










  1. Memory above the base of a module can be precious, so the allocator should be used to allocate memory only for a function body.


  2. The Dark Plate, referencing the marshy, mysterious past of the site and city, immerses people in the landscape.


  3. However, all of these tools tend to find different bugs, so it's profitable to run each of them across any given code base.


  4. Size of the region, in bytes, starting at the base address in which all the pages have the same attributes.


  5. The base address conflicts with another device in the system . Reconfigure the adapter and software to use a different base address .


  6. The City God Temple is Heavenly's largest temple, Palace building, the base address is to be found.


  7. This option modifies the header of an executable to indicate whether the application should be randomly rebased at load time.


  8. If sufficient space is not available there , the system relocates the program .


  9. Each allocator is module-specific and ensures that the function body will be at a positive offset from the base of the module.


  1. 修改随机基址属性。

    Modify the randomized base address property.

  2. 页面目录基址寄存器

    Page directory base register.

  3. 没有可以使用的基址。

    No base address is available.

  4. 殷墟四合院式建筑基址考察

    On Building Base Site of Quadrangle in Yin Ruins

  5. 指示从基址开始的偏移量。

    Indicates an offset from a base address.

  6. 获取指定映像的内存基址。

    Gets the base memory address for the specified image.

  7. 无效的运行时间寄存器基址。

    Invalid Runtime Registers base address.

  8. 此选项设置指定文件得基址。

    This option sets the addresses for the specified files.

  9. 此选项设置指定文件的基址。

    This option sets the addresses for the specified files.

  10. 一个指针的入口点函数,相对的基址。

    A pointer to the entry point function, relative to the image base address.

  11. 首先,在堤坝的基址挖一道12英尺深的壕沟。

    First, dig a 1 or 0foot trench where the levee will go.

  12. 最初, 该指针设置为指向托管堆得基址。

    Initially, this pointer is set to the managed heap's base address.

  13. 最初,该指针设置为指向托管堆的基址。

    Initially, this pointer is set to the managed heap's base address.

  14. 指定得基址或文件偏移量没有适当对齐。

    The address or the file offset specified does not have the proper alignment.

  15. 指定的基址或文件偏移量没有适当对齐。

    The address or the file offset specified does not have the proper alignment.

  16. 基址必须进行计算以允许使用这些更大的大小。

    Base addresses must be calculated to allow for these larger sizes.

  17. 使用下表为此程序集的特定版本指定代码基址。

    Use the table below to specify codebases for specific versions of this assembly.

  18. 遗址曾被辟为农业社场院, 建筑基址已不见踪迹。

    Today, its building site is nowhere to be seen.

  19. 所描绘的建筑基址环境大多显示出清晰的风水格局。

    The paintings described foundation circumstances which mostly demonstrated the clear Feng Shui pattern.

  20. 操作系统首先尝试在程序的指定或默认基址加载程序。

    The operating system first attempts to load a program at its specified or default base address.

  21. 操作系统首先尝试在程序得指定或默认基址加载程序。

    The operating system first attempts to load a program at its specified or default base address.

  22. 如果该基址处没有足够的空间可用,则系统将重定位程序。

    If sufficient space is not available there, the system relocates the program.

  23. 城隍庙是吴山上最大的神庙,仿宫殿式建筑,基址可寻。

    The City God Temple is Heavenly's largest temple, Palace building, the base address is to be found.


  1. 问:基址拼音怎么拼?基址的读音是什么?基址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:基址的读音是jī zhǐ,基址翻译成英文是 base address

  2. 问:基址图拼音怎么拼?基址图的读音是什么?基址图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:基址图的读音是jī zhǐ tú,基址图翻译成英文是 plot plan

  3. 问:基址寄存器拼音怎么拼?基址寄存器的读音是什么?基址寄存器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:基址寄存器的读音是jī zhǐ jì cún qì,基址寄存器翻译成英文是 base register

  4. 问:基址寄存器寻址拼音怎么拼?基址寄存器寻址的读音是什么?基址寄存器寻址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:基址寄存器寻址的读音是jī zhǐ jì cún qì xún zhǐ,基址寄存器寻址翻译成英文是 base register addressing


