




1. 系 [xì]2. 系 [jì]系 [xì]有联属关系的:~统。~列。~数。水~。世~。高等学校中按学科分的教学单位:中文~。化学~。关联:干~。关~。联结,栓:~缚。~绊。~马。维~。名誉所~。牵挂:~恋。~念。是:确~实情。把人或东……



汉语拼音:zhí xì









  1. 袍子。

    《宣和遗事》前集:“天子道:‘恐卿不信。’遂解下龙凤鮫綃直繫,与了 师师 。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语》卷九:“ 翀 ( 姚翀 )遂縋城而出,以直繫书 青州姚 通判,以长竿揭之马前,往见 李姑姑 。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷七:“蓝直繫有功夫,做得依规矩。” 凌景埏 校注:“直繫,袍子。也有人说:就是直裰。”

  2. 指直接血统关系或婚姻关系。如祖孙、父子、母女及夫妻关系。

  3. 民国 初年北洋军阀派系之一,直系军阀的省称。先后以 冯国璋 、 曹锟 、 吴佩孚 为首领。因 冯国璋 为 河北 人, 河北省 旧名 直隶省 ,故称此派系为直系。

    胡绳 《帝国主义与中国政治》第六章:“ 曹锟 吴佩孚 的直系势力高喊着反对亲日派卖国而登台,但事实表明他们也不过是 美国 与 英国 帝国主义的工具。”



  1. If Arthur is a direct descendant of Septimus, his mother or grandmother's age is more of a limiting factor for childbirth than his father.

  2. The immediate family is closer to the front, so they aren't likely to see it.

  3. She interviewed immediate family members, her mother's friends, and her mother's doctor at the time of her death.

  4. Six of these individuals, including Qadafi himself and his immediate family members, are also subject to a freeze of their assets.

  5. Roger: Well, for immediate family you do. My great aunt was kind of a distant relative, so the company won't pay for the hours.

  6. Relatives is still as part of a family, but does not undertake directly-related members of one's family obligation of basic.

  7. is usually celebrated between the immediate families of spouses in the late afternoon the day before the wedding.

  8. Two European officials said the names of Mr. Mubarak and his immediate family weren't on the list.

  9. "I think, in all honesty, " he said, "we don't yet know which species was our earliest direct ancestor in the human evolutionary line. "


  1. 直系尊卑亲属

    relative in the direct line of descent

  2. 祖先直系的祖辈

    A direct ancestor.

  3. 晚辈直系血亲

    direct lineal descendant.

  4. 红宝石直系直销商

    Ruby Direct Distributor Tsui Kit

  5. 他是直系子孙。

    He is the lineal descendant.

  6. 一位直系亲属的死亡

    the death of a close relative

  7. 我认为只是直系家属。

    I think just the immediate family.

  8. 直系后代某祖先的直系后代后代

    Direct descent from a particular ancestor ancestry.

  9. 绘制您的直系亲属图。

    Draw a diagram of your immediate family.

  10. 她是皇室的直系亲属。

    She is related lineally to the royal family.

  11. 她是皇室的直系亲属。

    she is related lineally to the Royal Family.

  12. 我们只告诉了直系亲属。

    We've only told the immediate family.

  13. 公司创始人的直系后裔

    a lineal descendant of the company's founder

  14. 他是皇室的直系後裔。

    He is directly descended from royalty.

  15. 申请中可包括直系亲属。

    Immediate family members may be included in the application.

  16. 遗传不一定是直系的。

    Inheritance may not ascend linearly.

  17. 他是皇室的直系后裔。

    He is directly descended from royalty.

  18. 创业者翡翠直系直销商

    Founders Emerald Director Distributor Cora Wong

  19. 输送氧气的生物的直系后裔。

    a billion years ago in the atmosphere of the Earth.

  20. 他们两人好像不是直系亲属。

    There seems to be no direct relationship between the two.

  21. 他是名门望族的直系后裔。

    He is lineally descended from a respectable family.

  22. 他是公司创始人的直系后裔。

    He is a lineal descendant of the company's founder.

  23. 他们是荷兰移民的直系后裔。

    They were the direct descendants of the Dutch settlers.

  24. 直系的属于或成为祖先的直系后代

    Belonging to or being in the direct line of descent from an ancestor.

  25. 他是一位移民的直系後裔。

    He is descended lineally from an immigrant.

  26. 他是一位移民的直系后裔。

    He is descended lineally from an immigrant.

  27. 他鄙视直系亲属圈子以外的人。

    He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.

