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1. 尼 [ní]尼 [ní]梵语“比丘尼”的简称,佛教中出家修行的女子:~姑。~庵。削发为~。古同“昵”,相近,亲近。……
汉语拼音:sēng ní
《魏书·释老志》:“僧尼之法,不得为俗人所使。若有犯者,还配本属。” 唐 韩愈 《论佛骨表》:“即位之初,即不许度人为僧尼道士。”《资治通鉴·晋孝武帝太元十四年》:“又崇尚浮屠,穷奢极费,所亲暱者皆姏姆、僧尼。”
He trained young nuns and monks, young men and women, to help people rebuild the villages that had been bombed during the Vietnam War.
他培训年轻的僧尼和男女,去帮助人们重建在越南战争中被炸毁的村庄。Simple folk customs attractive emotional, historical Mingrenyishi inspirational, fascinating life of many monks and nuns.
淳朴的民俗风情诱人动情,历史的名人轶事给人以启迪,众多的僧尼生活引人入胜。Haining bridge of Buddhist monks and nuns hailed by the Goddess of Mercy and other places, like wood, Qiao Muyu rain chime cymbals street.
海宁斜桥等地则由僧尼捧观音木像,敲木鱼磬钹沿街求雨。Some monastic kept away with family, and buried in forms of unreligious .
有的僧尼还与世俗家庭保持着密切联系,甚至死后以俗法安葬。Existing temple 48, Buddhist monks and nuns hundreds.
现存寺院48处,僧尼数百人。Tibet now has more than 1, 700 venues for religious activities, and about 46, 000 monks and nuns.
目前西藏共有1700多处宗教活动场所,僧尼约4.6万人。Currently China has 13, 000-some Buddhist temples and about 200, 000 Buddhist monks and nuns.
现在中国有佛教寺院1.3万余座,出家僧尼约20万人。Conventual capitular abbatial monastical canonical ecclesiastical cloistral monachal
修道院的,庙宇的,僧尼的Blood Pressure Conditions And Its Correlated Factors Of Buddhist Monks And Nuns In Shaoguan District
韶关地区佛教僧尼血压状况及其相关因素的调查修道院的, 庙宇的, 僧尼的
Conventual capitular abbatial monastical canonical ecclesiastical cloistral monachal
On Buddhist Monk and Nun Characters in Chinese Popular Novels of the Late Ming Dynasty
再次, 关于隋唐时期的僧尼角色冲突。
Again, about part conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty.
The second, about actual part of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty.
首先, 关于隋唐社会所认可的僧尼的理想角色。
The first, about ideal part of monastic considered by Sui and Tang society.
有的僧尼还俗, 有的僧尼弃佛入道, 不再实践僧尼角色。
And some monastic were in secularization, or gave up Buddhism belief and believed Taoism to give up the part of monastic.
The Literary Demonstration of Love of Monks and Nuns in Dramas and Novels in Mid and Late Ming Dynasty
Haining bridge of Buddhist monks and nuns hailed by the Goddess of Mercy and other places, like wood, Qiao Muyu rain chime cymbals street.