


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:shuō pò








  1. 把隐秘的意思或事情说出来。《宣和遗事》前集:“説破兴亡多少事,高山流水有知音。” 元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第四折:“贫僧我叮嚀的説破,看相公备细的皆知。” 茅盾 《子夜》十七:“他的心事被 孙吉人 说破了。”



  1. The hideous 18-year-old idiot had spoken the words that none of my loved ones had had the heart to say even though they were true.

  2. "I ought to have done you the common justice to explain myself, " she said, repeating my own words.

  3. But today, re-reading the passages in his lectures, it is impossible not to see that he himself was the unnamed hero.

  4. Obviously, he knew what was going on. But we left it that and went quickly to the arrangements to get him to Florida.

  5. But I know that you decided to say something even if I broke paying lip service to it is.

  6. When I realized that Emily had no symptoms, I suspected she wasn't really allergic. But I bit my tongue and was a courteous hostess.

  7. speaking poor english and hoping others to understand , it ' s only the privilege for foreign traveler.

  8. The emperor wears very few clothes so mentioning his state of undress, however obliquely , is dangerous.

  9. "If you had spoken when you ought to have spoken" I would have agreed.


  1. 就算别人说破了嘴皮,他们就是不加入。

    No matter how often they were urged, they could not bring themselves to join in.

  2. 可我知道你决定的事我就算说破嘴皮也没用。

    But I know that you decided to say something even if I broke paying lip service to it is.

  3. 然而,就算说破大天,这也不是一个革命性的版本。

    However, this is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a revolutionary release.

  4. 你要知道每个刺青背后的故事,却又不能说破它。

    You should understand every story behind the tattoo, but never present it.

  5. 都在这儿了,她说,所有的破玩意儿。

    It's all here,'she said.'Every damn thing.'

  6. 告诉我,伙计,那位大夫说我得在这破床上躺多久?

    And now, matey , did that doctor say how long I was to lie here in this old berth

  7. 富人觉得一个地方破就会这么说

    That's what rich people would say when a place is rundown.

  8. 布鞋的滚边已经让我弄破了,妈妈说要买双新的。

    The border of the shoes is worn. Mom promised to buy me a new one.

  9. 布鞋的滚边已经让我弄破了,妈妈说要买双新的。

    The border of the shoes is worn. Mom promised to buy me a new one.

  10. 有本事你破了五行罗汉阵再说。

    If you could break the five Lohans formation.

  11. 在你说破门而入之前。

    Before you could say breaking and entering.

  12. 在你说破门而入之前。

    Before you could say breaking and entering.

  13. 咱明白点说,你的车就是破铜烂铁。

    Just to be clear, your car a P. O. S.

  14. 我早说过了,别用那破玩意儿。

    I told you, never again with that piece of shit.

  15. 所以不用说, 部分制动系统将穿破了。

    So it goes without saying that parts of the braking system will wear out.

  16. 难道说你花了1500英镑买了那堆破铜烂铁!

    Do you mean to tell me you gave 1500 for that pile of scrap metal!

  17. 那可是要破腹分尸的呀,杰瑞说。

    That's quartering,'said Jerry.

  18. 什么?难道说你已经喜欢上这破地方了?

    What iz eet Ave you grown fond of ze stench down ere.

  19. 我能听会说,却只能骑一辆破自行车

    I can hear and see perfect all I got is an old bike.

  20. 说著就做出交媾得动作,把石头弄破。

    He then made the action of copulation and broke the big stone.

  21. 说著就做出交媾的动作,把石头弄破。

    He then made the action of copulation and broke the big stone.

  22. 他说我需要校正牙齿,因为我长了一口破牙。

    He says I need braces, that I have crooked teeth.

  23. 我没说什么, 但脚桥, 不破, 我不是真正的新娘。

    I said nothing but, footbridge, do not break, I am not the true bride.

  24. 说出的话要来做,许多双鞋子得磨破。说来容易做来难。

    Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out.

  25. 话说一个顽童抡起砖头, 砸破了面包店得橱窗。

    A young hoodlum, say, heaves a brick through the window of a baker's shop.

  26. 话说一个顽童抡起砖头,砸破了面包店的橱窗。

    A young hoodlum, say, heaves a brick through the window of a baker's shop.

  27. 纸箱弄破是轻易检查出来得, 我说这恰恰可以防止偷盗。

    Tampering with cartons is easily detected. I should say that this rather pilferage.

  28. 纸箱弄破是轻易检查出来的,我说这恰恰可以防止偷盗。

    Tampering with cartons is easily detected.I should say that this rather pilferage.

  29. 他说,这也是决策人从不试图刺破他们的一个原因。

    This, he said, is one reason why policymakers should never try to prick them.

  30. 好吧,我通常不和服务生说话 但就你的情况,我可以破个例。

    Okay, I usually don't talk to the help, But in your case, I'll make an exception.


  1. 问:说破拼音怎么拼?说破的读音是什么?说破翻译成英文是什么?

    答:说破的读音是shuōpò,说破翻译成英文是 to reveal; to disclose; to lay bare