


1. 节 [jié]2. 节 [jiē]节 [jié]竹子或草木茎分枝长叶的部分:竹~。~外生枝。物体的分段或两段之间连接的部分:关~。两~车厢。段落,事项:~~(一段一段地,逐步)。~目。中国历法把一年分为二十四段,每段开始的名称:~气。……





汉语拼音:jié yú









  1. 因节约而剩下。亦指节余的钱或东西。




  1. Food, clothing, and money were to be used in common. . . the surplus from the harvest was to revert to the communal treasury.


  2. Most of these economies are built around export models, so higher growth means big surpluses of foreign exchange added to the money supply.


  3. In fact, hosted does not always produce budgetary savings on corporate spreadsheets.


  4. His advice: Negotiate with creditors to pay what you can. Then, when you're debt-free, work on saving some money that you can use to invest.


  5. The balance of my board expenses was all spent on new books for English learning.


  6. By the dynamic reclaiming algorithm, the system performance is further improved at run-time with surplus energy.


  7. Responsible for the calculation, recording and clearing of accounts payable, and carrying forward construction investment savings timely.


  8. Obama proposes paying for an increase in Medicare doctors' pay through other cost saving adjustments in the program.


  9. They often failed to note that any "savings" he produced were swallowed into his growing budget.


  1. 节余提前带来的平衡

    A balance brought forward.

  2. 我们付帐后还有节余

    We paid our bills and had money to spare.

  3. 这项工程节余水泥十多吨。

    There is a surplus of over ten tons of cement from the project.

  4. 把节余的钢材划拨给农具厂。

    Allocate the spare steel to the farm tools factory.

  5. 因此,节余的休假情况有可能不准确。

    There was therefore a risk that leave balances might not be accurate.

  6. 关于国际海洋法法庭交还节余的决定

    Decision on the surrender of savings by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

  7. 仅此一项,我们便节余了一万余元。

    We saved over ten thousand yuan on this item alone.

  8. 他们的大部分节余可能已被花光了。

    Most of those remaining had probably spent up.

  9. 他们的大部分节余可能已被花光了。

    Most of those remaining had probably spent up.

  10. 旨在评估节余的系统办法仍在制定之中。

    A systematic approach to the assessment of savings is still being developed.

  11. 交易费用、节余的使用以及更多使用国家系统

    Transaction costs, use of savings and increased use of national systems

  12. 因此委员会预计该项下将出现节余。

    The Committee therefore expects that savings will be realized under this item.

  13. 该预算表明,重点将放在效率和节余上。

    The budget demonstrates the focus on efficiencies and savings.

  14. 减少行政开支,把节余的资金用于发展活动。

    Reducing administrative costs and using the savings for development activities.

  15. 庭长还解释了2008年的额外节余是如何出现的。

    The President also explained how additional savings had occurred in2008.

  16. 部分节余用于支付额外得死亡和伤残得索赔付款。

    The savings were redeployed to cover additional death and disability payments.

  17. 部分节余用于支付额外的死亡和伤残的索赔付款。

    The savings were redeployed to cover additional death and disability payments.

  18. 现在我可以放松一点了,每个月也有点节余了。

    Now I can relax a little bit and save a little bit every month.

  19. 自己吃舒适了玩愉快了,节余部分还可以入小金库。

    Oneself eat comfortable play delighted, surplus part still can enter small exchequer.

  20. 这些节余在商品周期由盛转衰的时候大派用场。

    This abstemiousness has served it well as the commodity cycle has turned.

  21. 这些节余在商品周期由盛转衰得时候大派用场。

    This abstemiousness has served it well as the commodity cycle has turned.

  22. 他们从来没有节余下钱,而挣了钱仅够买吃的。

    They never saved any money, but from hand to mouth.

  23. 它们希望联合国改革将增加节余,增强协同作用,提高效率。

    They hoped that United Nations reform would bring increased savings, synergies and efficiency.

  24. 自由支配性开支的节余将在国内和国防支出中分摊。

    The discretionary savings are spread between both domestic and defense spending.

  25. 由于承包人投标数额低于预期, 日内瓦也实现了节余。

    Savings have also been realized in Geneva as a result of lower than anticipated contractor bids.

  26. 预算文件第三节提供了说明, 并确定了相关节余及其数额。

    Explanations are provided in section III of the budget document, and the related savings are identified and quantified.

  27. 本公司开张大吉,头一年便收支平衡,还略有节余。

    With an auspicious beginning, our company hAS made a balanced budget in the first years business, and hAS had a small surplus AS well.

  28. 与办公室搬迁有关的业务费用超支,部分抵消了这些节余。

    Those savings are partly offset by overexpenditures on operational costs related to the relocation of the Office.

  29. 20年代期间,爸爸为了养家而努力工作,但是能够节余下的钱很少。

    During the '20s, Dad worked hard to support our family, but was very little money left over.


  1. 问:节余拼音怎么拼?节余的读音是什么?节余翻译成英文是什么?

    答:节余的读音是jiéyú,节余翻译成英文是 saving

