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禽兽或其他动物的巢穴,喻坏人聚居的地方:~巢。鸟~。贼~。临时搭成的简陋的小屋:~棚。~铺。喻人体或物体所占的位置:~子。挪个~儿。洼陷的地方:酒~儿。心~儿。弄弯,使曲折:把铁丝~过来。藏匿犯法的人或东西:~主。~匪。~藏(cáng )。……
汉语拼音:yǎn wō
杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第二章:“ 王团长 眼窝深陷,脸像被心火烧焦了似的。” 魏巍 《朝鲜人》:“我看着他的脸……已经黑瘦了,颧骨也高了,眼窝也深了。” 阿章 《寒夜的别离》:“他那隆起的鼻梁和那微微凹进去的眼窝,给人一种威严的感觉。”
He plunges his knife into a sheep's eye socket, takes out the eye, cuts it in half, discards the pupil and pops the remainder in his mouth.
他一刀插入羊的眼窝,取出眼球,把它切成两半,扔掉瞳孔,一下子把余下的部分都放进嘴里。His eyes were sunken deep into his head and he had lost at least five pounds. He could barely respond to my questions.
他的两个眼窝深深地陷入脑袋里,起码瘦了五磅,几乎不能对我提出的问题作出反应。The brain is also learning to control her breathing and body temperature and her eyes are beginning to move in their sockets.
大脑也开始学着控制她的呼吸、体温,她的眼睛也开始能在眼窝里打转了。Across the room, strapped to a strange medical table, and with a pair of gaping sockets where his eyes should have been, lay Tyler Scindere.
越过这个实验室,实验体在一个古怪的医疗桌上被用绑带固定着,眼窝处只剩下两个黑洞洞的空穴,那里躺着泰勒-辛德尔。I'm going to work, and my punched-out eye sockets are two swollen-up black bagels around the little piss holes I have left to see through.
我每天还继续上班,我被打肿的眼窝就像是两个黑色的甜甜圈,中间只留了个尿道口给我看东西。Small and wiry, with sunken eyes and dark bushy hair, he had nervous tics that caused his hands, feet and face to twitch constantly.
他身材矮小、清瘦结实、眼窝深陷并长着深色浓密的头发,他患有神经性痉挛,使他的手、脚和面部肌肉会经常抽搐。She was a stocky square-built woman with hard red cheeks, a flat top to her head, prominent brows and deep-set, suspicious eyes.
她粗壮的像根木桩,面颊深红,头平额凸,眼窝深陷而充满怀疑。The two refugees wore in rags, had sunken eyes and scores all over their arms and legs.
那两个难民衣衫褴褛,四肢长满脓疮,眼窝深陷着。When confronted with a celebrity, the team documented heightened activity in a certain part of the brain - the medial orbitofrontal cortex.