







汉语拼音:fá lì





①身体疲倦 ,没有力气浑身~。②没有能力;能力不足回天~。



  1. 疲惫无力。

    鲁迅 《二心集·我们要批评家》:“扭得大家乏力了,这才放开了手。” 胡也频 《到莫斯科去》:“当开往 天津 的特别慢车开走之后,那另一辆特别慢车便乏力地开到了。”

  2. 能力不够。如:责任如此重大,个人实感乏力。



  1. Over the past 30 years, he says, 'there has never been a recession where the recovery has been so anemic as this one. '


  2. In America, momentum seems to have faded a little after a strong performance in the last quarter of 2009.


  3. But he said he would support a G7 joint statement on currencies to take the momentum out of the yen's recent rally.


  4. As a consequence, China endured a few years of relatively anemic growth in exports and GDP, and persistent deflation.


  5. "The possibility that the recent weakness in business spending will persist is an additional downside risk, " he said.


  6. And the Bank of England looks more comfortable in its steady stance given the British economic slowdown evident in recent data.


  7. But he adds that the price of failure could be a financial crisis that would probably turn anaemic growth into a recession or worse.


  8. She felt sluggish, bloated, and unable to run at an intense pace--except when a Port-a-Potty came into view.


  9. For the country is not just bust, it is deeply uncompetitive, and dealing with that will require years of painful reforms.


  1. 我浑身乏力。

    I feel run down.

  2. 子宫收缩乏力

    Uterine atony

  3. 其他子宫乏力

    Other uterine inertia.

  4. 握手软弱乏力。

    Have limp, weak handshake.

  5. 原发性子宫乏力

    Primary uterine inertia

  6. 平淡乏力的文章

    watery prose.

  7. 我感到全身乏力。

    I feel completely washed out.

  8. 他经常感到乏力。

    He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time.

  9. 原发性子宫收缩乏力

    Primary uterine atony

  10. 国际经济增长乏力

    international economy lack increasing power

  11. 继发性子宫乏力

    Secondary uterine inertia

  12. 低张力宫缩乏力

    hypotonic uterine inertia

  13. 高张性子宫乏力

    hypertonic uterine inertia

  14. 高张性宫缩乏力

    hypertonic uterine dysfunction

  15. 最近总觉得头晕乏力。

    I always feel dizzy and tired recently.

  16. 乏力, 容易患病人类现货。

    A sluggish, sick human is easy to spot.

  17. 疾病使他感到倦怠乏力。

    The illness made him feel languid.

  18. 睡眠不足使他感到乏力。

    Lack of sleep whittled his strength away.

  19. 舆论监督乏力的成因分析

    Analysis on the Cause of Tired Public Opinion Supervision

  20. 反之,则身体消瘦,肢软乏力。

    Otherwise, then the body becomes emaciated, extremity soft asthenia.

  21. 面色苍白,神疲乏力,食欲不振。

    Complexion is cadaverous, the look is weary force, inappetence.

  22. 柴油汽车行走乏力的原因浅析

    An Analysis to Power Leakage of Diesel Engine Truck in Running

  23. 我没打,可还是觉得浑身乏力。

    I didn't play. I'm still feeling sluggish.

  24. 暖风让很多人觉得乏力沮丧。

    Warm winds make many people feel enervated and depressed.

  25. 也可能出现呕吐和乏力的状况。

    Vomiting and exhaustion are also possible.

  26. 恶心, 头痛和乏力整天折磨着她。

    Queasiness, headaches and languor afflicted her all day.

  27. 我国农民增收乏力的地权约束

    Weak Land Rights Restraints in the Weak Income Growth of Chinese Peasants

  28. 她自称无辜的辩白显得空洞乏力。

    Her protestation of innocence had a hollow ring to it.

  29. 部分举措失当, 使其政策支撑乏力。

    Some policy mistakes, causing a weakness of administrative support.

  30. 这可能是人浑身乏力的原因了。

    That could explain why you are so run down.


  1. 问:乏力拼音怎么拼?乏力的读音是什么?乏力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乏力的读音是fálì,乏力翻译成英文是 To be tired and out of strength.; To be inca...