


1. 夹 [jiā]2. 夹 [jiá]3. 夹 [gā]4. 夹 [xiá]夹 [jiā]从两旁钳住:使劲儿~住。两旁有物限制住,在两者之间:两山~一水。~峙。搀杂:~生饭。~杂。夹东西的器具:竹~子。~剪。卷(juǎn )~。夹 [ji……





汉语拼音:jiā jī







  1. 犹夹攻。

    《汉书·韩信传》:“於是 汉 兵夹击,破虏 赵 军,斩 成安君 泜水 上,禽 赵王歇 。”《新唐书·沙沱传》:“ 勛 欲速战,众八万,与官军夹击,败之。”《明史·俞大猷传》:“ 大猷 将水兵, 继光 将陆兵,夹击 平南澳 ,大破之。” 毛泽东 《第十八集团军总司令给蒋介石的两个电报》:“ 中国 解放区全体军民虽受尽了敌伪和你的军队两方面夹击之苦,但丝毫未减弱他们坚持抗战、团结和民主的意志。”

  2. 犹夹打。

    清 沉日霖 《晋人尘·异闻·囚徒妖术》:“﹝ 张列三 ﹞向为 长沙 善化 令。一日讯囚,严加夹击,终不肯承。”



  1. At this point she takes her attack normally against an adjacent to her, which potentially sets up flanking opportunities for her comrades.


  2. Telstra yesterday said it had been "caught in the crossfire of conflicting policies" .


  3. Yet central banks, caught between slowing growth and surging prices, have been hesitant to turn off the taps.


  4. of influenza germs and cedar pollen -- leading to runny noses, watery eyes and coughing.


  5. If not, teams send quick double-team traps to get the ball out of Bryant's hands.


  6. The enemy troops were caught In crossfire between two guerrilla bands.


  7. Reported that Gaddafi in Sirte, Libya, the last stronghold of armed opposition is currently subject to attack from both sides of things.


  8. But Bloomberg will come up short, as he comes in for withering attacks from both Democrats and Republicans.


  9. A further rise in unemployment may come from smaller companies squeezed between tough labour laws and a credit drought.


  1. 等他过了中线再夹击他。

    Don't trap him until he goes over the central line.

  2. 他们总是被夹击之后才会传球。

    they were passing when trapped.

  3. 他们决定撤退,否则就要受两面夹击。

    They decided to retreat lest they would be between two fires.

  4. 在夹击敌人时, 你仍然占有你当前的格子。

    You also occupy your current square for flanking an opponent.

  5. 敌军遭到了两支游击队交叉火力得夹击。

    The enemy troops were caught in crossfire between two guerrilla bands.

  6. 现代篮球运动防守体系中夹击配合的再认识

    The Further Study on the Attack in Modern Basketball Defense System

  7. 剩余的黑铁部族部队被两面夹击, 全军覆没。

    Crushed between two armies, the remaining Dark Iron forces were utterly destroyed.

  8. 肩峰小骨是引起肩夹击症候群的罕见原因。

    Os acromiale is a rare predisposing factor of shoulder impingement syndrome.

  9. 肩峰小骨是引起肩夹击症候群得罕见原因。

    Os acromiale is a rare predisposing factor of shoulder impingement syndrome.

  10. 澳洲电信昨天表示, 公司受到互相矛盾的政策的夹击。

    Telstra yesterday said it had been caught in the crossfire of conflicting policies.

  11. 肩夹击症候群是一种常见的疼痛性肩关节疾病。

    Shoulder impingement syndrome is one of the most common painful shoulder disorders.

  12. 肩夹击症候群是一种常见得疼痛性肩关节疾病。

    Shoulder impingement syndrome is one of the most common painful shoulder disorders.

  13. 战斗打了一宿。在南北两面的夹击下,敌人被打败了。

    Because of attacks of two sides, the enemies were defeated at last over one night.

  14. 我们面对老龄人口日益增长和出生率降低的两头夹击。

    Here we are caught in a squeeze between the growing numbers of the elderly and a lower birth rate.

  15. 在战争和当前干旱的夹击下, 阿富汗的经济正处于低谷。

    Between the war and the ongoing drought, the Afghan economy is at a low ebb.

  16. 在台风和地振的双重夹击下,海底电缆已经悲剧了。

    Just got confirmation. There is submarine cable cut either on APCN 2 or EAC.

  17. 七月政权在来自过去和来自未来的两面夹击中挣扎。

    Between the attack of the past and the attack of the future, the establishment of July struggled.

  18. 适当的放射学检查有时可以证明肩夹击的原因及确定诊断。

    Appropriate radiologic studies sometimes can indicate the causes of impingement and document the diagnosis.

  19. 它可以担任廉价的夹击者,比死跃蜘蛛及魔蝠更耐用。

    It can serve as an inexpensive flanker that's more durable than a Deathjump Spider or a Mephit.


  1. 问:夹击拼音怎么拼?夹击的读音是什么?夹击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夹击的读音是jiājī,夹击翻译成英文是 to make a pincer attack; pincer attack



基本解释 [converging attack;attack from both sides;double-barrelled attack;hem in;hold the enemy in pincers] 夹攻 详细解释 1. 犹夹攻。 《汉书·韩信传》:“於是 汉 兵夹击,破虏 赵 军,斩 成安君 泜水 上,禽 赵王歇 。”《新唐书·沙沱传》:“ 勋 欲速战,众八万,与官军夹击,败之。”明 王铎《太子少保兵部尚书节寰袁公神道碑》:“公(袁可立)上其事,……闻敌令妇女乘城,骁悍皆赴利以犯我,宜会兵捣之,踏其虚,可夹击也。”《明史·俞大猷传》:“ 大猷 将水兵, 继光 将陆兵,夹击 平南澳 ,大破之。” 毛泽东《第十八集团军总司令给蒋介石的两个电报》:“ 中国 解放区全体军民虽受尽了敌伪和你的军队两方面夹击之苦,但丝毫未减弱他们坚持抗战、团结和民主的意志。” 2. 犹夹打。 清 沉日霖 《晋人尘·异闻·囚徒妖术》:“﹝ 张列三 ﹞向为 长沙 善化 令。一日讯囚,严加夹击,终不肯承。”