如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 参 [cān]2. 参 [shēn]3. 参 [cēn]4. 参 [sān]参 [cān]加入在内:~加。~与。~政。~赛。~议。相间,夹杂:~杂。~半。检验,用其他有关材料来研究,考证某事物:~考。~照。~省(xǐng)(检验省察)……
汉语拼音:cān kǎo
《汉书·息夫躬传》:“唯陛下观览古戒,反覆参考,无以先入之语为主。” 宋 苏轼 《申三省起请开湖六条状》:“ 軾 寻以敦仁之策,参考众议,皆谓允当。” 孙犁 《耕堂读书记·<三国志·关羽传>》:“ 司马迁 参考《国语》、《战国策》等书,并加实地考察,成为一家之言的《史记》。”
Simulations and analysis show that this method can be used in angular motion analysis of generic suspended body.
通过算例说明上述结果具有一般性,对于回收系统悬挂体的姿态分析有参考价值。I'm always looking at painters and contemporary illustrations and graphic design and just lifting bits out of that.
我时常参考绘画、当代插图及平面设计,并从中抽取灵感,有点像拆件的方式。The company has increased the game-player population with a lineup of easy-to-play games as well as educational and reference titles.
该公司利用简单易玩的游戏以及具有教育性和参考性的游戏使游戏玩家的人数得以增加。The long-awaited next version of the Java EE 5 is knocking at the door (see Resources for links to the specification and preview release).
期待已久的下一版本JavaEE5即将发布(参见参考资料获得规范和预览版的链接)。Finally, get stocked up for your Easter feast, starting with one of our glazed hams in the meat department.
最后,为了让您的复活节大餐更丰盛,请参考我们肉品区具光泽的火腿。At this point, we have built a simple web application without even opening our editor or referring to any documentation.
此时,您已经构建了一个简单的web应用程序,期间甚至无需打开我们的编辑器或参考任何文档。To understand why these extra steps need to be performed, recall that the URL rewriting engine is at the ASP. NET level.
要理解需要执行这些额外步骤的原因,可以参考前面的内容,即URL重写引擎位于ASP.NET级别上。Kill Bad Aliens after we crank up all of the constants. It may not be a good game now, but it's fun to see.
处理常量之后的KillBadAliens,这样的游戏可能不够好,但却十分有趣,可供参考。"The Straw Bale House" is one of those rare reference books that cross over to provide us with a healthy dose of inspiration.