




用具的总称:~皿。~物。~械。木~。武~。~小易盈。生物体结构中具有某种独立生理机能的部分:~官。消化~。人的度量、才干:~度。~量(liàng )。~宇。~质。大~晚成。重视:~重。~敬。……



汉语拼音:shén qì






  1. 犹言神物。

    《老子》:“将欲取天下而为之,吾见其不得已。天下神器,不可为也。为者败之。” 王弼 注:“神,无形无方也,器,合成也,无形以合,故谓之神器也。”

  2. 代表国家政权的实物,如玉玺、宝鼎之类。借指帝位、政权。

    《汉书·叙传上》:“世俗见 高祖 兴於布衣,不达其故,以为适遭暴乱,得奋其剑,游説之士至比天下於逐鹿,幸捷而得之,不知神器有命,不可以智力求也。” 颜师古 注引 刘德 曰:“神器。璽也。”《文选·左思<魏都赋>》:“ 刘 宗委驭,巽其神器。” 吕延济 注:“神器,帝位。” 唐 杜甫 《送从弟亚赴河西判官》诗:“经纶皆新语,足以正神器。” 仇兆鳌 注引《汉书注》:“神器,政令也。”《三国演义》第八十回:“ 曹氏 大駡曰:‘吾父功盖寰区,威震天下,然且不敢篡窃神器。’” 曹亚伯 《武昌革命真史·武昌起义·檄各府州县电》:“窥窃我神器,诛锄我人民。”

  3. 指宝剑之类的器械。

    《文选·张协<七命>》:“神器化成,阳文阴縵。” 吕向 注:“神器,剑也。”

  4. 泛指兵器。

    明 刘若愚 《酌中志·内臣职掌纪略》:“﹝兵仗局﹞即掌造刀鎗刺戟,鞭斧盔甲弓矢,各样神器。”



  1. You announce that you're going to tap a colorless creature, a red creature, and a green-and-white creature to help pay for it.


  2. In ancient times, been enshrined in the dark sky for the Artifact, mainly as a sacrificial utensils.


  3. There was also a lot of good burn to back that up, but the artifact destruction was the centerpiece of the strategy.


  4. At the end of any player's turn, put a ablation counter on the artifact being Ablation.


  5. Only major artifacts, which are beyond the means of even epic characters to create, can possibly contain magic of this power.


  6. A major psionic artifact should have only a single, specific means of destruction (determined ahead of time by you).


  7. A player who controls more permanents than any other cannot play lands or artifact, creature, or enchantment spells.


  8. However, such a division is mainly an artifact of in vitro testing, and in vivo, there are interconnections between the two pathways.


  9. Under Ner'zhul's surgical command, the orcs quickly rounded up the artifacts that they needed and fled back to the safety of Draenor.


  1. 消灭目标神器或结界。

    Destroy target artifact or enchantment.

  2. 上古神器3测试版游戏攻略

    Ancient throne3 beta version introduction

  3. 发条马不可被神器生物阻挡。

    Clockwork Steed cannot be blocked by artifact creatures.

  4. 摘要铜鼓是布依族的神器礼器。

    Brass drums are the Bouyei peoples instruments of deity worshipping.

  5. 当你使用打造时,牺牲一个神器。

    At the time you play Tinker, sacrifice an artifact.

  6. 高等神器只有一种特定方法可以摧毁。

    A major psionic artifact should have only a single, specific means of destruction.

  7. 这个铜鼎曾经是代表国家政权的神器。

    This bronze tripod used to be a symbol of emperorship.

  8. 这个铜鼎曾经是代表国家政权的神器。

    This bronze tripod used to be a symbol of emperorship.

  9. 把此牌放在该神器下,此牌被视为神器结界。

    Put this card under that artifact, this card count as a enchant artifact.

  10. 全新的魔法元素,包括招魂,幻象和强大的神器!

    All New Elements of Magic including Necromancy, Illusions, and powerful Artifacts.

  11. 渗透影法师只能被神器和或黑色生物阻挡。

    Shadowmage Infiltrator cant be blocked except by artifact creatures andor black creatures.

  12. 世界和平。那不完全是我追寻这件神器的目的。

    World peace. Not entirely my purpose in pursuing this artifact.

  13. 原始崇拜物是一种神器, 代表着神的灵魂或力量。

    A fetish is a sacred object that embodies the spirit or power of a god.

  14. 神器或黑色以外的生物皆不可阻挡舒夸塔刺客。

    Suq'Ata Assassin cannot be blocked except by artifact or black creatures.

  15. 实际上,阿尔萨斯劝说伊利丹吸收神器的力量据为己有。

    Illidan had colossally underestimated the demon lords power.

  16. 请随意修改这里给出的能力以为你的战役定制神器。

    Feel free to change the powers given here in order to customize these artifacts to your campaign.

  17. 除非你操控其他神器,否则覆铁巨蛇不能进行攻击。

    Steelclad Serpent can't attack unless you control another artifact.

  18. 最后, 非常稀有而强大的灵能物品自成一类神器。

    Finally, psionic items exist of such rarity and power as to belong to a category of their own artifacts.

  19. 最近,我的研究部门将注意力转移到了对古代神器的研究上。

    My research department has recently turned its focus to the study of ancient artifacts.

  20. 艾斯波此断片是白色,蓝色,以及黑色。其主题是有色神器。

    The shard of Esper is white, blue, and black. Its theme is colored artifacts.

  21. 此效应只能减少神器咒语总费用中一般法术力的部分。

    This effect can reduce only the generic portion of the artifact spell's total cost.

  22. 你可以牺牲三个神器, 而不支付废品泰坦的法术力费用。

    You may sacrifice three artifacts rather than pay Salvage Titan's mana cost.

  23. 当受侵蚀的神器有四个侵蚀指示物时, 其操控者牺牲之。

    When the artifact being Ablation have four or more ablation counter on it, its controller sacrifice this artifact.

  24. 消灭目标神器或结界, 你获得等同于其法术力费用的生命。

    Destroy target artifact or enchantment. You gain life equal to its converted mana cost.

  25. 在远古时期, 鼓被尊奉为通天的神器, 主要是作为祭祀的器具。

    In ancient times, been enshrined in the dark sky for the Artifact, mainly as a sacrificial utensils.

  26. 在每个玩家结束时, 放置一个侵蚀指示物到受侵蚀的神器上。

    At the end of any player's turn, put a ablation counter on the artifact being ablation.

  27. 希尔瓦里人尊凡特里石碑为他们最重要的神器和圣约。

    They venerate the Ventari Tablet as their most sacred artifact and testament.

  28. 这个时候, 伊利丹已经得到了一个强大的神器萨格拉斯之眼。

    By the time they confronted Illidan, however, he had already retrieved a magical artifact the Eye of Sargeras.


  1. 问:神器拼音怎么拼?神器的读音是什么?神器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神器的读音是shénqì,神器翻译成英文是 The objects standing for the national regime of...



“神器”是个多义词,它可以指神器(日本的三大神器), 神器(深圳冰川网络开发的游戏), 神器(网游《天龙八部》神器), 神器(西方神话中的神器), 神器(动漫《植木的法则》神器), 神器(漫画《神契幻奇谭》神器), 神器(网页游戏), 神器(俄罗斯2009年AndreiSokolov执导电影), 神器(中国上古神器), 神器(游戏《魔兽争霸》神器), 神器(同名单机游戏)。