如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……
1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……
汉语拼音:liù sè
《周礼·考工记·画繢》:“画繢之事,杂五色,东方谓之青,南方谓之赤,西方谓之白,北方谓之黑,天谓之玄,地谓之黄。青与白相次也,赤与黑相次也,玄与黄相次也。” 郑玄 注:“此言画繢六色,所象及布,采之第次,繢以为衣。”《仪礼·觐礼》:“方明者,木也,方四尺,设六色:东方青,南方赤,西方白,北方黑,上玄,下黄。”
Butterfly and moth of common feature is the body and wing surface was full of five forehead six color scale and fine fur.
蝶类与蛾类共同的特征是身体和翅的表面布满了五额六色的鳞片和细毛。For a flawless base, choose Make Up for Ever HD Microperfecting Primer ($32), available in six shades to correct every skin tone.
为得到一个无暇的基础妆,选择的化妆品为HD的Microperfecting底妆(约合32美元),有可以调整任何肌肤色调的六色系可选。And so the colours went on quarreling, Suddenly there was a heavy rain. Rain started to pour down.
五言六色就这样一直吵下去。突然间大雨倾盆而下。Six-color business card printing and membership card making, we recommend that color Hall as black, blue, green, magenta, yellow and orange.
六色制卡和会员卡制作,倡导色厅为暗、青、红、品赤、黄、橙色。Type your message using one of six typefaces that can be coloured and modified by you.
输入您的邮件使用的六色,可以和你修改字体之一。Your objective is to guess the combination of six colors in four positions which are hidden from you.
你们的目标是要猜的结合,六色,在4个据点,这是隐藏您的意见。Six colors PAD machine, uses the tooth wheeled conveyor belt, is equipped with 20 locations.
六色移印机,采用齿轮式输送带,设有20个工位。This a modular glazing system to wander and six-color machine local Polish provides a flexible and effective solutions.
这种模块冻的上平编制为在五色和六色机上举行部分上平不求应了一种灵板灵验的处置方案。Six color independent adjusting ink box , so it is printed for multi-color .
six color infrared photometer
半行换色, 主色有六色
Half a line changes color, the mail has six colors
Rainbow colours represent accepting diversity and respecting differences.
根据纬纱使用要求, 有二色, 四色, 六色。
Request according to the latitude usage, have two color, four color, six color.
A Simple Digital Halftone Algorithm for Six Color Inkjet Printer
With the transparent, elicitable clip on the edge.
在青松的映衬下, 树上的灯光五彩六色, 璀烂夺目。
There were lights, all colors, shining against the green of a pine.