




核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……



汉语拼音:suàn jì










  1. 计算。

    《淮南子·俶真训》:“其道可以大美兴,而难以算计举也。”《三国志·魏志·臧洪传》:“必欲算计长短,辩諮是非。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·俭啬》:“司徒 王戎 既贵且富,区宅僮牧、膏田水碓之属, 洛下 无比,契疏鞅掌,每与夫人烛下散筹算计。”

  2. 计划。

    《后汉书·崔寔传》:“荐勋祖庙,享号 中宗 。算计见效,优於 孝文 。” 明 袁宏道 《江进之》:“省得一事,是一事便宜,此山人家穷算计也。”《水浒传》第一○三回:“ 王庆 思想身边尚有一贯钱,且到那里买些酒食吃了,再算计投那里去。”

  3. 考虑;打算。

    《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》:“ 王九妈 道:老身也曾算计过来。那些有势有力的不肯出钱,专要讨人便宜。”《儿女英雄传》第四回:“他可也没算计算计。”《老残游记》第十五回:“心里算计,这家人家,虽算乡下的首富,终久家私要保不住,因此就没有应许。”

  4. 估计。

    老舍 《牺牲》:“我算计着他们大概可以来;他不交朋友,她总不会也愿永远囚在家中吧?”

  5. 暗中谋害。

    《西游记》第十六回:“ 行者 笑道:‘他爱上我们的袈裟,算计要烧杀我们。若不是 老孙 知觉,到如今皆成灰骨矣!’”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二一:“ 李彪 呆了道:‘这分明是你店里的缘故了。见我每二人多不在,他是秀才家孤身,你就算计他了。’” 老舍 《四世同堂》八八:“如果你们俩胆敢合起来算计我,那就打错了算盘。”



  1. Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?


  2. I suppose he figured he might as well get what he could out of it.


  3. A pair of coevolutionary creatures chasing each other in an escalating arms race can only seem to veer out of control.


  4. I figured I'd get more consultation out of him if I let him.


  5. 'We have nothing left to discuss, ' I said as I hung up the phone, disgusted at myself for being so vulnerable.


  6. It wasn't a good judgement, because that was the boat that had a couple of his toes leaking out of the front end of it.


  7. But let me give you this advice as you embark on your journey here at Harvard. First, follow your passion, not your calculation.


  8. I'm thrilled that we can help others. I'm blown away by how much it has helped us.


  9. It has instead been a process marked by competition, calculation and miscalculation on both sides.


  1. 他们也会彼此算计。

    They politic with one another.

  2. 这显得有些精于算计。

    It looks so calculating.

  3. 她没有算计过, 她没有策划过。

    She did not calculate and she did not maneuver.

  4. 他们声称对手正在算计他们。

    They claimed that their opponents were scheming against them.

  5. 不要靠算计人过日子。

    Don't be scheming against others all the time.

  6. 我想真诚, 而不是算计。

    Instead of calculating, I want to be honest.

  7. 我们算计费用约为50元。

    We calculated the cost to the nearest 50 dollars.

  8. 我算计他明天会来。

    I figure he will come here tomorrow.

  9. 由于,靓丽淑女算计不精。

    As brighter ladies do not count it strange.

  10. 脾气暴躁的喜欢算计的女人。

    a brittle and calculating woman.

  11. 我想是我爸爸把我算计了。

    I think my dad's planned me.

  12. 我在算计这事, 她们在背后算计我。

    I was planning this, but they were plotting against me.

  13. 我们算计着怎样花这些钱。

    We are considering how to spend the money.

  14. 别人一丁点儿都算计不了你。

    Nobody budged you an inch.

  15. 我正算计着要上北京去。

    I am planning a trip to beijing.

  16. 她受人算计而未获提升。

    She was done out of her promotion.

  17. 感情用事的人做事不算计一下。

    Emotional people do not stop to calculate.

  18. 她受人算计而未获得提升。

    She was done out of her promotion.

  19. 这笔钱还要好好算计一下。

    I will reckon carefully how to spend this sum of money.

  20. 百般算计不如一颗单纯的心

    A Pure Heart Outgo Considering by Every Ways

  21. 他算计着得添两件穿的。

    He would need two extra pieces of clothing.

  22. 不要相信他的话。他在算计你。

    Don't believe what he says. He's trying to dig a pit for you.

  23. 第三国得首脑, 又在算计意大利。

    Italy was the object of a third's solicitude.

  24. 第三国的首脑,又在算计意大利。

    Italy was the object of a third's solicitude.

  25. 受算计而做了有罪的许可

    trapped into making an incriminating admission.

  26. 他喜欢算计别人的工资和奖金。

    He likes to calculate people's salaries and bonuses.

  27. 他真的那么精于算计, 自命不凡吗?

    Was he as calculating and vain?

  28. 算计算计买这么多东西要多少钱。

    Work out how much all these things will cost.

  29. 王大妈算计着下月买一台彩电。

    Aunt Wang is planning to buy colour TV set next month.

  30. 更重要的是, 政治算计很容易误伤。

    More important, the political calculus could easily misfire.


  1. 问:算计拼音怎么拼?算计的读音是什么?算计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算计的读音是suànjì,算计翻译成英文是 calculate; plan