











汉语拼音:jì xù nǔ lì



  1. The Delegation concluded by saying that it would be interesting to look at such a proposal and that work should continue in that direction.


  2. Jonas Gilbart said, "Step by step, Chinese Hurdling hero Liu Xiang continues to work his way back to the top of his sport. "


  3. Enjoy this special time together, celebrate the successes of a year gone by, and prepare for hard work to be rewarded in the new year.


  4. And I picked him up by his shirt collar and said, "Keep going, keep going. "


  5. However, I did not let this affect me and I continued to try my best.


  6. "The United States is pleased with this progress and will continue to work hard to strengthen U. N. democracy efforts, " she said.


  7. So we kept on going, and this camel kept on trying to take a chunk out of my leg.


  8. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo.


  9. "They came out with applications that were terrible, " Jobs recalled, "but they kept at it and they made them better. "


  1. 继续努力!

    Carry on the good effort!

  2. 俞望,继续努力!

    Yu wang, make an extra effort!

  3. 很好,继续努力

    Good, keep working.

  4. 务必要继续努力。

    Do persevere in your efforts.

  5. 你们要继续努力。

    You must continue to work hard.

  6. 继续努力,不要泄劲!

    Keep at it, don't relax!

  7. 好的,大家继续努力

    All right. Keep trying, folks.

  8. 他忍受侮辱继续努力。

    He swallowed the insults and kept on working.

  9. 我们大家必须继续努力。

    We must all keep on trying.

  10. 继续努力和做好榜样

    To step up and be leaders.

  11. 队长鼓励队员们继续努力。

    Urge sb on, The captain urged his team on.

  12. 继续努力, 不要泄劲儿!

    Keep at it, don't slacken off!

  13. 但是女孩子们继续努力奋斗。

    But the girls carried on working hard.

  14. 只要她们愿意继续努力读书。

    You know, if they work hard and stay in school.

  15. 消防队员正继续努力灭火。

    Firefighters are continuing working hard to now fully extinguish the blaze.

  16. 消防队员正继续努力灭火。

    Firefighters are continuing working hard to now fully extinguish the blaze.

  17. 非常欣赏你的作品,继续努力!

    Im to admire your works, strive!

  18. 求生的欲望驱使他们继续努力。

    The urge to survive drove them on.

  19. 不管你感觉多么糟糕,继续努力。

    No matter how bad you feel, keep trying.

  20. 他是放弃了还是在继续努力?

    Did he give up or keep on trying?

  21. 一次不灵, 别泄气, 继续努力。

    If it doesnt work first time round, repeat with gusto.

  22. 政府继续努力不懈纾缓失业问题10。9。1998

    Government keeps up efforts to ease unemployment 10.9.1998

  23. 干得好,巴波斯,继续努力。

    Well done, Babs. Keep it upSeems like Mayordomo got up on the wrong side of the bed

  24. 如果你继续努力, 成功便指日可待。

    If you keep on working hard, your success is in the not too distant future.

  25. 总之,我会继续努力,更上一步。

    I will keep my word, you know?

  26. 你的活干得不错,继续努力吧!

    Jay You did a good job! Keep up the good work!

  27. 你还没找到好方法,继续努力吧

    I practiced with Arizona last night.

  28. 我们将继续努力工作使我们国家富强。

    We'll keep on working hard to make our country rich and strong.

  29. 好文章,有意境!楼主继续努力哦!

    Good article, there are artistic conceptions!

  30. 我不得不继续努力克服磁盘的故障。

    I had to continue to try to overcome the disk's reticence.



凡事格外出力 我这种小角色 欠缺先决运气 唯有对你一直专心努力 从没有权消极 我这种普通货色 笑我怎厚待你 就算再费心力不一样的 别人随便做便人人爱慕 我用十倍的气力来做 若然还不好就重头深造 缘份继续用努力补 若得不到爱的分数 有点感动到亦算好 功过我不知道 也愿劳力让你看到 凡事格外出力 我这种小角色 欠缺先决运气 唯有对你一直专心努力 从没有权消极 我这种普通货色