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年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……
汉语拼音:lǎo mǔ
《战国策·齐策四》:“ 孟尝君 问:‘ 冯公 有亲乎?’对曰:‘有老母。’” 宋 曾巩 《福州上执政书》:“诚以 巩 年六十,老母年八十有八。老母寓食京师,而 巩 守 闽 越 。” 元 耶律楚材 《思亲》诗之二:“故园屈指八千里,老母行年六十餘。”《水浒传》第四二回:“老母平生只爱清幽,吃不得惊諕,因此不敢取来。”
《百喻经·老母捉熊喻》:“昔有一老母在树下卧,熊欲来搏,尔时老母遶树走避。”《魏书·张谠传》:“ 高宗 曰:‘南人奇好,能重室家之义,此老母復何所任,乃能如此致费也。’”
And the daughter was exhausted from caring for her mother. And the daughter's husband, he also was sick from his wife's exhaustion.
这个女儿因为照顾老母而筋疲力竭,而女儿的丈夫也因为妻子的疲劳而患上疾病。I hope he can get as much case-dough as he can without being caught by his wife.
我希望他能留更多的私房钱赡养老母并且不被妻子发现。A small number of people ready to pack it back home to visit the home of the mother.
一小部分人则背上行囊准备回家探望家中的老母。Since the temple represents the body of Mother, when the time comes it will release violet light to protect people from the disasters.
因为佛堂代表老母的身体,届时会发出紫光保护众生,免于灾劫。When Daiyu entered the house, she saw an old lady supported by two maids's hands came to her. She knew she must be her grandmother.
黛玉方进入房时,只见两个人搀着一位鬓发如银的老母迎上来,黛玉便知是他外祖母。at one point my husband and I lived on a 500-acre ranch- just us, the dogs, the stars and an old mare that I'd ride into the forest.
曾经有段时间我跟我先生住在在500亩的大牧场里-只有我们,我们的狗,星星还有一匹我会骑著进森林的老母马。It must be a great burden nursing your old mother at home for so long.
在家赡养你的老母这么长的时间负担一定很重。He missed his father; he longed for his mother.
他惦念老父,挂念老母。One day she happened to get ten eels, so she sent them over to Mr. Yu's house so he could cook them for his aged mother.