







汉语拼音:kāi qù









  1. 免去;免职。

    清 薛福成 《上李伯相论赫德不宜总司海防书》:“总理衙门以专司练兵开去总税司一缺之説告 赫德 , 赫德 果不愿行。”

  2. 用在动词后。表示扩大或扩展。

    《水浒传》第四回:“不是老汉心多,为是恩人前日老汉请在楼上吃酒,员外误听人报,引领庄客来闹了街坊,后却散了,人都有些疑心,説开去。” 沙汀 《航线》:“广阔的耕地无涯无际地扩展开去。”

  3. 用在动词后。表示开始并继续下去。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·“论语一年”》:“《论语》办到一年了, 语堂先生 命令我做文章。这实在好像出了‘学而一章’的题目,叫我做一篇白话八股一样。没有法,我只好做开去。”

  4. 用在动词后。表示分开或离开。

    《水浒传》第三一回:“却待开门,被 武松 就势推开去,抢入来,把这后槽擗头揪住。” 清 李渔 《巧团圆·全节》:“罢,罢,罢,我与这妇人无缘,快快领他开去。” 鲁迅 《集外集·文艺与政治的歧途》:“这种文学家,他们都躲在象牙之塔里面……打起仗来,就不能不逃开去。”



  1. Police said, "We do not know why the truck was open to move in that direction, when the truck is going downhill. "


  2. So the child flew away like a Bird, and, making bare her small white feet, went pattering along the moist margin of the sea.


  3. Run your car off the side of the road. Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere (well, man, I've been there).


  4. When he realized his escape time could be running short, he drove up a hill and pulled his car into a parking lot.


  5. If it was stolen by some kids who wanted to take a joyride, they'll abandon it afterwards and you may get it back in one piece.


  6. They glared at me for about five seconds, then roared with laughter and took off down the road to Swofford's store.


  7. Do not take your eyes off the ball too early for this shot. You must be completely focused on the ball.


  8. One group started up a tank, drove it out of the gate, crushing the median of the main highway and driving off toward Tripoli.


  9. The next advance in evolutionism is to be able to begin with a human-designed pattern and then arbitrarily breed from there.


  1. 顺大街开去。

    Drive out the High Street.

  2. 沿着车道开去

    to drive out a driveway.

  3. 尼班巴士开去边?

    Where does this bus go ?

  4. 他把球踢开去。

    He booted the ball away.

  5. 汽车顺着坡开去。

    The car rolled down the slope.

  6. 汽车蓦地向前开去。

    The car plunged forward.

  7. 男孩把球踢开去。

    The boy booted the ball away.

  8. 他们驾车朝海滩开去。

    They drove toward the beach.

  9. 演讲人老爱扯开去。

    The speaker had a tendency to wander from the track.

  10. 引伸开去。长出枝芽

    branch out

  11. 从美学的困惑说开去

    Some Illumination from the Bewilderment of Aesthetics

  12. 生动的闲话正传播开去

    a piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.

  13. 小男孩把球踢开去。

    The little boy booted the ball away.

  14. 船长转动舵轮向伦敦开去。

    The captain turned the steering wheel for London.

  15. 我得把车开去进行车检。

    I've got to take the car in for its MOT.

  16. 司机启动车子沿大街开去。

    The driver put the car in gear and went down the street.

  17. 火车向南偏西方向开去。

    The train runs south by west.

  18. 她把汽车开去作年检了。

    She took her car in for its MOT.

  19. 他们坐上汽车向城镇开去。

    They set off by car and made for the town.

  20. 她开始走开去玩鳄鱼玩具。

    She wandered off to play with her toy alligator.

  21. 那辆红色汽车朝飞机场开去。

    The red car runningdirection of the airport.

  22. 什么,有人把车开去那了。

    What? Someone drove the truck there.

  23. 什么,有人把车开去那了。

    What? Someone drove the truck there.

  24. 从雅与俗的选择说开去

    From the Choice Between the Elegant and the Vulgar

  25. 那一伙人立即分散开去了。

    The company immediately hived off.

  26. 森林大火向四面八方扩展开去。

    The forest fire fanned out in all directions.

  27. 草地延伸开去, 仿佛多彩得地毯。

    The meadows are lying like a coloured carpet.

  28. 草地延伸开去,仿佛多彩的地毯。

    The meadows are lying like a coloured carpet.

  29. 火车离开车站向北京方向开去。

    The train left the station and headed out to Beijing.

  30. 我们驾车朝山的方向开去。

    We drove off in the direction of the mountains.