


1. 嗯 [g]2. 嗯 [ńg]3. 嗯 [ňg]嗯 [g]叹词,表示应允或肯定。表示叹惜,或语气上的间歇。嗯 [ńg]叹词。表示疑问。 ~!你怎么还没去?嗯 [ňg]叹词。表示出乎意外或不以为然。……


1. 嗯 [g]2. 嗯 [ńg]3. 嗯 [ňg]嗯 [g]叹词,表示应允或肯定。表示叹惜,或语气上的间歇。嗯 [ńg]叹词。表示疑问。 ~!你怎么还没去?嗯 [ňg]叹词。表示出乎意外或不以为然。……



汉语拼音:ǹg ǹg







  1. No. We had no idea. It was a Disney Channel movie, you know? And now, we're on the big screen. -Mm-hmm.


  2. Mm-hmm. -But I think he came out looking wonderful in this. It showed that he had a sense of humor, that he has very fast moves. . .


  3. he could get some of the chaps to take a look around for you. They might need a little currency waved under their noses, though, what?


  4. man: right. is there much awareness of the book and now the movie that you know of in the young adult community?


  5. and I think that we're going to see this with. . . -Mm-hmm. -. . . you know, not only a Justice Department under Obama. . .


  6. So, I mean, if they're gonna follow me around all day I might as well make friends with them, you know? -Mm-hmm.


  7. Yep, you know I am not the Guangzhou native, but I am very interested in this city, so I am eager to know more about Guangzhou.


  8. Mm-hmm. -It's just a horrible thing and. . . I mean, it sucked. But thankfully, it's over now. -It's over.


  9. Uh-huh. Let's see. Uhm, well, first you need to lose any kind of empathy. You can't be empathetic at all. That's number one.


  1. 嗯嗯, 宝宝睡。

    Hushabye, baby.

  2. 嗯嗯,宝宝睡。

    Hushabye, baby.

  3. 嗯嗯。是不对劲。

    Hmmm.It is wrong.

  4. 嗯嗯。是不对劲。

    Hmmm. It is wrong.

  5. 嗯嗯我想是做仰卧起坐

    Daniela Um, um, I think to do situps

  6. 嗯嗯,听起来确实诱人哪。

    Mmm, that does sound tempting.

  7. 嗯嗯,长官,看来是少了点。

    Hmm. You seem to be a little short, sir.

  8. 他嗯嗯啊啊地支吾了几句。

    He hemmed and hawed.

  9. 嗯嗯。你好面熟。史隆, 对吧

    Hmm. You look familiar. Sloane, wasnt It

  10. 他只是嗯嗯呃呃, 最后还是拒绝表态。

    He just hummed and hahed, and finally refused to commit himself.

  11. 嗯嗯。就是不同的风格的事, 你知道?

    Mmhmm. Its just something different, you know

  12. 嗯嗯, 低级失误还是不少, 要稳健, 加油加油!

    Concept of development is mainly a stylistic and rhetorical rather than substantial.

  13. 嗯, 嗯嗯。这是一个利用干硬面包的好方法。

    Mmm, yumyum. What a good way to use up stale bread.

  14. 嗯嗯!一定要努力学习, 做个品学兼优的学生!

    Huh! We must study hard to be a high academic students!

  15. 嗯嗯, 上校, 你算错了, 这里的钱不够。

    Hmm. You may have miscalculated a little, Stone. That's not going to cover It.

  16. 她很古怪, 你知道, 没有朋友的黯淡女孩。嗯嗯。

    Shes like the weird, you know, darkish girl who has no friends. Mmhmm.

  17. 嗯, 我的两个男孩在这里出生, 他们是双重公民。嗯嗯。

    Well, my two boys were born here, theyre dual citizens. Mmhmm.

  18. 嗯, 嗯, 责任和任务是什么呢?

    Mmhm And what are the responsibilities

  19. 男嗯,嗯,这是因为这个项链,你们美丽的钻石项链。

    M Well, Well, it was all because of that necklace, your beautiful diamond necklace.

  20. 嗯, 嗯。我一直都很有兴趣。发送到我的任务简报。

    Mmhm. Always interested. Just send me the briefing.

  21. 嗯, 在。嗯。布拉肯里奇高中。

    Uh. at. um. Brackenridge High School.

  22. 嗯,有的。

    Yes, I did.

  23. 妳知道,嗯。

    You know, um.

  24. 嗯,可以。

    Yes. That will be fine.

  25. 嗯,有意思。

    Hmm, interesting.

  26. 嗯,我知道

    Yes, I know.

  27. 嗯,人言可畏。

    Huh.Being kept down by the man.

  28. 我知道 嗯。

    I know.Um.

  29. 嗯,我明白

    Yeah, I know.

  30. 嗯,我确定

    Yeah. I'm sure.




【注音】:én én

【释义】:1.用以表示肯定、同意、满足(令人喜悦之事)。 2.表示愉快满意的惊叹语,尤其是在尝食物时。如:嗯嗯呃呃。 3.拟声词(模拟便秘时用力的声音),表示上大号。


【注音】:ňg ňg


【举例】:1. 嗯嗯,我还没睡醒呢,妈妈,我不起床。2.嗯嗯,我不去,妈妈去我才去。