




与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:xiù wài huì zhōng








  • 【解释】:秀:秀丽;慧:聪明。外表秀丽,内心聪明。
  • 【出自】:唐·韩愈《送李愿归盘谷序》:“曲眉丰颊,清声而便体,秀外而慧中。”
  • 【示例】:卿~,令人爱而忘死。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. The body is the revolution capital, so I wish I can lose weight to fitness, to be a perfect lady.


  2. I really, really like you a lot and I think you're beautiful, both inside and out.


  3. You're as lovely as a morning flower. 2. She's got the brains and the looks.


  1. 新娘秀外慧中。

    The bride unites beauty and intelligence.

  2. 老板电器秀外慧中平衡术

    Models the independent brand by the independent innovation to walk road of the striving to improve

  3. 双子座秀外慧中的特质深深吸引了狮子座异性。

    Geminis are blend of beauty and brains and this quality makes the Leo attractive to the Geminis.

  4. 一个有品味的女人的可人之处,在于秀外慧中的外表与内涵。

    A woman, pleasant taste, this is to look XiuwaihuizhongAnd connotation.

  5. 现在让我给您介绍槐亭太太吧,她真不愧是秀外慧中呢。

    Now let me introduce Mrs. Whiting, who is as intellectual as she is beautiful.

  6. 在电视脱口秀中为新书

    Authors who plug their latest books on TV talk shows

  7. 世纪秀中, 巍巍吾校, 百年春秋, 桃李芬芳。

    Century show, the towering I school, a hundred years and Autumn, peaches and plums fragrance.

  8. 她妹妹秀外惠中, 是个不错的女孩。

    Her younger sister is beautiful and intelligent. She is indeed a very good girl.

  9. 她妹妹秀外惠中,是个不错的女孩。

    Her younger sister is beautiful and intelligent. She is indeed a very good girl.

  10. 在其他的竞技秀项目中,动物也会受伤或死去。

    Animals also injured and killed in other rodeo events.

  11. 金州勇士队在非选秀球员中选到了乔治亚理工大学的莫罗。

    The Golden State Warriors picked Morrow up as an undrafted rookie out of Georgia Tech.

  12. 我将在今晚的踢踏舞秀中表演。

    I'll perform in the tap dance show tonight.

  13. 在一个系列秀中,包括百分百温哥华

    In a series of shows that includes 98 Percent Vancouver.

  14. 她摘下帽子, 在这场秀中表演了几个舞步。

    She takes the hat off and does a couple of dance steps during the show.

  15. 她摘下帽子,在这场秀中表演了几个舞步。

    She takes the hat off and does a couple of dance steps during the show.

  16. 在悉尼的来电秀节目与恐龙同行中出场的可动暴龙模型。

    An animatronic model of a Tyrannosaurus performs during a media call show of the production Walking with Dinosaurs in Sydney, Australia.

  17. 盛典日历中填满了时尚秀、艺术展和访谈会。

    The events calendar is filled with fashion shows, art exhibitions and talks.

  18. 形态各异,奇中见秀。

    Different patterns, Kellett see in the show.

  19. 秀秀你人生中的美丽误会

    Talk about your beautiful misapprehension of your life

  20. 秀秀你人生中得美丽误会

    Talk about your beautiful misapprehension of your life.

  21. 英秀从米中挑出石头。

    Yingxiu pick stones out from the rice.

  22. 可见谷中千岩竞秀, 石林挺秀。

    One can have an eye full of beautiful yet strange rock formations.

  23. 一片寒意中, 唯有黄金期货一枝独秀。

    A cold, the only gold futures to outshine others.

  24. 山中岩洞较多,险峰竞秀,幽静奇特。

    Mountain caves more Xianfeng Jing Xiu, quiet strange.

  25. 梦幻诗是梦文化艺苑中的奇葩异秀。

    Dream poems are a peculiar flower in the garden of dream culture.

  26. 他挺秀的身材在同行的人中显得特别突出。

    His tall and straight stature makes him stand out among his peers.

  27. 他挺秀的身材在同行的人中显得特别突出。

    His tall and straight stature makes him stand out among his peers.

  28. 时装秀的幕后花絮在阅读过程中增加乐趣。

    Enjoy the interest via reading the feature behind the fashion show.

  29. 秀水、美石和奇洞。水从水箱的洞中迸出。

    Clear water, mystic crags and grotesque caves.

  30. 曲眉丰颊, 清声而便体, 秀外而惠中。

    Song eyebrow abundant cheeks, clear sound and then body, show outside of you.


  1. 问:秀外慧中拼音怎么拼?秀外慧中的读音是什么?秀外慧中翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀外慧中的读音是xiùwàihuìzhōng,秀外慧中翻译成英文是 beautiful and intelligent



语出唐·韩愈《送李愿归盘谷序》:“才畯满前,道古今而誉盛德,入耳而不烦。曲眉丰颊,清声而便体,秀外而惠中......” 秀外惠中,今作“秀外慧中”。