




1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……



汉语拼音:kāi huà









  1. 开展教化。

    南朝 宋 顾愿 《定命论》:“夫建极开化,树声貽则,典防之兴,由来尚矣。” 唐 李邕 《淄州刺史谢上表》:“子人开化,议事立权。”

  2. 开导;感化。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·婆罗痆斯国》:“ 迦叶波佛 出现於世,转妙法轮,开化含识,授 护明菩萨 记曰:‘是菩萨於当来世众生寿命百岁之时,当得成佛,号 释加牟尼 。’” 孙中山 《国民政府建国大纲》:“政府一面用兵力以扫除国内之障碍,一面宣传主义,以开化全国之人心,而促进国家之统一。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第三幕:“ 姜夫人 ,你对 昭君公主 少教导、少开化。”

  3. 人类文化发展,由原始状态进入有文化的状态。

    清 唐才常 《各国政教公理总论》:“其於 波斯 、 阿富汗 、 缅甸 ,奴之笞之,絏之軛之。修鐡路,通电桿,祇为手足捍头目计,其孕育其民,使为文明开化之国,无有也。” 柔石 《二月》五:“我国是四千年来的古国,开化最早,一切礼教文物,都超越乎泰西诸邦。”

  4. 思想开通,不顽固不守旧。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第十一章:“唉,旧社会嘛,人的思想都不开化,贪财爱利。” 王老九 《得宝和张大》诗:“ 张大 今年五十岁,庄稼行里也不差,就是思想不开化,人叫他‘枣木脑疙瘩’。”

  5. 化开;融解。




  1. Nobody wants to talk with you because you such a Cyclops , barbarism and stupid.


  2. And for the record, he dropped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloomer.


  3. Whether the translator can express the original meaning or not depends on his understanding of the relevant culture to a great extent.


  4. Health and the Indians as economic underdevelopment was that primitive life unpleasant, but I do not feel that.


  5. This abomination qualifies humans on this planet to be considered very "primitive" and "undeveloped" by other civilizations of the Universe.


  6. In this sense, every group has a culture, however savage, underdeveloped, or uncivilized it may seem to us.


  7. Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity ?


  8. It was a place of heathenism and superstitious rites, to be inhabited by men nearer of kin to the rocks and to the wild animals than we.


  9. OR You "re used to cheap gifts and like to pass yourself off as a cultured person who recognizes the power and beauty of the written word. "


  1. 未开化的野人

    rude savages.

  2. 使丛林部族开化。

    civilize a jungle tribe

  3. 未开化的,原始的野蛮的

    Uncivilized or barbaroussavage.

  4. 翻译教育使人类文明开化。

    It is the education that civilizes people.

  5. 他的讲座使愚昧得到开化。

    His lectures dispelled the darkness.

  6. 这是一个未开化的部落。

    This is a raw tribe.

  7. 罗马人开化了北欧许多部落。

    The Romans civilized many of the tribes of northern Europe.

  8. 就像是未曾开化的运算系统。

    Its an extremely uncivilized system.

  9. 人类经数千年才文明开化。

    The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years.

  10. 未开化的不文明的人群中的人。

    A member of an uncivilized people.

  11. 要使野蛮人开化不是简单的。

    To civilize the barbarous people is not easy.

  12. 野蛮的,未开化的文化和习惯原始的。

    Primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized.

  13. 舍尔曼周围的风光是未开化的

    The scenery around Sherman is savage.

  14. 现代社会,因竞争不断开化与进步!

    Modern society, because compete ceaseless become civilized and progress!

  15. 这些部落的开化将需很长时间。

    The civilization of these tribes will take a long time.

  16. 这些部落得开化将需很长时间。

    The civilization of these tribes will take a long time.

  17. 未开化的,奴隶或自由人等的分别。

    Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free.

  18. 罗马曾希望使所有的欧洲部落开化。

    The Romans hoped to civilize all the tribes in Europe.

  19. 罗马曾希望使所有得欧洲部落开化。

    The Romans hoped to civilize all the tribes in Europe.

  20. 这些未开化的部落人生活在雨林之中。

    These rude tribesmen live in the rain forest.

  21. 太原开化村北齐洞室墓发掘简报

    A Brief Report on the Excavation of Catacomb at Kaihua Village, Taiyuan, Shanxi Provincial

  22. 野蛮的, 未开化的文化和习惯原始的不文明的

    Primitive in culture and customs uncivilized.

  23. 咱们换个地方谈话,这里太公开化了。

    Let's talk in other place; it's too public here.

  24. 未开化的人常对大自然存有敬畏之心。

    Savages often live in awe of nature.

  25. 开化,教化文明化的行为或过程,达到文明的状态

    The act or process of civilizing or reaching a civilized state.

  26. 并非是我们不开化,只是我们的历史情况不同。

    It's not that we are not enlightened, we just had a different history.

  27. 他的着作描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。

    His book describes the march of the civilization of a primitive society.

  28. 被认为是不信教,不开化或未受启蒙的人。

    One who is regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened.

  29. 的确, 在完全开化之前, 我们有许多杀戮与野性。

    We surely have a lot of killing and savagery ahead of us before we fully civilize ourselves.

  30. 为什么在这么不开化的地方还有这些好东西?

    Why are such beautiful things confined to such barbarous countries ?


  1. 问:开化拼音怎么拼?开化的读音是什么?开化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开化的读音是kāihuà,开化翻译成英文是 become civilized; thaw

  2. 问:开化了的拼音怎么拼?开化了的的读音是什么?开化了的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开化了的的读音是,开化了的翻译成英文是 civilized

  3. 问:开化天皇拼音怎么拼?开化天皇的读音是什么?开化天皇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开化天皇的读音是,开化天皇翻译成英文是 Emperor Kaika


开化,汉语词汇。拼音:kāi huà释义:1、开展教化。2、开导;感化。3、人类文化发展,由原始状态进入有文化的状态。4、思想开通,不顽固不守旧。5、化开;融解。