


1. 只 [zhī]2. 只 [zhǐ]只 [zhī]量词:一~鸡。单独的,极少的:~身。片纸~字。只 [zhǐ]仅仅,惟一:~是(a.仅仅是;b.表示强调限于某个情况或范围;c.但是)。表示限于某个范围:~顾。~管。~见树木,不见森林。……





汉语拼音:zhǐ gù







  1. 仅仅顾及。

    《儒林外史》第三四回:“俗语説:‘只顾羊卵子,不顾羊性命。’” 毛泽东 《论十大关系》四:“为此,就不能只顾一头,必须兼顾国家、集休和个人三个方面,也就是我们过去常说的‘军民兼顾’、‘公私兼顾’。”《水浒传》第三回:“主人家连声应道:‘提辖只顾自去,但吃不妨,只怕提辖不来赊。’”

  2. 副词。表示专一不变。


  3. 副词。尽管。



  1. The waiter didn't know her legs can't walk, and take her to see that beautiful bird.


  2. Working on a goal can be like climbing a mountain you think if you just keep your head down and go you'll get to the top quicker.


  3. The mother has shown a poor sense of responsibility, often gallivanting off somewhere and leaving the children on their own.


  4. Maria thought speaking out of the question, and the gentlemen did nothing but eat and admire.


  5. She could not speak with anyone, and she had no desire to laugh. She sat there, looking only at her work.


  6. Women who love oral will become highly aroused as you focus solely on her clit to provide a body rocking orgasm!


  7. Even if it were their last bite, their last mouthful, they would not eat without having shared, if there were someone to receive their gift.


  8. Mr. Hatch recalled tearing off the brown paper. It had never occurred to him to look at the address.


  9. He forgot all about Lucy and went towards the light, which he thought was the open door of the wardrobe.


  1. 他只顾赚钱。

    He's just trying to make money.

  2. 我只顾高兴了。

    I got all excited.

  3. 他只顾埋头苦读。

    He cloistered himself away with his books.

  4. 他只顾埋头读书。

    He cloistered himself away with his books.

  5. 资本家只顾积累财富。

    The capitalists only care about the accumulation of wealth.

  6. 一味只顾自我陶醉的乐队

    a band with attitude

  7. 只顾自己不顾他人安危

    a cynical disregard for the safety of others

  8. 当今电影就是只顾赚钱。

    Movies are all about making money these days.

  9. 栗田只顾到自己逃命。

    Kurita's attention narrowed to saving himself.

  10. 那孩子只顾着吹笛子。

    The child occupied himself in playing his flute.

  11. 他就是只顾着自己高兴。

    He pleases his own sweet self.

  12. 他又只顾蹬起车来。

    He set his mind to pedalling again.

  13. 他们只顾自已升官发财。

    They cared only for their own personal promotion and prosperity.

  14. 不能只顾眼前,不管将来。

    One must not think only of the present and neglect the future.

  15. 它们只顾扑击他的哥哥。

    They were focused on his brother.

  16. 你想只顾自己,但你知道吗

    You wanna fly solo. Well, you know what?

  17. 那时候我只顾自己的家。

    In those days all I cared about was my own family.

  18. 那时候我只顾自己得家。

    In those days all I cared about was my own family.

  19. 那孩子只顾著吹笛子。

    The child occupied himself in playing his flute.

  20. 王三毛一边回答,一边只顾走。

    Wang replied without slackening his pace.

  21. 不要只顾鼻子底下的小事。

    Dont get bogged down in trivial matters.

  22. 不要只顾求索,而忘记付出。

    Don't just ask for something while forgetting to donate.

  23. 不要只顾求索,而忘记付出。

    Don't just ask for something while forgetting to donate.

  24. 我真不喜欢只顾自己的人。

    I hate people who are really into themselves.

  25. 我不可以只顾坐在这儿说话。

    I mustn't sit here talking.

  26. 不要只顾着工作,和支付账单。

    Don't settle for a job that pays the bills.

  27. 在危难的时刻人人都只顾自己。

    Each one for himself in times of peril.

  28. 你从来不考虑别人,就只顾你自己。

    You never think of anyone but yourself.

  29. 我睡不着, 只顾躺着寻思, 心猿意马。

    I lay awake thinking and mind jumping around.

  30. 每个人都只顾自己单干对不对?

    It's every man for himself, right?


  1. 问:只顾拼音怎么拼?只顾的读音是什么?只顾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:只顾的读音是zhǐgù,只顾翻译成英文是 be absorbed in; only care for




拼音:zhǐ gù 基本解释 1. [merely;simply]∶仅仅顾及 不能只顾生产,也要注意安全 2. [be absorbed in]∶表示注意力集中在某方面 他只顾低头看书,我走到他的身旁也没有察觉 详细解释 1. 仅仅顾及。 《儒林外史》第三四回:“俗语说:‘只顾羊卵子,不顾羊性命。’” 毛泽东 《论十大关系》四:“为此,就不能只顾一头,必须兼顾国家、集休和个人三个方面,也就是我们过去常说的‘军民兼顾’、‘公私兼顾’。”《水浒传》第三回:“主人家连声应道:‘提辖只顾自去,但吃不妨,只怕提辖不来赊。’” 2. 副词。表示专一不变。 《水浒传》第四二回:“远远望见一个去处,只顾走。” 3. 副词。尽管。