




1. 藉 [jiè]2. 藉 [jí]藉 [jiè]垫在下面的东西。衬垫:枕~。同“借”。抚慰:慰~。含蓄:蕴~。假设,假使:“公等遇雨,皆已失期,失期当斩。~第令毋斩,而戍死者固十六七”。藉 [jí]践踏,凌辱:“人皆~吾弟”。狼~。进贡……



汉语拼音:láng jí








  1. 亦作“ 狼籍 ”。纵横散乱貌。

    《史记·滑稽列传》:“日暮酒阑,合尊促坐,男女同席,履舃交错,杯盘狼藉。” 唐 元稹 《夜坐》诗:“孩提万里何时见?狼籍家书卧满牀。” 清 翟灏 《通俗编·兽畜》:“﹝ 苏鶚 《演义》﹞狼藉草而卧,去则灭乱。故凡物之纵横散乱者,谓之狼藉。” 朱自清 《背影》:“到 徐州 见着父亲,看见满院狼藉的东西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼泪。”

  2. 指多而散乱堆积。

    唐 陈子昂 《上西蕃边州安危事》:“屯田广远,仓蓄狼籍,一虏为盗,恐成大忧。” 清 刘大櫆 《乞里人共建义仓引》:“故虽粟米狼藉,而终岁之用,犹苦其不给。”

  3. 喻行为不检,名声不好。

    《后汉书·张酺传》:“﹝ 竇景 ﹞遣掾 夏猛 私谢 酺 曰:‘ 郑据 小人,为所侵冤。闻其儿为吏,放纵狼藉。取是曹子一人,足以惊百。’”《旧唐书·刘崇鲁传》:“前日 杜太尉 狼籍,为朝廷深耻。” 宋 苏轼 《上神宗皇帝书》:“ 汉武 遣绣衣直指, 桓帝 遣八使,皆以守宰狼籍,盗贼公行,出於无术,行此下策。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录初集·珊珊》:“邑之仕宦眷属,闻之咸不平,声名益狼籍。” 李劼人 《天魔舞》第十三章:“声名狼藉了,还有人要我教书吗?”

  4. 形容困厄、窘迫。

    宋 司马光 《遗表》:“今溃败失亡,狼藉如此,而建议行师之人,晏然曾无愧畏,或更蒙宠任。” 明 冯梦龙 《智囊补·术智·徐道覆》:“呜呼,奇才策士鬱鬱不得志,而狼籍以死者比比矣。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录三集·西泠太瘦生偶记》:“狼籍烟花十七春,不堪回首堕红尘。”

  5. 犹糟蹋。

    唐 李商隐 《杂纂》:“狼籍米穀。” 明 王衡 《郁轮袍》第六折:“谢贤王肯作媒,劳重恁牵傀儡,可惜狼藉了 王阳 气力。”《古今小说·梁武帝累修归极乐》:“ 范道 在寺多年,一世奉斋,并不敢有一毫贪慾,也不敢狼籍天物。”

  6. 犹折磨。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·折狱》:“世之折狱者,非悠悠置之,则縲繫数十人而狼籍之耳。” 何垠 注:“狼籍之,言磨折之至於惫也。”《天雨花》第二五回:“可怜儿女犹髫少,离却娘亲怎得生?当然狼籍都断送,絶了亡夫后代根。”



  1. "It was a mess. I had been in the business for more than 40 years, and it was one of the worst that I had seen, " Metzger says.


  2. Stunned locals stared at the damage and consoled one another in the debris-covered streets.


  3. Gorbachev has never reconciled himself to Yeltsin's nine years in power which he sees as a time of chaos.


  4. If you're gaining weight and discovering a mess in the kitchen every morning, talk to your doctor about whether or not you might have SRED.


  5. Folks are picking up the pieces after powerful storms ripped through the South. At least two people were killed.


  6. I was one with the mass, moving down the littered street over the puddles of oil and milk, my personality blasted.


  7. The candle, wasted by the draught, was standing where it had been placed.


  8. My room was in a state of disorder after I searched through it for my favorite shoes.


  9. Back in Xuzhou, seeing Father at his messy courtyard and thinking about Grandma, I could no longer control my tears.


  1. 屋里一片狼藉。

    The house is a mess.

  2. 浴室里一片狼藉。

    The showers are a mess.

  3. 秽物狼藉的海滩

    beaches covered with pollution

  4. 船里面一片狼藉。

    The ship's interior was an utter shambles.

  5. 而急诊室一片狼藉

    and the E. R. looks like it was ransacked.

  6. 礁湖里尸体狼藉。

    The lagoon was cluttered with corpses

  7. 她给这里留下一片狼藉

    she left the place a total disaster.

  8. 聚会后, 房子里一片狼藉。

    The house was in chaos after the party.

  9. 车祸现场疮痍满目一片狼藉。

    Everywhere near the scene of the car accident, destruction meets the eye.

  10. 车祸现场疮痍满目一片狼藉。

    Everywhere near the scene of the car accident, destruction meets the eye.

  11. 宴会之后,屋子里一片狼藉。

    After the party the house was a shambles.

  12. 屋子久未整理,一片狼藉。

    This room hasn't been tidied for ages – it's a complete mess.

  13. 这一片狼藉是怎么回事

    What was the fight this morning?

  14. 我家被你弄得一片狼藉

    You're too messy.

  15. 她离开时厨房里一片狼藉。

    The kitchen was in a disgusting state when she left.

  16. 狂欢聚会后,屋里一片狼藉。

    The house is in a mess after a wild party.

  17. 大水过后, 满处都是狼藉的景象。

    After the inundation, things were scatter about in a mess everywhere.

  18. 大水过后,满处都是狼藉的景象。

    After the inundation, things were scatter about in a mess everywhere.

  19. 他看着这一片狼藉,勉强地笑了笑。

    He looked at the mess and smiled weakly.

  20. 除了厨房特别干净外,这地方一片狼藉。

    Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.

  21. 她往起居室里看去, 写字台边一片狼藉。

    Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion overwriting desk.

  22. 既然巧克力有如此多好处,为什么一直名声狼藉?

    Why, then, has chocolate gotten such a bum reputation

  23. 狂风暴雨横扫全国,所到之处,一片狼藉。

    Torrential rain and a howling tempest cut a swathe of destruction across the country.

  24. 曾经是一家杂货铺,现在黑黑乎乎地,一片狼藉。

    What was once a grocery shop is now a blackened mess.

  25. 烟花短暂的灿烂过后,有谁去收拾遍地的狼藉。

    After a short splendid fireworks, who to clear up the messy everywhere.

  26. 一个声明狼藉的中美洲非法武器走私贩。

    A notorious smuggler of illegal arms from Central America.

  27. 然而, 在欢乐之后, 却留下了一片狼藉的教室。

    However, after the joy, but left behind a messy classroom.

  28. 跳完舞之后,整个舞厅一片狼藉,死气沉沉,空空如也。

    After the dance the littered and lifeless ballroom echoed hollowly.

  29. 跳完舞之后,整个舞厅一片狼藉,死气沉沉,空空如也。

    After the dance the littered and lifeless ballroom echoed hollowly.

  30. 最初他对报纸给他引起的狼藉名声感到很害羞。

    At first he was bashful about the notoriety which the newspaper caused.


  1. 问:狼藉拼音怎么拼?狼藉的读音是什么?狼藉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狼藉的读音是lángjí,狼藉翻译成英文是 messy



狼藉 (láng jí),形容乱七八糟;杂乱不堪;声名狼藉(形容声名极坏);杯盘狼藉。