


1. 劈 [pī]2. 劈 [pǐ]劈 [pī]用刀斧或强力破开:~杀。~刺。~成两半。雷电击坏或击毙:天打雷~。冲着,正对着:~头盖脑。两个斜面合成的纵截面呈三角形的简单机械,刀、斧、楔子等各种切削工具的刃都属于这一类(亦称“尖劈”)。劈……





汉语拼音:pǐ tuǐ







  1. Within a week of graduating and leaving all my friends behind, I found out she had been cheating on me with her boss.


  2. Okay. So thank you. I think I figured it out. Remember that notary public who cheated on me?


  3. In the era of popular cheating, extramarital affairs either for man still a woman, no treason and heresy task.


  4. To split leg of a larger number of pants, and back again to stretch tight trousers are bad.


  5. In pivots with splits and trunk at the horizontal, the trunk must visibly be kept at the horizontal position for the full rotation.


  6. While in college I found out my boyfriend (and high school sweetheart) was cheating on me.


  7. But it seems that despite his attempts to move on, Robert Pattinson couldn't quite get over the incident.


  8. Two " torching girl" divides the leg one after another, lets this palm disciple somewhat lose with depressed.


  9. Split leg like when doppelganger axe scenery more doppelganger, also can not hold up against the moment by guess wear lies.


  1. 说我劈腿吗

    That I'm cheating?

  2. 你们为什么要劈腿

    Why do guys cheat?

  3. 剪踢接垂地劈腿

    Scissors kick to Vertical split

  4. 你能做劈腿动作吗?

    Can you do the splits?

  5. 你想乔纳有劈腿吗?

    Think jonah's getting any gash on the side?

  6. 你在说什么,说我劈腿吗

    What are you saying? That I'm cheating?

  7. 所以严格来说你没劈腿

    so technically it's not cheating.

  8. 所以严格来说你没劈腿。

    So technically it's not cheating.

  9. 是啊,我完全不打算劈腿

    Yeah, I'm not cheating on her at all.

  10. 你终于有机会劈腿了,哈?

    Finally you can cheat on me, huh?

  11. 你竟然和这个丑婊子劈腿?

    Are you cheating on me with this ugly slut?

  12. 作为一个两次被劈腿的人。

    Well, as someone who has been cheated on twice.

  13. 会劈腿的男人,跳芭蕾一定很好看。

    The man will split, ballet will look nice.

  14. 和西蒙娜劈腿的事情,你说对了

    You were right about the Simone cheating thing.

  15. 因为她想和她劈腿的那位一起用。

    Because she wants to use them with the guys she's been cheating on me with.

  16. 他在这里向你们展示正确的劈腿方式!

    He's here to demonstrate the proper way to kick!

  17. 而劈腿到底是不是一件违反道德的行径呢

    The split in the end is not a violation of the ethical practices of this?

  18. 而劈腿到底是不是一件违反道德得行径呢

    The split in the end is not a violation of the ethical practices of this?

  19. 她威胁他,要是让她再抓到他劈腿的话,就要杀了他。

    She threatened she would kill him if she caught him cheating one more time.

  20. 我为了让那个劈腿男掀开窗帘 等了六周的时间。

    I've been waiting six weeks for that cheating bastard to leave his curtains open.

  21. 一汪儿水,一片儿泥,都可以教它们劈了腿,或折扭了膝。

    A puddle of water or a patch of mud may make them break a leg or sprain a knee.

  22. 那些杂技演员以依次劈一字腿的动作,结束了他们的表演。

    The acrobats finished their act by doing the splits in turn.

  23. 才能让你们劈开你们得腿吗

    Do you then can let you slice open your legs

  24. 才能让你们劈开你们的腿吗

    Do you then can let you slice open your legs.

  25. 你真的指望一夜之间就学会劈山腿吗

    You actually thought that you could full split in one night

  26. 美国女运动员大劈叉, 双腿分开等你插!

    Picha large U.S. female athletes, such as your legs separated into!


  1. 问:劈腿拼音怎么拼?劈腿的读音是什么?劈腿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劈腿的读音是pī tuǐ,劈腿翻译成英文是 naeryu chagi; two-time

  2. 问:劈腿族拼音怎么拼?劈腿族的读音是什么?劈腿族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劈腿族的读音是,劈腿族翻译成英文是 Promiscuity



劈腿原为体操术语,指两腿最大限度地分开,现在劈腿一词成为一个人感情出轨、脚踏两条船甚至多条船的代名词。 “劈腿”这个词是台湾年轻人近年来新兴的流行用语。