




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的:~利。得~。~券(指胜利的把握)。~负。无往不~。超过,占优势:~似。优~。以少~多。优美的:~地。~景。~境。~迹。~状(胜景)。古代妇女的饰物:花~。彩~。能承担,能承受(旧读shēng ):~……





汉语拼音:měi bù shèng shōu








  • 【解释】:胜:尽。美好的东西很多,一时看不过来。
  • 【出自】:清·钱泳《履园丛话·艺能·治庖》:“惟鱼之一物,美不胜收。”
  • 【示例】:展览馆里展出的各种工艺品琳琅满目,~。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语、补语;含褒义


  1. Within the city, a great deal of grass, trees, and greenery is seen, whereas the outskirts consist of a dusty, rocky landscape.


  2. The classic color of orange makes you beautiful, just like the general brilliant autumn leaves of Fragrant Hill.


  3. The eucalyptus tree in the garden swayed with joy and the air was filled with the sweet smell of wet mud. It was truly glorious.


  4. Straight along the highway, roadside scenery beautiful, my mother said it was "the first in Guangdong Road - Kaiyang highway. "


  5. The drive up the long walk and the ride from Bishop's Gate to Virginia Water offers to the gaze a scenic panorama of extreme beauty.


  6. Malaysia is one of the most culturally, ethnically and geographically diverse and unique countries in the world, not to mention beautiful.


  7. Beautiful colors in autumn, these captured images are just a tip of the iceberg. But lets enjoy what we have now together.


  8. Dali was nice, with fantastic mountain-scapes and incredibly picturesque scenery, yet it seemed to be lacking something.


  9. Stunning harbor views are a feature of this new uber-cool and uber-trendy 'boutique' hotel owned by the Swire Group.


  1. 美不胜收的风景

    picturesque scenery

  2. 展品琳琅满目, 美不胜收。

    The exhibition is a feast for the eyes.

  3. 展览品琳琅满目, 美不胜收。

    The exhibits are a feast for eyes.

  4. 两者刚柔相济, 美不胜收。

    Such a striking contrast has enhanced the attractiveness of both

  5. 黄山的风景美不胜收。

    The scenery at Huangshan is indescribably beautiful.

  6. 美不胜收的哥本哈根

    Spotlight on Copenhagen Are yo

  7. 这儿的风景简直美不胜收。

    The landscape couldn't be more beautiful.

  8. 那么多新奇的东西,美不胜收!

    So much novelty and beauty!

  9. 那么多新奇得东西,美不胜收!

    So much novelty and beauty!

  10. 建造这美不胜收的音乐厅的人

    People who build this wonderful concert hall.

  11. 烟火晚会上, 火树银花, 美不胜收。

    There were a display of fireworks and a sea of lanterns at the firework party, which were beautiful beyond words.

  12. 晶莹剔透得雨点滴滴坠落, 美不胜收。

    The crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it.

  13. 烟火晚会上,火树银花,美不胜收。

    There were a display of fireworks and a sea of lanterns at the firework party, which were beautiful beyond words.

  14. 晶莹剔透的雨点滴滴坠落,美不胜收。

    The crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it.

  15. 展览会上的工艺品琳琅满目,美不胜收。

    We were dazzled by the endless array of beautiful handiwork on display.

  16. 但却又处处晶光彩焕, 美不胜收。

    And yet inevitably It'strikes one gleam after another.

  17. 内蒙古绿色峡谷的景色真是美不胜收。

    The view of the green valleys in Inner Mongolia is really fantastic.

  18. 这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。

    The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain.

  19. 从山顶望去,这峡谷的景色美不胜收。

    From the top, there are incredible views of the canyon.

  20. 我住在35层,从上面俯瞰,景色美不胜收。

    I live at the 35th floor. The view from above is amazing.

  21. 我住在35层,从上面俯瞰,景色美不胜收。

    I live at the 35 th floor. The view from above is amazing.

  22. 覆盖在浓浓春色里的汕头大学,美不胜收。

    The shantou university, which covered in the thick spring scenery, is a very beautiful place.

  23. 深秋时节,层林尽染的景象美不胜收。

    In late autumn, ring upon ring of woods tinted with deep red constitute a beautiful scenery beyond words.

  24. 澄静的水面倒映着湖光山色, 美不胜收。

    The surface of the clean and serene water reflects the extraordinarily beautiful scenery of the lake and mountains.

  25. 澄静的水面倒映着湖光山色,美不胜收。

    The surface of the clean and serene water reflects the extraordinarily beautiful scenery of the lake and mountains.

  26. 金秋十月,莫泽尔河谷阳光闪烁,美不胜收。

    The golden autumn found the Mosel valley gorgeous in the sunshine.

  27. 全长仅8公里,沿途风光奇丽美不胜收,如孟良梯

    is only 8 kilometers long with many scenic spots such as the Meng Liang Staircase

  28. 坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。

    The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvelous.

  29. 又如何在污水横流的河里, 一尘不染, 美不胜收。

    and how the crossflow of sewage river, maintain ones original pure character, beautiful.

  30. 我们周围风景真是美不胜收, 我们真希望没完没了地逛下去。

    There was so much beauty around us that we wished the journey would never end.


  1. 问:美不胜收拼音怎么拼?美不胜收的读音是什么?美不胜收翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美不胜收的读音是měibúshèngshōu,美不胜收翻译成英文是 indescribably beautiful



美不胜收,形容好的东西太多;美景多得看不过来;艺术品太美而目不睱接 。语出清袁枚《随园诗话》卷三:“见其鸿富,美不胜收。” 朱自清《“海阔天空”与“古今中外”》:“这还是摄影呢,画片更是美不胜收。”