




1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:yàn chē






  1. 检查机动车辆的性能。




  1. If you do not agree with the examination results, you may seek clarification from the tester or the responsible person of the centre.


  2. If the notification is made not less than 14 days in advance of appointment date, you can apply for a refund of the paid examination fee.


  3. The registered owner will receive a note for arranging vehicle examination with the Vehicle Safety and Standards Division.


  4. Certain Designated Car Testing Centres offer evening services and services on Sundays and public holidays.


  5. In charge of truck maintenance, repairing, inspection scheduling and keep details records.


  6. You will need to book an appointment for a re-examination at the Centre.


  7. If the re-examination is not carried out within 14 days of the first examination, a full examination fee will be levied.


  8. If you have any dissatisfaction regarding the examination results of your vehicle, please contact the officer-in-charge immediately.


  9. Step 4: vehicle inspection test drive. Two sides together.


  1. 跟验车一样?不,没问题

    Car metaphors? No. I'd be happy to.

  2. 检验巴士须在验车中心缴付

    To Kwa Wan Vehicle Examination Centre

  3. 指定私家车及轻型货车验车中心

    Designated Car and Light Goods Vehicle Testing Centres

  4. 我想在开车去法国之前去验车。

    I want to get the car mot'd before we drive to france.

  5. 土瓜湾验车中心的巴士检验服务

    Bus inspection at to kwa wan vehicle examination centre

  6. 意外后, 车辆曾否被政府验车中心验车?

    Has the car been retained and inspected by government vehicle centre after the accident ?

  7. 可以。验车后您就可以把车开回家了。

    B. Yes. You can drive the car away after you examine it.

  8. 实行验车承保的办法, 提高道德风险防范。

    Implement the vehicle inspection covered approaches to improve the moral risk prevention.

  9. 于是这辆车在周二通过了巴林站的验车。

    The car then passed scrutineering in Bahrain on Thursday.

  10. 在九湾验车中心及新九湾验车中心的货车覆检服务

    Recheck examination of goods vehicle at Kowloon Bay Vehicle Examination Centre and New Kowloon Bay Vehicle Examination Centre

  11. 牵涉碰撞意外后, 该头盔必须提交验车主管检验。

    After an accident involving impact, the helmet must be presented to the Chief Scrutineer for examination.

  12. 城轨车制动盘的发热验算

    Checkup of Heat Giving of Brake Discs for Urban Rail Cars

  13. 上葵涌验车中心

    Sheung Kwai Chung Vehicle Examination Centre

  14. 新型钢轨探伤中试试验车探伤小车的研制

    Development of a New Test Carriage for the Rail Flaw Detection Car

  15. 署长为施行本规例, 得委任验车主任。

    The commissioner shall appoint persons to be vehicle examiners for the purposes of these regulations.

  16. 不可以。您必须前往有关验车中心办理取消预约。

    Cancellation of appointment can only be made at respective vehicle examination centers.

  17. 并进行了蜂窝状车载催化剂的设计和中试试验。

    Then design honeycomb catalyst for vehical and carry on intermediate test.

  18. 因酒醉驾车,警察检查他的证件。但他离去时警察覆验证件。

    Drive when intoxicated, the police check his ID. But when he leave, they countercheck the ID.

  19. 乘车券必须放在验票槽,过了旋转闸之后才可上月台乘车。

    You must put a token in a slot which allows you to pass through a turnstile onto the platform.