







汉语拼音:jià shi








  1. 姿势;姿态。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十一章:“ 白莉苹 喜欢演话剧,不久之后就要去当电影明星。此刻她拿出了演戏的架势。” 康濯 《买牛记》:“儿说娘不行,并比划着娘上地的架势。”

  2. 谓有姿势,好看。

    邹韬奋 《关于青年训练的严重问题·附<寄来的通讯>》:“他站着像一根钢柱似的,多架势!威风!”《中国歌谣资料·天顶一条虹》:“革命铰掉辫,娘仔放脚缠。脚缠放来真架势。”

  3. 形势;势头。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第一章:“你看今年春旱的那个架势啊,眼看咱老革命根据地的人就没活法了。”《花城》1981年第1期:“看那架势,无论 王叔叔 说什么,都会招致武力解决问题。”

  4. 阵势;场面。

    《太平天囯歌谣传说集·徐泰吉找死》:“ 徐泰吉 带了团练驻在 黎里 北面的 清风桥 一带,摆好架势,想打太平军一个措手不及。” 水运宪 《祸起萧墙》:“双方都想出了很多驳斥对方的新理由,挖出了另外一些刁难对方的新问题,架势一拉开比头天更加激烈。”

  5. 方言。开始或开始某种工作。

    沙汀 《淘金记》二二:“‘难怪哇,’他嘲弄地说,发觉出她手里捏着一点腊菜,‘偷腊肉吃哩!’…‘好,架势塞吧!’ 白酱丹 娇纵地说。”常德高腔《祭头巾》:“好好记着,来,‘架势’啦!”



  1. Bunt was probably a nickname given to him at school, for going around with his head lowered, ready to bump and shove anybody aside.


  2. Mr. Bush's portrait of Mr. Cheney reaffirms many reporters' depiction of him as a steamrolling force for military intervention in Iraq.


  3. They always give an air of importance, as if women are far less important.


  4. So, after the baptism, lurking maliciously at the font, I found myself squaring up to one of the godmothers with disapproval in my eye.


  5. A young guy having fun to see their aunt, also next to a posture ready to shoot.


  6. And do not ignore it, got to, put out a general fighting the enemy's posture, and consciously handsome spent.


  7. Mrs. Zuckerman stood ready to head him off if he started for the garden, and now Mr. Zuckerman was coming down toward him carrying a pail.


  8. On her return to America she said: "Germany has gone to war already and the rest of the world does not believe it. "


  9. In fact, huge Russian reinforcements poured in, and within a few days were poised to take Tbilisi.


  1. 名人架势也非管用。

    So much for star status.

  2. 摆开架势迎击敌人

    make a stand against the enemy

  3. 摆出一副霸主的架势

    assume the posture of lord

  4. 摆出一副吓人的架势

    assume an intimidating posture

  5. 摆摆架势,她高贵的丈夫说。

    Posing and posturing, said her noble husband.

  6. 他做出要打她的架势。

    He made as if to strike her.

  7. 别摆出一副严父的架势。

    Don't come the stern father.

  8. 他摆出一副贵族的架势。

    The put on the air of an aristocrat.

  9. 靖国神社大鸟居有多架势。

    How big is the Torii of Yasukuni Shrine

  10. 摆出一副海上霸主的架势

    assume the posture of lord of the seas

  11. 他卷起袖子,摆开了架势。

    He tucked up his sleeves and squared his elbows.

  12. 摆出乒坛皇后王楠的架势。

    She postured like Wang Nan, the ping pong queen.

  13. 摆出交战或争吵的架势或腔调

    a belligerent gesture or tone

  14. 你没看到桌上那架势吗

    Are you not sitting at that table?

  15. 你没看到桌上那架势吗?

    Are you not sitting at that table?

  16. 你没看到桌上那架势吗?

    Are you not sitting at that table?

  17. 怎么,你这架势是在吓唬我吗?

    What, you're trying to intimidate me with that attitude?

  18. 看他们的架势, 是来找碴打架的。

    They seem to have come only to pick a quarrel with us.

  19. 看他们的架势, 是来找茬打架的。

    They seem to have come only to pick a quarrel with us.

  20. 张强说话时,一副摩拳擦掌的架势。

    Zhang Qiang speak when a of ready posture.

  21. 他以引人注意的架势打开了门。

    He opened the door with a flourish.

  22. 两个摔跤运动员摆好架势,准备交手。

    The two wrestlers squared away against each other.

  23. 你拿方向盘的姿势很对, 真有些架势。

    You hold the wheel good. you're a real pro.

  24. 他脱掉上衣,摆出一副打架的架势。

    He tore off his coat and assumed a fighting posture.

  25. 我摆出的一副对抗架势令他暴跳如雷。

    It needled him that I put on a bold front

  26. 他站在那里摆出一副咄咄逼人的架势。

    He stood there in a threatening attitude.

  27. 为掩盖脑子缺陷而装出来的一种架势。

    A pose assumed to hide the faults of the mind.

  28. 四名决赛者在现场摆出赛拳的架势。

    The four finalists squared off on the spot.

  29. 四名决赛者在现场摆出赛拳的架势。

    The four finalists squared off on the spot.

  30. 他不会干农活,拿起耙子来没个架势。

    He was a poor hand at farming and held his rake clumsily.


  1. 问:架势拼音怎么拼?架势的读音是什么?架势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:架势的读音是jiàshi,架势翻译成英文是 stance



