


1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……





汉语拼音:juàn zōng






卷宗 [juàn zōng]
  1. 案卷;分类汇存的文件。亦指保存文件的夹子。

    《元典章·台纲二·刷卷须见首尾》:“被刷人员顾知已便,就行另作卷宗。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·广赓虞之死》:“﹝ 广兴 ﹞少聪敏,熟於案牘,每对客背卷宗,如瓶泻水,不餘一字。” 黎之 《从头越》三:“ 郑辉 很善于处理案头的各种材料,他迅速地翻阅着一个个卷宗。”



  1. Muller had a sheet detached from the file in front of him.


  2. It would be fitting if humanity's portfolio of new energy technologies had a place for wood, the oldest of them all.


  3. She asked him to lend her some of his lawyer's clothes and notes.


  4. After nearly three years, I began to dread opening case files and reading the grim details.


  5. For the last several months, we had been pushing Justice hard to send us more files, and they were doing better.


  6. The criminal procedure law of China has in a large set up litigant adversary model and cut down the case material sent to court.


  7. By bribing a nurse I was able to see some files.


  8. The court ordered certiorari following judicial review, quashing the order made by the juvenile court.


  9. Faced with a tight job market, many job seekers are improving their competitive edge by creating personal career portfolios.


  1. 卷宗移送方式

    deportation of files.

  2. 团长会卷宗

    Chefs de Mission Dossier.

  3. 如何创建个人职业卷宗

    How to create a career portfolio

  4. 我知道,我看过卷宗了

    Yeah, I read through the files.

  5. 逢观景窗全部卷宗。

    It closes all folder viewing windows.

  6. 这些卷宗都是机密文件

    These files are confidential.

  7. 我们近期的信件卷宗在哪里?

    Where's the file of our recent correspondence?

  8. 现在他这个卷宗已经很厚了。

    Now his file is very thick.

  9. 卷宗锁起来了,我无法取出。

    The files are locked up and I can't get at them.

  10. 你可以抹掉那两卷宗的资料。

    You can erase those two files.

  11. 他们被拒绝接触法庭卷宗和证据。

    They have been denied access to the court file and evidence.

  12. 关于刑事案件卷宗改革的法律思考

    Legal thoughts on reform of criminal case files

  13. 摘出,将错误卷宗放到如下位置。

    Out, put error file to the following location.

  14. 信件都存放在编了号的卷宗内。

    The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.

  15. 每一个卷宗需要半个小时来处理。

    It would take about a half hour to complete each.

  16. 将这些信件放入未破案件卷宗内。

    Put these letter in the unsolved cases file.

  17. 通过这些卷宗中复查了将近1300名嫌疑犯。

    From these files, close to1,300 suspects have been reviewed.

  18. 回去查一下这份卷宗,看看有什么发现。

    Let's get the case file, see what we know.

  19. 警方有关这一案件的卷宗现已封存。

    The police file on this particular case has now been closed.

  20. 这份卷宗有许多控制这部机器的指令。

    The file contains a number of directives that control the machine.

  21. 这份卷宗有许多控制这部机器得指令。

    The file contains a number of directives that control the machine.

  22. 他仔细翻遍了所有卷宗找那份文件。

    He combed all the files for that document.

  23. 你肯定没有见到那份失踪的卷宗吗?

    Are you sure you haven't seen the missing file?

  24. 所有的会议记录、卷宗和档案都必须销毁。

    All records of all meetings, files, and dossiers must be destroyed.

  25. 他随身携带一卷宗文件以便证实索赔要求。

    He drought along a file of document to back up his claim.

  26. 然而, 当她翻看泰德的卷宗时, 她大吃一惊。

    However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise.

  27. 由于案件卷宗全部丢失致使进一步的调查受阻。

    Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case.

  28. 张毅指着文件柜里的一排档案卷宗说。

    Chang pointed to a row of file cabinets file dossier said.

  29. 第二点,这些卷宗是由真正的古代鸠打印的。

    Second, these volumes were printed by an Ixian dictatel of truly ancient make.

  30. 这封卷宗涉及到新办公桌系列的所有细节情况。

    The file's got all the details of the new desk range.


  1. 问:卷宗拼音怎么拼?卷宗的读音是什么?卷宗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷宗的读音是juànzōng,卷宗翻译成英文是 file; folder

  2. 问:卷宗头拼音怎么拼?卷宗头的读音是什么?卷宗头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷宗头的读音是juàn zōng tóu,卷宗头翻译成英文是 volume header

  3. 问:卷宗副本拼音怎么拼?卷宗副本的读音是什么?卷宗副本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷宗副本的读音是juàn zōng fù běn,卷宗副本翻译成英文是 paper-book

  4. 问:卷宗头标拼音怎么拼?卷宗头标的读音是什么?卷宗头标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷宗头标的读音是juàn zōng tóu biāo,卷宗头标翻译成英文是 volume header label

  5. 问:卷宗集合拼音怎么拼?卷宗集合的读音是什么?卷宗集合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷宗集合的读音是juàn zōng jí hé,卷宗集合翻译成英文是 volume set