  28. 只给的子女和直系家庭购物。

    So they are only buying for children and immediate family members.

  29. 通常她只会吐在直系亲属身上。

    Usually, she only throws up on immediate family.

  30. 通常她只会吐在直系亲属身上。

    Usually, she only throws up on immediate family.


  1. 问:直系拼音怎么拼?直系的读音是什么?直系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系的读音是zhíxì,直系翻译成英文是 close; direct

  2. 问:直系亲属拼音怎么拼?直系亲属的读音是什么?直系亲属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系亲属的读音是zhíxìqīnshǔ,直系亲属翻译成英文是 directly related family members

  3. 问:直系地拼音怎么拼?直系地的读音是什么?直系地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系地的读音是,直系地翻译成英文是 lineally

  4. 问:直系的拼音怎么拼?直系的的读音是什么?直系的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系的的读音是,直系的翻译成英文是 lineal

  5. 问:直系后代拼音怎么拼?直系后代的读音是什么?直系后代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系后代的读音是zhí xì hòu dài,直系后代翻译成英文是 lineal descendant

  6. 问:直系后裔拼音怎么拼?直系后裔的读音是什么?直系后裔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系后裔的读音是zhíxìhòuyì,直系后裔翻译成英文是 lineal descendant

  7. 问:直系姻亲拼音怎么拼?直系姻亲的读音是什么?直系姻亲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系姻亲的读音是zhí xì yīn qīn,直系姻亲翻译成英文是 lineal affinity

  8. 问:直系子嗣拼音怎么拼?直系子嗣的读音是什么?直系子嗣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系子嗣的读音是zhí xì zǐ sì,直系子嗣翻译成英文是 bodily issue

  9. 问:直系家庭拼音怎么拼?直系家庭的读音是什么?直系家庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系家庭的读音是zhí xì jiā tíng,直系家庭翻译成英文是 directly related family

  10. 问:直系尊亲拼音怎么拼?直系尊亲的读音是什么?直系尊亲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系尊亲的读音是zhí xì zūn qīn,直系尊亲翻译成英文是 ascending line

  11. 问:直系祖先拼音怎么拼?直系祖先的读音是什么?直系祖先翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系祖先的读音是zhí xì zǔ xiān,直系祖先翻译成英文是 immediate forebear

  12. 问:直系继承拼音怎么拼?直系继承的读音是什么?直系继承翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系继承的读音是zhí xì jì chéng,直系继承翻译成英文是 lineal descent

  13. 问:直系血亲拼音怎么拼?直系血亲的读音是什么?直系血亲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系血亲的读音是zhíxìxuèqīn,直系血亲翻译成英文是 lineal relative by blood

  14. 问:直系血统拼音怎么拼?直系血统的读音是什么?直系血统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系血统的读音是zhíxìxuètǒng,直系血统翻译成英文是 lineal descent

  15. 问:直系卑亲属拼音怎么拼?直系卑亲属的读音是什么?直系卑亲属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系卑亲属的读音是zhí xì bēi qīn shǔ,直系卑亲属翻译成英文是 descending line of descent

  16. 问:直系继承人拼音怎么拼?直系继承人的读音是什么?直系继承人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系继承人的读音是zhí xì jì chéng rén,直系继承人翻译成英文是 lineal heir

  17. 问:直系亲属担保拼音怎么拼?直系亲属担保的读音是什么?直系亲属担保翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系亲属担保的读音是zhí xì qīn shǔ dān bǎo,直系亲属担保翻译成英文是 lineal warranty

  18. 问:直系同源序列拼音怎么拼?直系同源序列的读音是什么?直系同源序列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系同源序列的读音是zhí xì tóng yuán xù liè,直系同源序列翻译成英文是 orthologous sequence

  19. 问:直系亲属所在地拼音怎么拼?直系亲属所在地的读音是什么?直系亲属所在地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系亲属所在地的读音是zhí xì qīn shǔ suǒ zài dì,直系亲属所在地翻译成英文是 place of lineal kinship

  20. 问:直系继承遗产税拼音怎么拼?直系继承遗产税的读音是什么?直系继承遗产税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直系继承遗产税的读音是zhí xì jì chéng yí chǎn shuì,直系继承遗产税翻译成英文是 lineal inheritance tax


直系,指有直接血统关系的亲系。语出《宣和遗事》前集:“天子道:‘恐卿不信。’遂解下龙凤鲛绡直系,与了师师 。”直系血亲:彼此之间有直接血缘联系的亲属,包括己身所从出和从己身所出的两部分血亲。