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1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……
汉语拼音:huì shì
明 清 科举制度,每三年会集各省举人于京城考试为“会试”。
《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“少年发科,到都下会试。”《儒林外史》第七回:“﹝ 荀玫 ﹞怱怱进京会试,又中了第三名进士。” 清 林则徐 《请定乡试同考官校阅章程并预防士子剿袭诸弊折》:“臣前任京职曾充乡试考官二次,会试同考官一次。”
太平天囯 在 天京 (今 江苏 南京 )举行的考试。连同乡试,构成 太平天囯 的考试制度。
I know some people who say "Well, you know there's just so much out there, I can't do anything. I not going to even begin to try. "
我知道有些人会说“这样的悲剧日日上演,我对此无能为力,我也不会试着去帮助。”I sometimes try to imagine her life, to see her life and myself through her eyes.
有时我会试着去想像她的生活,去了解她以及她眼中的我。Idea 3: Kathleen wasn't knocked out, but nobody is able to hear her while she's in the vault. Does she try to explore the vault?
想法三:凯萨琳没有昏过去,但没有人听到她在地窖里喊叫,她会试著探勘这个地窖吗?Even when he is confronted with witnesses and is therefore bound to admit his guilt, he will still try to justify himself in some other way.
即使他面对证人无可抵赖时,他仍然会试着用其他方法来替自己辩护。We are trying to determine what impacts these proposals will have on business, intentionally or unintentionally.
我们会试着分辨出那些可能会有意或无意地对公司产生负面影响的提案。I was too scared to ask what this meant, but said I would give it a go.
我太害怕了都没有去问那是什么意思,而是说我会试一试。I'm going to try and save you all the time and all the money and go through it in the next three minutes, so bear with me.
我会试着帮你节省点时间和钞票在接下来的三分钟里关于这究竟是怎么回事,且听我一一道来。We're trying to make the skills work so that afk macroing skills has no significant advantage over training skills "the regular way" .
我们会试著让使用自动化程式去练技能不会比正常的训练方式有显著的优势。With older children we try to distract them. If you do the usual holding and comforting, I'm not sure how much sucrose would add.