


1. 单 [dān]2. 单 [shàn]3. 单 [chán]单 [dān]不复杂:~纯。简~。~调(diào)。独一:~独。~一。~词。只,仅:做事~靠热情不够。奇(jī)数的:~日。~号。薄,弱:~薄。衣服被褥只有一层的:~裤。~衣。……





汉语拼音:dān fú








  1. 条幅,单条。

    清 袁枚 《新齐谐·随园琐记》:“白面小童跪床下,持一单幅,上书‘家政条条,人口寥寥’八字。”

  2. 谓全部内容集于单页的印刷品。

    袁鹰 《悲欢·不灭的诗魂》:“好心的编辑,还将它印了许多单幅,发给同志们留念。”

  3. 一幅。指布匹等织物宽度较狭。



  1. Analyze individual frames that cover extremely wide temperature measurement ranges and still be able to detect minute thermal differences .


  2. In this painting, Chinese artist Xu Weixin has taken as his subject matter a single photograph of a young woman.


  3. Pieces to be laid along the fold separated from those to be cut double.


  4. A sensor like MODIS passively records light reflected from the forest canopy, capturing a single image as the satellite passes overhead.


  5. In 2006 Aunt Adele and the rest arrived with fanfare in Los Angeles: the largest single return, in monetary terms, of Nazi-looted art.


  6. The representation is competent for feature selection and class space building as it can display a set of observations in one graph.


  7. Huang separated this video frame by frame to obtain individual pictures in large quantity: pictures of murdering.


  8. The performance of this algorithm is tested by single images and videos in this research.


  9. A new adaptive weight average image fusion rule was proposed to merge the coefficients and acquire fused coefficients.


  1. 单幅遥感影像

    single remote sensing image.

  2. 这布是单幅还是双双幅的?

    Is this cloth single or double width?

  3. 这布是单幅还是双双幅得?

    Is this cloth single or double width ?

  4. 这幅料子是单幅的还是双幅的?

    Is the material single width or double width ?

  5. 这幅料子是单幅得还是双幅得?

    Is the material single width or double width ?

  6. 这块料子是单幅得还是双幅得?

    Is this material single or double width?

  7. 这块料子是单幅的还是双幅的?

    Is this material single or double width?

  8. 所以我们从做单幅广告开始,对吧?

    So we'll start with single advertisement, right?

  9. 利用单幅影像的空间目标姿态测定方法

    Pose Determination of Space Object with Single Image

  10. 复用特征组合的单幅人脸图像识别

    Face recognition with one training sample by repeatedly used face features

  11. 单幅裁剪的样板与双幅裁剪的样板要分开放。

    Pieces to be laid along the fold separated from those to be cut double.

  12. 基于单幅立方体图的摄像机内参数标定

    Calibration of Camera Intrinsic Parameter Based on a Single Cube Image

  13. 从单幅透视线图建立平面立体的模型

    On Making Interpretation of Line Drawing Easier and More Precise in Computer Vision and CAD

  14. 基于单幅回旋曲面图像的摄像机标定方法

    Camera Calibration Method Based on Single Rondo Surface Image

  15. 基于单个平行四边形单幅图像的物体定位

    Pose Determination from a Single Image of a Single Parallelogram

  16. 基于单幅建筑物图像的太阳光方位角恢复

    Retrieval the Tilt Angle of Solar Illumination from a Single Architectural Photograph

  17. 提出一种估计单幅图像信噪比得算法。

    This paper presents an algorithm to estimate Signal Noise Ratio for a single image.

  18. 提出一种估计单幅图像信噪比的算法。

    This paper presents an algorithm to estimate Signal Noise Ratio for a single image.

  19. 详细阐述了单幅图像的滚动、旋转和缩放。

    Rolling, rotating and scaling of single dynamic image are detailed.

  20. 一种新的单幅条纹图的相位解调方法

    A Novel Approach for Phase Demodulation from a Single Fringe Pattern

  21. 迭代估计法单幅条纹图的相位解调

    Phase Demodulation from a Single Fringe Pattern Based on Iteration Algorithm

  22. 基于单幅影像的多个相似目标的识别与定位

    The identification and location of several similar targets in a single image

  23. 基于类似形原理从单幅透视图识别平面立体

    Recognizing Polyhedrons from a Perspective Drawing Based on Principle of Homograph

  24. 基于单幅红外云图的有眼台风自动定位算法

    Algorithm of Eyed Typhoon Locating Based on Single Infrared Image

  25. 一种基于单幅图像的树木深度估计与造型方法

    Depth Estimation and Modeling of a Tree from a Single image

  26. 从单幅高动态范围图像恢复环境中物体的材质

    Recovering Material for a Homogeneous Object in an Environment from a Single High Dynamic Range Image

  27. 基于单幅图像的三维视觉测量与缺陷检测技术研究

    Study on Three Dimensional Vision Measurement and Defect Inspection Based on Single Image

  28. 利用大位移视图修复单幅图像的透视畸变优化算法

    Optimization of Perspective Distortion for Image Completion Based on the Large Displacement View

  29. 基于统计滤波的单幅散斑条纹图的相位恢复技术

    Phase Recovery from a Single Speckle Fringe Pattern Based on Statistical Filtering

  30. 基于类似形原理从单幅轴测投影图识别平面立体

    On a New and Better Method of Recognizing Polyhedrons from an Axonometric Drawing


  1. 问:单幅拼音怎么拼?单幅的读音是什么?单幅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单幅的读音是dānfú,单幅翻译成英文是 single width; single breadth

  2. 问:单幅视频拼音怎么拼?单幅视频的读音是什么?单幅视频翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单幅视频的读音是dān fú shì pín,单幅视频翻译成英文是 single frame video

  3. 问:单幅单入口拼音怎么拼?单幅单入口的读音是什么?单幅单入口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单幅单入口的读音是dān fú dān rù kǒu,单幅单入口翻译成英文是 Single Width Single Inlet

  4. 问:单幅双车道拼音怎么拼?单幅双车道的读音是什么?单幅双车道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单幅双车道的读音是dān fú shuāng chē dào,单幅双车道翻译成英文是 two-lane single carriage

  5. 问:单幅间歇振荡器拼音怎么拼?单幅间歇振荡器的读音是什么?单幅间歇振荡器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单幅间歇振荡器的读音是dān fú jiàn xiē zhèn dàng qì,单幅间歇振荡器翻译成英文是 Single Swing Blocking Oscillator