


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……


1. 刺 [cì]2. 刺 [cī]刺 [cì]用有尖的东西插入:~绣。~伤。~杀。暗杀:~客。被~。行~。侦探,打听:~探。用尖锐的话指出别人的坏处:讽~。讥~。尖锐像针的东西:芒~。鱼~。~丛。刺 [cī]象声词:~地滑了一跤。……



汉语拼音:xíng cì







  1. 暗杀。

    《石点头·贪婪汉六院卖风流》:“且问你,我在此又不曾难为地方百姓,有甚冤仇,你却来行刺?” 清 薛福成 《庸盦笔记·史料一·咸丰季年三奸伏诛》:“州县备尖宿处,皆不敢轻居,惧三奸之行刺也。” 巴金 《利娜》上:“自己却躲在后面车厢里,怕有人来行刺。”



  1. Investigators also found paper on which the suspect apparently wrote the word 'assassination' and 'I planned ahead. '


  2. But Oswald's brother thought he was a sad and lonely man who murdered the president to get attention and show off his shooting skills.


  3. into the White House and attempts to assassinate the president.


  4. After a bitter campaign, an assassination attempt, and a photo-finish election, the Kuomintang leads Taiwan into crisis.


  5. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out.


  6. The Secret Service smelled out a plot to kill the President .


  7. He was accused of treason and of planning the assassination of President Lincoln.


  8. Security was tight for the president's visit because the police had been informed that a hit man had been hired to assassinate him.


  9. The evidence of a logical motive of the murderer's attempt on the life of the President has not yet been gathered.


  1. 针刺行针过程中诸气的概念及相互关系探讨

    Conception of Different Kinds of Qi during Acupuncture Treatment and Their Interrelationship.

  2. 他用靴刺策马前行。

    He dug his spurs into the sides of the horse.

  3. 针刺麻醉行鼻息肉摘除术临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Nasal Polypectomy under Acupuncture Anesthesia

  4. 患侧应避免行静脉穿刺、量血压和静脉输液。

    Venipuncture, BP measurement, and IV infusions are avoided on the affected side.

  5. 针刺合药物穴位注射治疗经行头痛

    Treatment of Menstrual Headache with Acupuncture Combined with Medicine injection into Acupoints

  6. 经脉循行线上组织氧分压的观察及其针刺的影响

    Observation on the partial pressure of oxygen in deep tissue along the meridian course and the effect of acupuncture on it

  7. 目的了解颈丛阻滞复合针刺麻醉行甲亢手术的麻醉效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of bilateral nervous block of cervical plexus combine with Acupuncture Anesthesia in hyperthyroidism operation.

  8. 针刺治疗继发性退变性腰椎管狭窄间歇性跛行疗效评价

    Therapeutic effect of acupuncture on intermittent claudication of second retrograde lumbar spinal stenosis

  9. 作者研究了一组被认为不适于行针刺消融治疗的病人。

    The authors studied a group of patients who were considered to be poor candidates for needle ablation therapy.

  10. 受嫌疑的行刺者

    the alleged assassin

  11. 有人企图行刺他。

    An attempt was made on his life.

  12. 怎会派你出来行刺?

    Why did they send you as an assassin?

  13. 也许他们是想行刺我。

    Perhaps they intend to assassinate me.

  14. 企图行刺总统的可能性。

    The likelihood of some attempt being made on the president's life.

  15. 对里根总统的行刺未遂。

    The attempted assassination of President reagan.

  16. 这些对行刺者至关重要。

    These would be of vital importance to the assassin.

  17. 行刺总统的事,你知道多少

    The assassination attempt. what do you know about it.

  18. 进白宫和行刺总统的尝试。

    into the White House and attempts to assassinate the president.

  19. 这次行刺,可能是东宫所为。

    The assassination was plotted by the prince.

  20. 这次行刺,可能是东宫所为。

    The assassination was plotted by the prince.

  21. 今天早上有人试图行刺我丈夫。

    There was an assassination attempt this morning on my husband.

  22. 情报部门发现了行刺总统的阴谋。

    The Secret Service smelled out a plot to assassinate the President.

  23. 警察挫败了针对首相的行刺企图。

    The police stopped the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister.

  24. 警察挫败了针对首相的行刺企图。

    The police stopped the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister.

  25. 公元 189年行刺大臣董卓不遂,逃亡。

    A. D.189 years assassinate Minister Dong Zhuo to be defeated, become a fugitive.

  26. 有特勤干员想协助行刺总统?

    There's an agent who wants to help assassinate the president?

  27. 昨晚发生一起企图行刺大使的事件。

    Last night a fresh attempt was made on the life of the ambassador.

  28. 警察破了一个行刺总统得阴谋。

    The police exposed a criminal plot to assassinate the President.

  29. 警察破了一个行刺总统的阴谋。

    The police exposed a criminal plot to assassinate the president.

  30. 试图行刺您的坏人已被严刑拷问。

    The villain who attempted your life has been put to the rack.


  1. 问:行刺拼音怎么拼?行刺的读音是什么?行刺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行刺的读音是xíngcì,行刺翻译成英文是 assassinate; commit a murder

  2. 问:行刺者拼音怎么拼?行刺者的读音是什么?行刺者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行刺者的读音是,行刺者翻译成英文是 assassin