




郊外,村外:~外。~景。~游。~趣。~餐。~战。四~。郊~。界限,范围:分~。视~。指不当政的地位,与“朝(cháo )”相对:朝~。下~。在~。~史。不讲情理,没有礼貌:~蛮。粗~。巨大而非分的欲望:~心。不受约束:心玩儿~了。不是人工驯……



汉语拼音:yuán yě







  1. 亦作“ 原壄 ”。平原旷野。

    《国语·鲁语上》:“大者陈之原野,小者致之市朝。”《吕氏春秋·季春纪》:“循行国邑,周视原野。” 高诱 注:“广平曰原,郊外曰野。”《楚辞·九歌·国殇》:“天时坠兮威灵怒,严杀尽兮弃原壄。” 朱熹 集注:“壄,古野字。弃原壄,骸骨弃於原壄也。” 宋 陆游 《荞麦初熟刈者满野喜而有作》诗:“城南城北如铺雪,原野家家种蕎麦。” 清 龚自珍 《<送钦差大臣侯官林公>序》:“取不逞夷人及奸民,就地正典型,非有大兵陈之原野之事,岂古人於陆路开边衅之比也哉?” 巴金 《<春天里的秋天>序》:“春天,枯黄的原野变緑了。”



  1. And yet, if you had a discriminating ear, there were in it the elements of a concord such as these plains never saw nor heard.


  2. In desperation, she personally killed Alec, catch up with Clay, who spent in the desert wilderness escape for a few days the joy of life.


  3. Surrounded by the fields, it had no garden but for a few beds planted about its feet.


  4. This will slow it down enough for your friend to jump on top of you and grab the chain as you go bulleting across the countryside.


  5. At this time the sun's afterglow on spending in the wilderness, as if to put the earth on a golden carpet.


  6. When your thoughts, down the pen tip, drift in the champaign like refreshing rivulet, your soul seems to gallop in the wind, unfettered.


  7. a shared compassion develop between you and your course mates as you encounter and overcome the challenges of wilderness living.


  8. Within a few days, green sprouts push up through the soil and produce a green flush of grass.


  9. The lonely person who hitherto had been queen of the solitude did not at present seem likely to return.


  1. 原野的召唤

    The call of the wild.

  2. 原野的尽头

    the extreme edge of the field.

  3. 丹麦的原野

    The space field of Danmark.

  4. 枉柳原野螟

    Proteuclasta stotzneri Caradja.

  5. 原野起伏的高地

    an area of open rolling upland.

  6. 水牛漫游于原野。

    The buffaloes ranged the plains.

  7. 盛开水仙花的原野?

    The fields of asphodel?

  8. 原野起伏的开阔地

    An area of open rolling upland.

  9. 原野起伏,景色宜人。

    The countryside undulates pleasantly.

  10. 不列颠群岛原野

    Field for the British Isles

  11. 原野上风又太大。

    The fields are too windy.

  12. 原野上覆盖着雪。

    The field was blanketed with snow.

  13. 把绿色得原野粉刷,

    And whiten the green plains under

  14. 把绿色的原野粉刷,

    And whiten the green plains under

  15. 他们疾驰越过原野。

    They galloped across the field.

  16. 原野中繁茂的植物

    Plants that grow abundantly in the wild

  17. 春风吹绿原野。

    Spring breezes bring greenness to the country.

  18. 前往远处蓝色的原野!

    Off to the wild blue yonder!

  19. 前往远处蓝色的原野!

    Off to the wild blue yonder!

  20. 原野上点缀着树木。

    The field was interspersed with stands of trees.

  21. 湛蓝的天空碧绿的原野

    The sky is blue and fields are green

  22. 原野是小鹿的书。

    Land is a little deer's book.

  23. 原野或树林,万物苏醒。

    All things revive in field or grove.

  24. 这是片空旷的原野。

    This is an expanse of open country.

  25. 这是片空旷得原野。

    This is an expanse of open country.

  26. 牛在原野上吃青草。

    The cattle were grazing in the field.

  27. 原野被雪覆盖着,雪遮蔽原野。

    The field was clothed in snow.

  28. 野兔跳跃着穿过原野。

    The rabbit hopped across the field.

  29. 你能否断定绿色的原野

    Can you tell a green field

  30. 我真希望在原野奔跑。

    I wish I were running across an open field.


  1. 问:原野拼音怎么拼?原野的读音是什么?原野翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原野的读音是yuányě,原野翻译成英文是 open country; champaign; field

  2. 问:原野坦拼音怎么拼?原野坦的读音是什么?原野坦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原野坦的读音是Yuányě Tǎn,原野坦翻译成英文是 Harano Hiroshi

  3. 问:原野谷拼音怎么拼?原野谷的读音是什么?原野谷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原野谷的读音是Yuányěgǔ,原野谷翻译成英文是 Haranoya



“原野”是个多义词,它可以指原野(东港市艺人), 原野(武汉软件工程职业学院文学社团), 原野(1981年凌子执导电影), 原野(成都赫尔贝德投资企业集团首席执行官), 原野(个人风水转运学教程作者), 原野(1956年吴回执导电影), 原野(胡济璋指挥歌剧), 原野(词语解释), 原野(蒙古族记者), 原野(北京人艺话剧), 原野(板胡独奏演员), 原野(曹禺著话剧)。