


1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……





汉语拼音:zhuǎn jì






  1. 委托一方把信件寄给另一方。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致陈铁耕》:“今有复 吴先生 一信,乞即转寄为感。”



  1. Please forward this to all the women you know. It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle.


  2. You can register up to five existing email addresses to which your unique Dot TK address will be forwarded.


  3. Someone - a friend, a colleague, a relative - may have emailed it to you, or called you up to tell you about it.


  4. When he moved he left instructions for his letters to be sent on to his new address .


  5. Another case in the area saw doctors remove a healthy organ from a patient after a GP did not forward scan results.


  6. The Ministry of Internal Security urges you to please desist from sending or forwarding any SMS that may cause public unrest.


  7. Kindly forward me the specifications and I will get right to work on your order.


  8. Thank you in advance for your forwarding of my reminders to your members.


  9. About the E-mail you sent me, the flash game is so interesting, and I forward it to my classmate.


  1. 转寄信息即免一死。

    Death exemption by forwarding the message.

  2. 请把我的邮件转寄给我。

    Please forward my mail to me.

  3. 请把我得邮件转寄给我。

    Please forward my mail to me.

  4. 转寄给女生, 让她们笑一笑!

    Send it to girls also, give them some laughter.

  5. 你必须把这些快照转寄出去。

    You must forward those snapshots.

  6. 我不会转寄给任何人的。

    I won't forward it to anybody.

  7. 不要发送或转寄垃圾电子邮件。

    Dont send or forward junk email.

  8. 我转寄给他一封信。一个包裹。

    Lets send in a letter of protest.

  9. 难道我会转寄给你们两个人?

    Would I forward it to both of you?

  10. 搬家后我们让邮局给我们转寄邮件。

    We got the Post Office to redirect our mail when we moved.

  11. 我们将把签证申请转寄到领事馆。

    We will forward the visa application to the consulate.

  12. 知道,我有收到你转寄的信,谢谢。

    Yes, I got your forward, thanks.

  13. 那是从德拉福德转寄给我的。

    It was forwarded to me from Delaford.

  14. 那是从德拉福德转寄给我得。

    It was forwarded to me from Delaford.

  15. 我度假期间请把我的信件转寄给我。

    Please forward any letters to me while I'm on holiday.

  16. 你的邮件将会从肯辛顿转寄。

    Your mail will be forwarded from Kensington.

  17. 你的邮件将会从肯辛顿转寄。

    Your mail will be forwarded from Kensington.

  18. 这些书从阿姆斯特丹转寄到东京。

    The books were forwarded from Amsterdam to tokyo.

  19. 转寄前,请将我的电子帐号删除。

    Before forwarding, please DELETE my eMail account.

  20. 逃离诱惑的人通常会留下转寄的住址。

    Those who flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address.

  21. 你的信已经从我的旧址转寄过来了。

    Your letter has been forwarded tome from my former address.

  22. 点击这里把这信息转寄给您的好友。

    Click here to forward this message to your friends.

  23. 未经寄件人许可, 不要将邮件转寄他人。

    Do not forward mails without permissinon of sender.

  24. 你能去趟邮局帮我转寄个邮件吗?

    Could you please go to the post office and forward my mail?

  25. 你能去趟邮局帮我转寄个邮件吗?

    Could you please go to the post office and forward my mail?

  26. 请转寄此讯息至你认识得朋友处, 谢谢。

    Please Forward this good news. Thanks.

  27. 如果有信来, 我是否可以把他们转寄去?

    If any letters come can I send them on?

  28. 请转寄此讯息至你认识的朋友处,谢谢。

    Please Forward this good news. Thanks.

  29. 转寄一些有意思得文章给你得好友, 互相激励。

    To share some inspiring articles with your good friend.

  30. 转寄一些有意思的文章给你的好友,互相激励。

    To share some inspiring articles with your good friend.


  1. 问:转寄拼音怎么拼?转寄的读音是什么?转寄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转寄的读音是zhuǎn jì,转寄翻译成英文是 forward

  2. 问:转寄托拼音怎么拼?转寄托的读音是什么?转寄托翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转寄托的读音是zhuǎn jì tuō,转寄托翻译成英文是 subbailment

  3. 问:转寄航空邮件拼音怎么拼?转寄航空邮件的读音是什么?转寄航空邮件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转寄航空邮件的读音是zhuǎn jì hángkōng yóujiàn,转寄航空邮件翻译成英文是 forward air mail