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1. 埋 [mái]2. 埋 [mán]埋 [mái]葬:~葬。把东西放在坑里用土、雪、落叶盖上:掩~。~地雷。隐藏:~没(mò)。~伏。~头。隐姓~名。埋 [mán]〔~怨〕因为事情不如意而对人或事物表示不满、责怪(“怨”读轻声)。……
汉语拼音:mái xiàn
In the renovation, each road must use the main line of 2. 5 mm copper wire, embedding in the wall insulation must wear a set of PVC pipe.
在装修中,每一路主线必须使用2.5毫米的铜线,在墙里埋线时必须穿套PVC绝缘管。High-energy ultraviolet radiation treatment group, catgut implantation, ear pricking, ear pressure medicine approach to treatment.
治疗组采用高能紫外线照射、穴位埋线、耳背刺络、耳压中医方式进行治疗。Objective: To observe clinical curative effect of irritable bowel syndrome by the treatment of burying line nearby spinal column echo area.
目的:观察脊柱旁反射区埋线疗法对腹泻型肠易激综合征的临床疗效。Objective To explore the factors influencing the clinical therapeutic effect of micro-invasion catgut embedding therapy.
目的:探讨影响微创埋线疗法临床疗效的因素。Objective: To observe the clinical effect on simple obesity treated by catgut implantation at acupoint and auricular-plaster therapy.
目的:观察穴位埋线加耳压疗法治疗单纯性肥胖症的疗效。Methods The eye outside corner fat was separated with micro-invasive technique and buried the line to forming double eyelid.
方法用显微外科手术器械取出外眦部眶隔脂肪,然后行埋线重睑成形术。Conclusion: The acupoint catgut embedding is effective in treating simple obesity, and has a stable efficacy.
结论:快速埋线法是治疗单纯性肥胖的有效方法,疗效确切。ConclusionsAcupoint catgut-embedding therapy is a new, simple, effective acupuncture method with no side-effect.
结论穴位埋线是一种简单、有效、无副作用的针灸治疗方法。abstract: Objective To observe the effect of Acupoint Thread Embedding on the motor function of children with cerebral palsy.