为繁殖幼蜂的蜂王供食。

    Worker bees provide food for the queen bee which produces young.

  30. 你在单位相当于工蜂,雄蜂,还是蜂王?

    Are you a worker, a drone, or a queen bee


  1. 问:蜂王拼音怎么拼?蜂王的读音是什么?蜂王翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜂王的读音是fēngwáng,蜂王翻译成英文是 queen bee; queen wasp

  2. 问:蜂王浆拼音怎么拼?蜂王浆的读音是什么?蜂王浆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜂王浆的读音是fēngwángjiāng,蜂王浆翻译成英文是 Royal jelly.

  3. 问:蜂王信息素拼音怎么拼?蜂王信息素的读音是什么?蜂王信息素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜂王信息素的读音是fēng wáng xìn xī sù,蜂王信息素翻译成英文是 queen pheromone

  4. 问:蜂王外激素拼音怎么拼?蜂王外激素的读音是什么?蜂王外激素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜂王外激素的读音是fēng wáng wài jī sù,蜂王外激素翻译成英文是 queen substance


